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Serm.45. 038 SERMONS upon not of Nature ; and tho Stones orderly placed, do gire Strength and Beauty one to another, yet theydo not communicate Life and Influence ; therefore the Holy Ghoft faith, re are as living Stones. 3. It is not Reprefentation only, as all Perfons are in their common Perfon and Re- prefentation. This is a part of the Privilege, we are in Chrift as our Surety and Com- mon Perfon. He imperfonated and reprefented us upon the Crofs, and doth now in Heaven, where he appeareth for us, as our Agent and Leiger with God : Thus what is done to him, is done to us. This is the Judicial Union; but this is not all, for thus we may be laid to be in Chrift, but he cannot be laid to be in us, I in them. There is Influence as well as Reprefentation. 4. It is not an ObjectiveUnion,aat Dais Occupations; as the Object is in the Faculty, the Star in the Eye that Teeth it, rho at thoufands of Miles dillance 5 and what I think of is in my Mind, and what I delire is in my Heart, as a Scholar's Mind is in his Books; when the mind is occupied and taken up with any thing, it is in it. So when I fear God, my Mind is with him; when I love God, my Heart is with him. But this is not all, partly, becaufe luchan Objective Union there is between. Chrift and Hypocrites, they may think of him, and know him. But this Union is rather Subjective, it maketh us to live in Chrift, and Chrift liveth in us : Partly, becaufe then we fhould be no lon- ger united to Chrift, than we do actually think of him ; whereas Chriti`s being in us, implieth a perpetual Refidence. Ephef. 3. 17. That Chrift may dwell in your Hearts by Faith. Dwelling, doth not note a tranfient Thought, a (bort Vifit, but a confiant Stay and Abode. John 14. 23. uevúv maìq &ur& mmdevltev, We will come unto him, and we will make our abode with him. There Chrift fixeth iris Seat and Refidence. 5. It is not meerly a Relation between us and Clarifl. He is not only ours, and we are his ; but he is in us, and we in him. The referpblance of Head and Members, doth not relate to a Political Body, but to a Natural Body. I am lure the Cafe is clear in Root and Branches, John 5. r, 2, 3. And Relations do not need filch Bands and Ties as conflitutethis Union. There is the Spirit, and Faith, and then fecondarily other Graces. 6. It is not only a Confent or Agreement ; Chrift agreeth to love us, and we to love him. My Love in them, and I in them ; they are propounded as diflin&. Confedera- tion maketh way for Union. 7. It is not an. Union of Dependance, meetly fuch as is between the Caufe and the Effect. The Effect dependeth on the Caufe, and is in the Caufe, and the Caufe is in the Effect. This is general to all Creatures; for it is laid, ...far '7.28. In him we live, and move, and have our Being. Such an Union there is between God and all Creatures, and not meerly a Dependance, in regard of fpecial and gracious Influences. That loth much open the Privilege; but that is not all, for then our Union would be immedi- atly with God the Father, and the Spirit on whom we depend : And fo an Union there is between God and the Holy Angels. And Chrift is in an efpecial manner the Head of the Church; it is a Notion confecrated for our conjunction with him. 8. It is not meetly a Communion in the fame Nature. So he is Immanuel, God with us. But he faith, l in them. He not only came into our Natures, but he mutt come into our Hearts. This Union is common to all, tho I confers it is only reckoned and imputed to the fan&ifled. Heb. 2. r r. For both he that fanllifieth, and they that are fan - ítified, are all of one : or which caufe he is not afhamedto call them Brethren. And to the Children of God, Heb. 2. 14. Forafmuch then as the Children are partakers of Flefh and Blood, he alto himfelf took part of the fame. 9. It is not a mixture, as if Chrift and we were confounded, and mingled our Sub - fiances together. That is a groß Thought, and fuiteth with the Carnal Fancies of a Corporal eating his Fleth, and drinking his Blood. We are not mixed, his Subftance with ours, and ours with his ; he remaining dill a Mind Perfon, and we diftin& Per - fons. to It is not a Perfonal Union, as of the two Natures in the Perlon of Chrift. We are not united to Chrift,fo as to make one Perfon,but one Myftical Body : r Con' 2.' 2. For as the Body is one, and bath many Members, and all the Members of that one Body, be- ing many, are one Body : fo alfa is ChrJ. The whole is Chrift Mythical, but every Be- liever is not Chrift. Thus I have endeavoured to remove all groß and unworthy Thoughts. But now ; Secondly,