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390 SERMONS OM Serm,41. Terms which the other offereth. Thai,Scripture chiefly delighteth in the Similitude of the Matrimonial Contra& ; as a Woman accepteth a Man for her Husband, fo do we receive Chrift. When a Man's Affeetions are fet upon a Woman, he fendeth Spokf- men to tell her of his Love, and that he is ready to give her an Interettf in himfelf, and all that is his, if the will accept him for an Husband. So Jefus Chrift, the Son of God, the Heir of all Things, fendeth Meffengers to treat and deal with us about a Spiritual Marriage, to tell us how he loved us, gave his Life for us, eftablifhed an Everlatling R.ighteoufnefs, whereby we may be accepted with God, and that he is ready to beftow it upon us, if we will receive, and honour, and obey him as Lord and Husband ; which if we do, then we are interefted in this great Privilege : Yea; Lord, I give.up my felf, Body and Soul, to thee, and I take thee for Lord and Husband. For thefe are the Terms; Hof. ;. 3. Thou fhalt not be for another Man, fo will I alfa be for thee. You will think this is eafy, becaufe you do not underftand what it is to receive Chrift. Alas ! Chrift fretchethforth his Hands to many that never take him by the Hand a- gain. Ifa. 65.2. I have fpread out my Hands all the day to a rebellious People, which mall¿- eth in a way that is not good; after their awn Thoughts. He inviteth, clucketh, fpreads his Wings, but to no purpofe, till he puts his Fingers upon the Handles of the Lock. Cant. 5. 4. My Beloved put in his Hand by the hole of the Door, and my Bowels were moved for him, Herein he differeth from ordinary Suitors, that he doth not only woo and invite, but draw by the fecret and prevailing Power of his Spirit; he mutt inlarge the Heart, and open the Hand, or elfe we !hall not receive him. Why ! what is there in this Receiving ? a Renouncing of all others ; Thou fhalt not be for another. Chrift findeth us intangled with a former Love of the World, addi &ed to Carnal Pleafures, in Covenant with Death and Hell; this mutt be renounced, for God is jealous, and cannot endure a Rival ; it is Spiritual Adultery, to have any thought of other Lovers. As when the Ark was brought into the Houfe, Dagon was thrown to the Ground. Chrift will be entertained alone; you mutt not Only renounce your former Loves, but bate them. In ordinary Marriages, if a Woman loved one,and afterwards marry ano- ther Man, it is enough that the withdraw her former Love, tho the be not an Enemy to him whom before (he loved. In fome Covenants, if you come off from fuch a fide it is enough : But here is a League Offenfrve and Defenfive, when we receive Chrilt as our Captain, his Enemies mutt be our Enemies, if as dear as a right Hand, or a right Eye, it mutt be cut off and plucked out. And again ; Chrift himfelf is to be received, not his Gifts and Benefits; you mutt not come to- him as to a Phyfrcian, to give cafe to the Confcience, but as an Hatband, not marry the Ettate, but the Man; otherwife you do not take what God offereth. He hath given us his Son, and all things with him. Rom. 8. 32. He that feared not his own Son, but gave him up to the Death for us all ; How will he not with him alfo freely give us all things ? The Father doth not offer the Portion meerly, but his Daughter, and the Portion with his Daughter ; as you cannot have Life without the Son, fo you cannot have the Son without Life; and you mutt receive him gladly. Marriage importeth not a forced, but a free Content ; you do not receive Chrilt as a Land receiveth a Conqueror, for Prince and King againit their Will; but as a Woman her Hatband, as being convinced her ttate will be much bettered by him. So doth +the Soul receive Chrift, as knowing in whom we believe, and what we enjoy by him. Pfal. 73. 25. Whom have 1 in Heaven but thee ? and there is none upon Earth that I lire befidei thee. Neither Angels in Heaven, nor any Creatures upon Earth are fo lovely, and fit for the Soul's Love and Trutt. You cannot livewith- out him. If a Woman can live without an Hatband, the doth well if the marrieth not, faith the Apottle, 1 Cor. 7.8. but you cannot, you are undone for ever if you have him not. And you mutt receive him fincerely to obey him, and ferve him as Lord andHatband, and not be afhamed to own him. Ails 2. 41. Then they that gladly re- ceived his Word, were baptized, and the fame day there were added unto them about three thoufand Souls. When Articles are agreed and fealed, and the Marriage compleated, a Woman is content to go into her Hulband's Houle, and leave her Kindred, and Fa- thers Houle : So mutt you profefs Chrift openly, and then live in confiant Communion with him. This is to receive Chrift ; and is this eafy ? Can all this be done, till God inlarge the Heart ? O, my Lord ! I am willing to receive thee, do . thou open and in- large my Heart fo to do. Again; h is expreffed by apprehending Chrift. Phil. 3. 12. If that I may apprehend that, for which alfo 1am apprehended of Chrift yefus ; by taking hold of him, leaning up- on him. Pfal. 22.8. He trufled in the Lord, or rolled himfelf upon the Lord : by running