Ver.26. the 17thChapter of St. JOHN. 39 running for Refuge. Heb. 6. 18. Who have fled for refuge, to lay hold upon the Hope fit before merit ; as Joab Laid hold on the Horns of the Altar, or the Man that'eafually kil- led another, ran to the City of Refuge, by a being found in him as in an Ark, when the Flood came upon the World : All which Expreffions imply a fen; of Danger. This Effe& of Faith, is fenfible in a time of Trouble, Bodily or Spiritual, as things are more fenfible one time than another. Horfes draw the Coach, but clown the Hill a- pace. The Strength of an Anchor is feen in a Storm, the Courage of a Souldier in a Fight. The Child runneth and clafpeth about the Mother, when any thing affright - eth it. Sometimes it is expreffed by coming to Chrift, and coming to God by him. Heb. 7: 25. Wherefore he is able to fave unto the uttermofi all that that come to God by him. By hufing Chrift as Mediator, owning him, and contenting to God's Eternal Decrees, that. he is alone a fufticient Mediator. This was reprefented, by laying Hand on the Head of the Sacrifice. Lev. t. 4. He, that is he that brought the Sacrifice, (hall put his Hand upon the Head of the Burnt-Offering, and it ;hall be accepted for him, tomake an Atonement fàr him. q. d. This is me, I deferve to die, but here is my Sacrifice. All Prayers were to be made in or towards the Temple, s Kings 8. Deut.I2.13,14. Take heed, that thou ofjèr not thy Burnt - Offerings in every place that thou f efi. But in the place which the Lord Jball chafe in one of thy Tribes, there than (halt offer thy Burnt-Wirings, and there thou 'halt do all that I commar{d thee. Daniel his Windows being open towards Jerufalem, he kneeled upon his Knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks to God, Dan. 6. to. he would not omit that Circumftance. In all our Addreffes to God we mull make ufe of Chrift. Sometimes it is expreffed, by committing our felves to him ; 2 Tim.r.r 2. For 1 know whom I have believed, and I am perfwaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him againfi that day. It is an advifed All, it is fit the Soul Ihould be in fate Hands. We are fenfible, that as long as this Life lasts, we are fubjed to many Trials and Chan- ges, therefore we put our Souls into Chrifl's Hands, in a confidence of his Altufficiency. It is a knowing Trutt. Vfi I. To prefs us to mind,this great Privilege, Chrifi in ui. This thould be our chief Care. We cannot mortify Sin, till we be in Chrift He is our Sanítification. We can have no fecurity againtt God's Wrath till then. Ads 4. I2. Neither is there Salvation in any other, for there is none other Name under Heaven given among Men, whereby we muff be faced. Whatever fhifts they made againft the Flood, it would not ferve, nothing but the Ark could fave them. Make this the Bufinefs of your Lives; wait upon the Word, and other Ordinances, with this Aim; improve Providences to this end, to draw you the nearer to God by Chrift. Let this be the conflant.breathing of your Souls. Tea. doubtlefi, and I count all things but lofs for the excellency of the Knowledg of Chri fl 'efus my Lord ; for whom I have firfered the lofs of all things, and do count them but Dung that I may win Chrifi. Phil. 3.8. Meafure all the Bufinefs and Employment of your Lives by this. A tender Mother that nurfeth her Child, the hath other Work to do, but Rill the remembreth her Child s when the awaketh,the thinketh of her Child ; when the is abroad, when employed in the Affairs of her Family, her Mind is on her Child : God is pleated to referable his Love to us by this. So a true Chrillian faith, My Work is to get into Chrift. When he is about Bufinefs of the World, he dill remembreth that this is his great Care,and it mutt be minded every Day : When he rifeth,when he goeth toAeep, this thould run in his Mind. This is, r1 áeYuv, his Work. John 6.29. This is the Wor/¿ of God, that ye believe on him whom he bath fens. All other Bufinefs is iruesgyóv, his by -work, that he may get or lofe it. Make more room for Chrift in the Soul. Vfe 2. Examination. r. Is Chrift in you ? who liveth there, and worketh, Chrift or Satan ? Thefe two di- vide the World between them, the ftrong Man, and the ftronger than he. The Heart of Man is not a wafle, Chrift ruleth in the Church, and the Devil in the World. And yet all that are in the Church, are not in Chrift. John 15.2. Every Branch in Ilse that beareth not Fruit, he taketh away. They that are where Christ is in Honour, will make a general Profefiion. The Devil bath a great Party in the Church. Therefore who is in you, Chrift or Satan ? Satan is in all Carnal Men, their Hearts are his Forge or Workhoufe. EpheC 2.2. According to the I4ince of the power of the Air, the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of Difobedìence: 2 Cor. 4.4. The God of this World bath blinded