Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. F. Pag. Pag: FAith, various Exprefons by which it is fer forth in Scripture. S91 The Nature of it. 90,95 Difference between true Faith andcounterfeit.93 The Ails of Faith. 296, 297 InFaith Affent, Confine and Truft 93 The Office of Faith, to accept Chrift, and relent him in Prayer. it Floe Objeát of Faith. 85, 97, 296 The Word,vid. Receiving the Word. Chrilf, vid. ReceivingChrift. Three things concur to the working of it, the Light of the Spirit, external Re- velation, and the life offit Inffruments. 84 The Word the means to work Faith. 88 The necefty, esfe, and power of the Word to worl¿, Faith. 298, 299 Why God ufeth the Word to this end. 299 Incouragements to Faith. 295 The Excellency of Faith. 296 Wow it fantlifues. 234 Faith a help to Joy. 189 Faith cannot be without Knowledg. 90 What akind of Light the Light of Faith lt. 91 In the Knowledg ofFaith there is undoub- ted Certainty. 90 The workof Faith when we cannot apply vnrt. 29ís The Faith of the Apoftles work yet by Chrift commended to the Father. 97 Faithfulnefs to our Charge recommended 67 Of Chrifl to his Father. 83 Fall into Sin : why God fometimes leaves his People to fall into Sin. 218 What falls into Sin are inconfflem with Grace. 148 Belivers not to be difconraged by every Fall into Sin. 147 Father; a Comfort in Prayer to call God Father. 6 How to carry our felves in Affli[lions to- wards God as a Father. God the Father chiefly ofended by.Sin, 86,263 And he the fopream Puelg. 86, 264 Fear of want difeovers a worldly Heart. 208 Filth of Sin oar Filthinefs by Nature. 291 Nothing can cleanfe us but the Blood of Chrift. 291 Finishing, what Chr ft's finifbing his Work fgnifies 47 G. kEntlenefs of Christ in bearing with his Peoples failings. 8o, 85. Gift, the Privileges of the human Nature a Gift. 48 Work itJeff a Gift. ibid. Gifts are fading. 148 Wicked /liens Gifts useful to the Church. 316 Given, how Chrift bad given to his Disciples the Word of God. 191 Given to Chrift, who are given to Chrift. 21, 76, 153, 351 None given to Christ but they that are the Fathers, vid. Commenfurable, 72, 107, 109. Why Godgave the E'en to Christ. 77 How Belivers given to Chrift. By way of Charge,zl, 72,154, 156, 351. Yet Charge. By way of Reward,21, 72. 154,15 5, 351. How¡hall we knowwe are given to Chrift. 159, 351 Being given to Chrift, agreund of Confo- lutists and Eftablifisment to the Elect. 154 How it is fuels aground of Ellablifhmenb. t 5g Glory the fruu of Vnion au well as Grace. 326 Shame tie way to Glory. rd Chrift in hte lull Will and Teflamentgivei Glory to bis People. 3 50 The Glory that is given by Chrift we have at fore, as if in the Pofefon of it. 322 The freenefs of Grace in giving us Glory. 349 Look'nq to future Glory a remedy in Tri- bulation. To' Glory of God much advanced by fefeu Chrift. 11 Glory of Chrift's.Perfon. taboo i. 358 What the Glory was Chrift prayed for: 9i 6o Why Chrift begged it of the Father. 58 Why he was fit earneft for bit own Glory. ib: What Glory Chrift retainedin bit Hu- miliation. 6d What Glory he wanted. ib. Our Glory for fubftance the fame that Clsriot's is. 325 This it matter of Comfort to Believers, and an Encouragement to Hohnefr. 325 Glorify God : what it is to glorify God. 49' What it is to fanGify, Iuflify and glorify God. r 13 How are we tó glorify God. 12, 49552 How Chrift glorified God. 46' How God was glorified in Chi*. ib. Why it fhould be our care to glorify God, S 5 Why we fhou/d glorify tha Name of God. 52 Glorify Chrift, what it is to glorify Chrift. 115 How Chrift was glorified by his Difciples. t oz Dbjeílions againft glorifying Chrift an fwered. r 18 Confolations to them that glorify Chrift. i i F To glorify Christ an Evidence of our In- terrfl in Father, Son, and Spirit. 112 The great Condition of the Covenant of Grace. 113 Gratifies the Aim of God. 1 04 Pledg of our Intereft in his Intercept:. ibid. Glorification of Christ, a Pledg of ours. 14, 63 A Pledg of hit Satisfaction. ,4 A Ground of Hope to theCreature. ib. It fits him to do his People good. 63' God ; that there it a God proved 33 That God is boa one. 3 6 One God in 3 Persons, the only try. God. 39 Gofpel, a great Blefng. ß= The excellency of the Dotirine of the Gofpcl. yj The Motion of the Gofpel it eú'relled by the Providence of God. 279' What of God it difeovers to us. 380 Grace, feemingGracemay be loft. 1442 149 Initial or preparative Grace may fail. 144; True Grace may (offer flailed decay. ibid. The Grace that makes for our well-being in Chrift may be taken away. ibid: If left to our (elves wooldbe foso loin. ibid. We are not tore fatisfîed in any degrees of Grace. 230 No Grace where there is not afound Ap- prehenfien of Truth. 237 The freenefs ofGrace in giving us Glory.349 Grief at worldly loires, a sign of a worldly Heart. 208 Flappi