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The T A B L E. H. . Rea fon: of it. í38,P 9 Pag. HAppinefs ; Man is at a lofs for Happi- nefs after the Fall. 333 Our Happinefs in God compleated by de- greet. 334 Hatred of any Man to be watched againff. 103 Hatred of Godlinefi, the evd of the Sin. 202 Thofe that prafefs Religion may hate one another for their Strillnefs rn Re- ligion. 202 Hatred of Sin, the property of the People of God-. Hatred of the World to be expelled by Chr- flians. 192 Inífances of this in Scripture. 197 Reafons of it. 193,196, 200 This Hatred palliated over with Pre- tences. 198, 199. That it arifeth from an Antipnhy to G'od ?inef s, roved. 198 People of God mart hated by the worfi of Men. 198 The b fl of Men marl hated of the World, notrtitb/landing many Excellencies to allay their Malice. 199 How the People of God fhordd carry tbemfelves under it.. zo3 Chr /Iia es not to be troubled at it. 196, 203 Not to be allayed by carnal meant. 196 Head of the Church, why Chrift is Head of the Church as God -Man. 301 Hom we fhould refpetl Chrifl as Head of the Church. 309 Hearing: we muff take heed, that we hear, how we hear, who we hear. 239 The neceffity of Hearing. 298 Heart ; Frame of the Heart, how it may be known. 207 Heaven, the Happinefs of oar being with Chriff rn Heaven. 353 Heavenly- mindednefs rebored to. 126 Heavinefs; yid. Sad nefs of Spirit. Hiltonies.of the Word Them it to be from God. 261 Holinefs., thefignifscation of the word. 137 Difference between the Holinefs of God, and of the Creature. 137 In the Creature finite and derivative. 138 The p recioufnefs of i t. 292 Hólinefs to be prized. 146 Deriding Holinefs agreat Sin. 140 Holinefs a good preparative to the Minrffry, and why. 230 No coming to God in Prayer, bra in an holy State. 140 What this holy State is. 141 Holinefs of God, the various Signification of rt. 136 What it is. 137 The Properties of it. 137 Effenrial to God. 137 His Glory. - 139 Sight of God's Holinefs makes ua prize Chriff. 139 flow roe fhorld draw nigh to God as an holy God. 140 vid. Sanffrfication.. Holy Father when we pray to God, we mai/f look, on him as a Holy Father. 137 W Chrrfl afith this Title in Prayer to God. 136 Hope of Heaven, the Certainty of it. 350 The grounds of ir. 363, 70 It raifetb a Believer above the World. 205 It maintains yoy. -189 Human Nature of (Arid, the Innocency of it. 281 Reafons why Chrift's httmine - Nataro mull be innocent.. 2,88 Hypacrify one of Judas's Sins. 175 To be avoided. 1 -3 I, IDlenefs, the Mifchief of it. 53 Jefas, what the Word fignrfies, vid. Saviour. 42 How we fltoaid oron Chrift as Jefus. 43 Ignorance, the danger of it. 376 The fad Condition of ignorant People. 90 Incarnation, Chrift was incarnate to promote 'Unity among Chriffians. 16, Intercellion of Chrift, the Nature of it. 1.03 - Chrift rs the Intercellòr. 101 The advantage of ChrrfI's being the In- tercellòr. rot The Advantage, Priviledg, and Fruits of Chrilt's Interceflion. 14, 193 How we may know what Chrjf is inter- ceeding for in Heaven. 183 Interelt of Chrift in Believers. 134 Interelt of God in Believers. 71,107 Evidences of:God o Interelt in us. too - Ground of Con fárt. la God's Interelt in his People moverh him- to Mercy. to8 To be urgedbÿ.Saintsin'Prayer. toll Chrtfl pleads it as an Argument in Prayer. 71 Interelt of Believers in God andChrrft. 159 'Joy, thegreat'soft of it in the fpirtrual Life. -184 TheCanfes of Spiritual Joy. 189 How it is maintained, yid. Rejoycing. 189 Some Obfervasions concerning Spiritual 0 It aJrjeth'more s from Hopi than Pof/e/fmn.a85- It is felt more in Adverfrty than Profpe- rity, and why. 135 The feeling of this Joy an uncet'tain - thing. 186 It mars the rage of carnal Pleafares. 185 Joy of Believers, why called Chrift's Joy. 182 Chaff took care to leave his Peóple joyful when be left the World. 183 183 184 184 185 185 What a kind of Joy this was. His Heart was much fet upon it. Reafons of Joyful Spirit an Honour to Religion. ADelight to God. K. Ij Eeping the Word, what it fdnifes. So, 81 That it is the dray of God's People. 81 Kept : Believers kept in a State of Grace, vid. Prefervation. What it is to be under Chrift's keeping. 171 Keeping of Chrift extend: to Body and Soul 169 172 Various ways of God's keeping his People. 172,217 The