Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. Pag The neceffty of God's keeping. 217 Why God alone mull keep us. 218 Keeping of God fhould teach us Dependeonce and Confidence. 218 Knowledg: there is an nnfatiable.defiesin Man after Knowledg. 239 The beginning, increafe and progrefs of Eternal Life her in Knowledg. 25 Form of Knowledg, what it is. 91 The deference between the Knowledg of carnal Men, and of Believers. 91 The neceffty of Knowledg. 378 The excellency of it. 378 .7 bat we are to grow in Knowledg: 382 Direllions to get Knowledg. 27 Direliions for our increafè and progrefs in M. 29 7 I Likenefs to Chrift, what. it is, vid. Refera a- 3 blance, Conformity. Why Chrift u fo earnrfl too make us like himfelf. 324 Thofe are Chrife's that are like him. 324 What we fhould do to be like Chriit. 324 Love of Chrift to Believers. 134 The excellencyoif ir.. 106 Evidenced in his coming from the Father for our fakes. 98 Love of God in giving Chriff. 75198 God loves his People in e ffliltioní. 34 The Love of Gcd isthe groundof all athee Favours and Bleffngs. Yet not to be meafured by temporal things But byfpiritual Ridings, 265'344 God's Love towards su, and in ta: 345, 383 God's Love in u,, in effe!!, and in fente and feeling. 384 We are to labour after the fente of it. 345 The bedelt of the frnfe of God's Love. 345 Means to get it and increafe it. 345 Con fort to them that have the Elfe!&, bat not the Sente of it. 346 What may evidence God's Love td thee, When thou mantel the tent of it. 346 How to difcern our Interefl in God's' Love. 36/ Hom we may know whether God's Love be in us. 385 Love of God to Chrift, the grounds of ot. The Properties of it. 340, 362, 363, 364 The Fruits and Effe!!., of it. 342,363 God loved Chrift as the Son of God, and as Mediator, 337/362 In God's loving Chrift he loved:s. 363 How we fhould love Chrift, as God lo ved him. 338 Wherein God's Love to Chrift and to Saints differ.. 3¢0 Love of God to the Saints : God loves the Saints as he loved Chrift, 339, 34o &c. The grounds of it. 340 The Properties of it. 3401 364. The Fruits and Fleas of it. 342 God would mould bave the World convin- ced of his Love to his People, vid. ConviEtion. 347 Love to God, a flame to defer it. Love to Brethren, how it is a new Com_364 intendment. 162 Love of the World, natural te ua, zzY The heinossfnefs and danger of the Si.,,. 323 Luft within gives advantage to Temptations without tu: 129,i 216' In tafing means to get Knowledg we muff ' loo)Z op to Chr. 377 Horn Chregioca no Knowledg. 377 How we fhould fesk to (hriff fr Know - ledg. 378 Knowledg of God, what it imply. 31 Only way to Blffednefr. 370 No Knowledg of ,God without Chro/f. 3o, 371 No Knowledg fufficienr for eternal Life, but the Knowledg of God. 30 This is (efficient. 3o The Reprobate World have no true Know- ledg of God. 375 No believing or enjoying God boot by Knowledg. 371 Knowledg of Chrift, what it is. 31 General KnowledgofChrilt not fuffrcient. 31 Knowledg of Chrift , Chrift knows all the Ele!!. 79 And their Conditions and Neceffties. 79 Chrift's Knowledg the patern and caul of ours. 377 Kingdom Mediatory of Chrilt, the extent of it. 17 The Properties of it, 73, 156 7lnive, fa l, 73, 156 Eternal., 73i 157 The manner of Adminiffration of Chrift's Kingdom. 7¢ Believers are the Subje!& of it. 156, Kingly Office of Chrift was little exercifed in the World. 268 L. Llóertines, when in Power grow cruel. Life : a Chriffians Life what a is 195 115 Life eternal Chrift s Gift. 19 Lies in Knowledg. 25 The Effate of Heaven exptef%'ed by Life Eternal. 19 Begun here, and carried on by degrees. 20 lifting up the Eyes to Heaven in Prayer, what it fgnifìes. Heart to be lift up in Prayer. 3 ' Light: God's may of working in converting Souls is by Light. 231 It muff be a true and not a falfe Light. 232 Light Divine, the nece /ty of it to ',tideland the things of God 69, 70 Light of Nature, not a fuffaeienr Rule to fallen Man. 239 382 X lAgiftratesi whether underChriff' at Me- ,W1 diaror i Aff. To own the Mediator. o& Magiltrates Duty towardó Miniffers: 274 Manifeltation : how Chrifl manifefted God's Name to his People. 66 Matters of Families, es pray for their Fa_ mikes. toy Mediator : ehe Office of a Mediator, where in it confftt Eeeee ytryy,