Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. Why G d appointed a Mediator Pag. N. o Defgnation of Chr fl to this Ofice. 265 Pag. The ftnefi of Chrift for it. 265 Ame of Gcd, what it fignfes. 67,143,379 Why he muß be God. 40,265 IN None can difcover the Name of God Why he muff be Man. z66 but Chrifl., 381 How Chrift man e ed God's Name to What Chrift received from God as Me- ß Îß diator. 8z bis People. 66 How we fhould make ufe of Chriß as a God's Name made. known to the Church by Mediator. 329 degrees. 258, 380 Meditation feeds Toy. 190 I Why Chrift would reveal God's Name ro Members: Believers Members of Chre's I hsPeop.'ebydegrees. 381 Body. 75,158 It is the great Priviledg of the Goffel Memory of former. Mercies an Encouragement I to know God by his right Name. 380 to ask anew. 15 New Birth takes Believers off from the The weaknefs of Memory in fpiritualz2t World. 250 thingr. acb ut 6 Men 65 Men, why Chriß will to y , viol. Minigers. Merit to be difelaimed. 364 Minifters to be called, with the neceffity 'f274 a Call. To be elected by the People.. z 3 Ordained by the Elders. Confirmed by the Magifirateo. 273 How to make out their Calling to the z7ó People. Hol' f a good preparative to the Mitai- O. OBedience eßablifheth our joy. 189 Whether Chriß as Man way bound to Obedience to the Lam of God his Maker. 287 Pofitive Obedience, vid. Pofitive. OCCafions of Sin to be avoided. 216 Offices of Chtift exercifed in another manner in Heaven than'here. 15 the r The Sublimity of Chrift's Office. 102 ftry, and why. 230 I Omillìons whether we are more hardned by Minifters have more efpecial need of Ho- Sins of Omiffion or Commiffloes. 228 liners. 263 Onenefs i our Happinefs lies in being one with Their Duty in their Converfation, in28[ God through Chrifl. 333 their Min ftry. z78, 280 Their Dignity. To be faithful in their Charge. 171,181 To ray for their People. They need the Prayers of their People. 105 Suffers to be defired of Minifters. 277 People to own their Minifters. 277 Minifters to be refpetted, both their Mef.- fage Calling, and Perron. 282, 283 Opinions novel condemned. 165 Oppofìtion : We had need be tender in oppo- fing the godly. 202 Ordination of Minifters, the Elders Right. 274 Whether Ordination by the Popifls Clergy valid. . 278 Owning Chrift ; it is praire worthy to own Chrift when the World difowns him. 372. This is a fign of God's Love to us. 372 373 Hatedof the World, and why., 193 And of our Sincerity. The Madnefs of the World in oppofing theen. 282 1 P. Oppofition againß them, whence it pro- ceeds. 282 DEnmen of Scriptures, their Fidelity. 258 Thofe that wrong and affront them re- People, their right to chafe their 114- proved. 284 nißers. 273 Affronts to Minifters redound to Chriß. 283 > Advice to them with refpett to their Mi- Miffion of Minifters, vid. Million. nißers. 277, 283 rvtiniftry, an Office, and aftanding Office. 275 Perdition : Son of Perdition a Namegiven The Mercy of God in the Inftttution of to Judas and to Antichrilt. 174 the Miniftry. 65, 282 Carnal Prat-fifes will end in Perdition. 175 Thole that invade the Office of the Mini- rice i .pains etst.e 1neA !operas what it is.3oo,306 my reproved 276 Perfecution to be expelled by God's People in Miracles. of Chrift generally Aliens of Re- this World. 130, lief. Wicked Men reßrained fromPetfecu0, Sufficient Argument to prove the divine by convütion of Sin on their Hearts. 316 Authority of the Scriptures. 249 Perfeverance of Saints built on John 17. 11. 143 Not necefary now to confirm the Scriptures, The Point flared. 144 and why. 249 The Grounds of it. (1.) The Father's Flow fhall see keow that Miracles were Love and Power, (2.) The Son's 249 utelerie and Intercefon. (3.) The 249 oópirit's Influence. 046 376 Not a difcontinued, but confiant Perfe- verance. 145 This Doïirine not fhaken by the Etefe£ti- ans of Hypocrites. 173 Doth not exclude Prayer. 145 Still Believers are to be wary. 145 And means of Grace not to be negle/ted. t4$ Exhor- truely wrought. Not wrought at Man's will. Mifery of Man by Nature. Million of Chrift, vid. Sent. Minion of Minifters, who are fent. By whom. To whom. For whist end, Multitude, no ensile to Wit-lit-duel's. 279 279 279 2.80 373