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The TABLE; Pag. Pa Exhortation to Perfeverance. 147 Should excite to Thankfulness. 148 Tieldr Comfort to the People of God. 149 When this Doll-rifle more efpecially yields Comfort to them. 150 Perlon in the Trinity,. what it is. 38 Perfon of Chrif, the Dignity of it. 101 The dearnefs of it to the Father. 102 Places ; in all Places there are Temptations. 215 Pinafore of God's ways. 186 Carnal Pleafure to be defpifed. 186 Plots againft the Church defiroy the Authors of them. '79 Reafons of it. 1 79 Positive Obedience; we muff not only depart from Evil, but do good. 2z8 Rcafons of t. 229. Whether the Trial of a Chriian lies in depart ¡cg from Evil, or doing Good. 228 Poverty of Chr,ff upon the Earth. 205 power of Christ over all Flesh, what it W. 16 Exercefed for the Churchesgood. t 8 Power of the Word. 231 How an Argument of the Truth of it to them that never felt it. 252 Powers of the World usually fat again fl Christ. 130 Praftices carnal mill end in Perdition. 17 5 Praising and bleffngGod, how they differ. 49,139 Prayer mull follow Preaching. 2 The rife of Words. in Prayer. 5 The only Guide in Suffering. 8 , Providence cloth not hinder Prayer. i 1 An Encouragement in Prayer to back,Re- quef s with Promifer. i 6 We are to pray for one another. 104 Whether we may pray for wicked Men. 106 Visited Prayers of great force. 162 When we pray to God, we muff Woken him as an Holy Father, vid. Holy Father. No coming to God in Prayer, but in an holy State. 140 . 1 Y 9 Prayer helps our To 190 Prayer of ChrifE, why he prayed. 4 Why he prayed aloud. 5 The Objec7 of it. 94,294,293 Not the Apoflles only. 99 Why Christ prayed for then: that should believe hereafter. 294 Why Christ prayed for the Ele1. 107 Why Christ prayed not for the reprobate World. led Prayers of Christ and Merit of Chrll of equal extent. 295 Haw Christprayed for his Perfecuters. i oo Prayers of Christ a Fountain of Confo- larian. 183 Preaching; fame preaching more apt to con- vert than others. 84 Precepts of theWord Them it to be from God: 26o Priestly Office of Christ the Parts of it, Obla- tion and Interceffion. 103, 338 The Love of God in Chef gives Con- fidence sir both Parts. 938 Prepare : bow Chef prepared Heaven for me by his Afcenfai . 123 Pretence corporal of Chrilt why withdrawn, (1.) To eryhis People. (2.) To make way for his fpiritual Prefence. 126, 127 Why Chrilt's Spiritual Pretence was net vorichfafed till his Corporal Pretence was withdrawn. Prefence Spiritual of Chrift to be look'd after by Chriflians, and the advantage of it. 128 Prefence with Civil} in Heaven, a great part of ear Happ¡nefr there. 352, 353 The Soulgoer immediately to Chrift's Pre- fence after Death. And the Body at the Refurrellion. 353 Wherein our longing for it appears. 356 Why we fhottldlong after ir. 357 Prcfervationi enemas of it. 172 What of God's Name it engaged in the Prefervation of his People in Grace. 150 None can preferve us but God. 15 t Why we are only preferved by God. 151 God's Prefervation should excite res to Dependance, Confidence, and Thank; 152 Prefervation of Scriptures wonderful. 253 Pride of wicked Alen ¡inpatient of rebukes in the Lives of the godly, 20r Priviledges'outward not to be reffed in. 18o Profellion, Profeflòrs, WorldlinefsofProfef fors bring3'Traoble an the Church. 195 Profeflìon not to be deferred till times are quiet. 196 Not till the World is agreed. 373 e The exce /lend. of nur Profeffion above others. 283 Proficienc of the Apofs in Chriff ' r School. 83 Promifes of the Word Pew it to be from Gad.26o Maybe pleaded. 45 Shall be made good. - Objeltionsanfinered. 25 0 Why temporal Billings are in the Promife.25 t What Refpelt and Reverence is due to the Promifes. as Prophecies of the Word thew it to be from God 161 Always fulfilled.. 250 Prophetical Office of Christ, vid. Teach- ing of Chrilt. Providence cloth not hinder Prayer. a, Providence of God in gaardi o . Man is ebfer- vable._ 171 REading the Scriptures, the advantage of it. Scriptures to be read' with Prayer. aS Receiving Christ, what it is. 389 What it is ro receive Christ with all the Heart. Receiving the Word, what it W. 91 What it is to receive the Word with all the Heart. Reconciliation ; the Mercy of God in feebing 93 Reconciliation with M. 2$2 Redemption : In rise work of Re on the Father the fopream Author, fop tam Caufe, fepream 7udg 86 8 Vninsorfal Redemption dsfproved Tos , Covenant of Redemption, vid. Covenant. Reformation, after Trials and Reformations come Trials and Probations. 194 God oftentimes promotes Reformationby Troubles. 194 What