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the TABLE. Vag. What Call the frfl Reformers had. 277 Rejoycing; what realm a Cbriflian bath to reloyte Religion : no Religion but the Chrifian Religion the way'ro Salvation. 32 Repentance, the Ingredients of it. 179 Repetition of the fame Truths grievous to22o !Nature, and why. But profitable to Grace, and why. 220 Not to begrievoue to us. 221 Direltionr to Mineflers in repeating the fame Truths. 222 Refemblance between us and Chriit as the Son of God, and as Mediator. 323 vid. Likenefs Refppeet of the World, to be fufpelled. 201 Reftraint, wicked Men ,rertrained from Per - fecution by the Convillion of Sin on their Hearts. Refurreetion 5 how Chrifl was raifed by the 266 Father, and how by himfelf. Revelation of God's Will to Adam, to the World, to the Church. 240,241 Various manners of Revelation of God's Will. (1.) By Word Without wri- ting. (2.) By Word and writing. (3.) By writing. alone. 241, 242 vid. Scriptures. Reverence to be ufed in Prayer.. 3, 138 Right ; Godbath a Right to all,we have. 55 Righteoufnefs of God, bow God is fold to be righteous. 367 Rule ; Cod's AE(hit Rule. There muff be fame Rule from God to guide the Creatures. 261 Light of Nature not a fufficient Rule. to fallen Man. 239 S. CAcraments promote our Yoy. 190 0-Sacrament of the Lord's v Supper, 'the wed .of it. 293 Sacrifice ; how Chrifi was both Friel!. and Sa- crifice. Chrift of .ered bimfelf a Sacrifice... z88 This SacrificeChrifl offered not for himfe1f,288 But far all the EleEI. 289 Sadnefs of Spirit the case (es of it. 188 In fore it deferves Pity, in others Re- buke. 187 In Chriflians difpraved. 087 It brings a Scandal on Chrifl's Spiritual Kingdom, and on the Ways of God. 188 A Chriflian bath caufe of Yoy, when he loath Sorrow and Sadnefs of Spirit. 188 Salvation : next to God's Glory, Chrìi is Aim was our Salvation. 13 The bufinefs of our Salvation put into fefe Hands. 158 No Salvation out of the true Religion. 236 Sanctification ; the various fents of the Word. . 226,287,293 It isaElual Election. 227 The difference between Civility and Sancti- fication. 237 The efficient caufe of it, God. 229 We cannot fanetify our felves. 229 Means cannot do it mitbaut God. 229 The Inffrument of et, the Word ofGod.231,233 Pag. Chiefly the Gofpd. 233 The Gofpel worl¿eth not without the -Spirit. 233 This rniJl be received and applied by Faith. 233 How Faith f.nRiies. 234 Raw we are fandi:-ied by the Word. 291 Why God faudiiiieth by his word. 234 The Word of God rs morally accommoda. red to this. 235. The E.xcrilency of Sineliflcation. 227 Why we fhauld pry far it. 227 It is God's aim on all his Difpznfations. 227 The end of Chrift's Death. 290 Thofe that are fanitihed need to be fan_`ti- lied more and more. 23o Sanctify ; what it is to fanctify God. 243 What Chrif's fan tifying himfelf fg- nifies. 290 Why Unfit fam`tified himfelf. 290 Satisfaction of Chriit, the value of it. 002 Saviour ; how Chrifl Caves us. 42 Scholars : Believers Scholars ofChrift's School. 74,157 Scriptures : the necefty of the Scriptur s, or written Word. 241 The advantage we have by the Scriptures above what the Yews and Gentles bad. 68 We are to blefs God for the Sc. iptures. 2 +5 The Scriptaresmot corrupted. 254 The aim of the Scriptures. 261 To be the TIudg of Controverfies. 262. To be the confiant Aide of Faith and Manners. 262 Reading the Scriptures, vid. Reading. Divine Authority of Scriptures, why we fhould inquire into it. 242 Sufficiently affured to us. 245 More Reafon to believe, than doubt it. 261 How to fettle the Confcienceconcerning it. 261 What they flsall do that ffagger about it. 244 Whether wicb,ed Men can have any abfolute affurance of the truth of it. 243 Arguments to prove it. 246 External: (1.) How God path owned them. 246 (2.) How the Church hath owned them by Tradition, by Martyrdom. 255,256 "1-he Churches duty to the Scriptures. 255 What refpell we ought to bear to the Churches Teftimony. 255 (3.) How the malignant World bath owned them. 256 Internal Arguments. 257 (1.) The manner andform of them. 257 The Majefiy, and yet the Simplicity of the Stile of Scriptures. 257 The Harmony of the Scriptures. 258 The Impartiality of them. 2S9 vid. Penmen of Scriptures. (2.) The matter of Scriptures, vid.'Pre- . tepes, Promifes, Dolriner, Hike - ries, Prophefies. SelfConcei:, the caufes of it. 365 Self - Murder, the finfulnefs of it. 212 Sending of Minifters, wed. Million of Mini[ters. Sent', Chriit was fens by the Father. 263 What it implys. 25, 40, 264 The ends of it. 267 Chrifl's