Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The T A B L E. Pag. P Chrifi's Condefcenfton in fabmitting to be lent. 269 Sending of Chrift, and fending the Apoftles compared. 270, z1 Separation, a-great Crime. 165 What grounds of Separation wan-an- table. 165 Shame, the way to Glory. 10 Sight of Chrift, the greatnefs of the Pri- viledg. 36o vid. Vi/ion. Sin committed againfi God chiefly as the wronged Party and highefl y.odg: 86, 263 Mab5o God Hand at a difiance from us., .335 Sin prevails by degrees. 176 Wilful Sins, the danger of them, 774 Sitting of Chrift at God's Right -hand, what it imply,. 62 Snares , the World full of Snares. 214 Sorrow : the Nature of Man store acquainted with Sorrow than Pleafar es. 186 vid. Sadnefs of Spirit. Spirit; hem it confirms the Word. 27, 85 Given to promote Zdnity. 164 T fimány of the Spirit, how difcerned. 253 Ham we Jhould,know whether ree have the Spirit of Chriit. 306, 386 Spirit. of the Word to be avoided. 207 How it maybe difeerned. 207 Streets to be defired by Miners. 477 Of the Dellrine the Scripture teacheth. ; 246 Sufferings of Chrift the greatnefs of them. ; 7,87 He willingly underwent them, vid. Wil- lingnefs. Did not fall out by chance. 180 Were gppointed by the Father. 7 Foretold by the Prophets. 8; Always attended'with force Glory. Suffern ó 9 i gs f God's People 'host. 8 God's People to prepare for them. 194 vid Troubles. When theycome, do not think '[range at them. 19 S How to knowwhen God is about to bring Trouble on the Church. 164 Cautions in fuffering for Chrift. 117 Chrifi loath Experience of his Peoples Sufferings. 134 T. Eaching of Chrift the manner of it. 69 Chrift the great Teacher of the Church. 74 Temptations fitted to every State. 135 To every Condition, Calling, Aíiion, Place. 21-17 215, within gives advantage to Tempta- tions wiebour. 129, zbo Tender : God is tender of his Truth and Saints.' 139, 337 Threatnings of the Word always fu lfilled. 250 Obje/tions anfwered. 5o Titles of God in Scripture farted to Regaefís made to him. 136, 349, 367 Toleration, Arguments againffit. 236 Treafon againft Chrift, one of Judas's Sins. 173 To be avoided. Trinity, the Dentine of the Trinity opened X78 and proved. 37 vid, nrrlwems,Perfon. Hom we are to imitate the Trinity. ag 168, 309 Truth a greatTreafore, 236 Truth of the Scriptures ; Scriptures muß be fulfilled. 182 vid. Scriptures Divine Authcrity. U. VIttory over evil ro be preferred before Ex- emptton from ée. 213 Vilion of Christ in Heaven ocular and men- tal, what. 3580359 Why our Happinefs lies in it. 359 Vifipn, the caofe of all Fruition in Heaven. 354 It 'hall be confortable. 361 Who are they that fhall fee Chrift in Heaven. 361 Union moral of Believers one with atotlrr what it is3'ood. Unity.: 106, 3o3 Union nlyítical of Believers with Cbríft, what te if 160, 301, 389 The - whole Trinity is.concerned in this Union. 3or Ii!i /s4ghrifi isuniredeoa whole Peliever.3ot This Unión is feerst and myficr/soos, but real. ..t!(rftr,resi ¢y t/4,.:iJniot of nd Head a3oz Members. 302 And by the Conjugal Union. 390 All the Ordinances have an of peel or Pipe Union withChrti. 332 How shit 4404 is brought about, and in what order. 389 What the A/7- of Fr,itb so, whereby ree ore united toCiariff 389 The end fit. 333 - Tisç3aqlvantages Believers have by it. 305 Glory the Fruit of Union ar well as Grace, 326t The Honour and Happinefs of thole that are united to Chrift. 304, 305 The Refemblance between the Myftical Union and the Union of the Di- vine and Humane Nature in Chrift. 308 The d jagreement between thefe two U- nions, 30$ The Refemb/ante between the Myftical lluion,and eke- Union of Father and Son'in the Trinity. 308 Why Chrift prayeth for thie Union. 303 How we may know we are' united to Chrift,' 305, 391 Thole who are united to Chrifi to look for greater things than they enjoy. 326 This fheuld teach us Dependance. t What thof Fruits are of it whereby the 3 World is convinced of the Truth of Chrglianity, vid. Conviftion. 311; 3io Unity of Believers hashfame refemblance of the Unity of the Divine Perfons. 167 What is contrary to it. 16 -Te be prayed fir. 5 Believers to be earn' for it. X63 Haw mush Chr j s Heart is fir' on the S Unity of bis Members. 16r vid. Love of Brethren. Why Chrifl fo earnefily prays for it. 162 'Arguments to prefs it. 166 It is po/fi/tIc to be attained. Y63 Fffff What