Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

2 SERMONS upon Serm.I. Firf, That to continue in fin, and live longer in fin, are equivalent exprefiions; for in the Objeftion the expreffton is, fhall we continue in fin ? But in the Apoflles An- fwer and Argument to the contrary, it is, can we live any longer therein? Secondly, Obferve that before Grace, we lived in fin ; for when he faith, any longer, he implieth, that we were given to fin, enflaved by fin before ; but (hall we conti- nue this courfe ? far be it from us to think fo, or fay fo, much more to do fo. Thirdly, Obferve the Argument lyeth here, we that are dead, &c. All that have gi- ven their names to Chrift, are, or fhould be dead to fin ; now to be dead to fin, and live in fin, are aoúsram, things incompetible, the dead are no longer alive. Becaufe this is the ftrength of his Argument, it will be good to enquire what it is to be dead to fin. In the flrift and rigorous notion, he is Paid to be dead, who is utterly deprived of all fence and motion, that they are altogether without all feeling and mo- tion of fin but this ftriec fence will not ftand here, therefore I mull tell you the word relateth to the Baptifmal Ingagement, as the following verles abundantly do declare, v. 3. Know ye not that fo many of us ar were baptized into lefts Chrifl, were baptized into hir death ? Baptifm referreth to Chrifl'sDeath, and we arebaptized into the likenefs and power of his Death; the meaning of that Ordin,ilice is to fignifje our dying to fin, and riling to newnels of lire; this is that which every Chriftian knoweth, if he be but a little inf}rufted in the Principles of his Religion. Well then , every good Chriftian is dead to fin by Vow and Obligation, therefore cannot,lhould not live any longer there- in. There is a double undertaking in Baptifm, one on Gods part, the other on ours; the undertaking on Gods part is to give us the fanetifying Spirit of Grace, to quell the reign of fin ; the undertaking on our part, is by the Spirit to mortifie the deeds of the Body : Now fome make Confcience of this folemn Vow and Promife, others do not; the Apofile confidereth not what is done, but what ought to be done; he fpeak- the de jars, of the Vow and Obligation, we are all bound ; not de fano, of the e- vent ; not what always corneal to pats: All Chriftians are bound to be dead to fin, and every good Chrillian is aftually dead to fin, which though it hath Come Life and being left, yet it retaineth not its Sovereignty and Dominion over him. Some conceive this latter fort intended, of rives a irEBd, eEy'r3 ccngp1 ic, as many of us as have dyed to fin : But rather he confidereth the Right than the Fan ; Chriftianity doth oblige all at their Slit entrance into the Profeflion of it, to renounce the Reign and Dominion of fin, and break the power of it yet more and more, fo that it dyeth, though a lingering Death, as Chrill did upon the Crofs. Doftrine. That to take occafion to live in fn, from free Grace or Gods mercy to 'inners in Chrifl is an inference mofl unjufl, abfurd, and bla f hemous 3 and that which all Chri- flians hearts fhould abominate. Here in the Text fuch an inference is mentioned with a denial joyned with a dete Elation of the thing denied, the very thought and firft mention of it ought to be enter- tained with abhorrency. I. I will prove that the corrupt heart of man is apt to draw fuch aconfequence. H. I will prove the three charges : Firfl, That it is very unjuft and ill grounded. Secondly, Ablurd and contradiftory to Chriftianity. Thirdly, Wicked and blafphemous. I. That the corrupt Heart of man is apt to draw (nth inferences from the Doetrive of Grace. In the general, carnal men are ill skilled at reafoning about fpiritual matters. Solomon teller) us , Prov. 26.9. That a parable in a fools mouth ii like a thorn in the hand of a drunkard. As a drunkard with a fharp thorn grievoufly hurts himfelf and others, neither his mind nor hand can do their office, when the man is diftempered with drink; fo 'cis with men intoxicated by fin, witnefs thole contrary and different Conclulions, which the carnal and fpiritual will draw from the fame Principles : from the ftated courk of Nature the (coffers (aid , 2 Pet. 3. 4. Where is the pronrife of hir coming? for fnce the Fathers fell afleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the Crea- tion. David reaaoneth the quite contrary way , Pfal. 119. 89, 90, 91. For ever, O Lord, thy word is fitted in heaven. Thy faithfulnefi is unto all generations, thou haft efablifhed the earth, and it abidetb. They continue this day according to thine ordinances: fir all are thy fervants. So r Cor. t g. 32. If after the manner of men I have fought with beafir at Ephefus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rife not ? Let or eat and drink, for to