Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

4 SERMONS upon Serm. I. partial, and loth to think evil of our condition now this cannot be j iftified by the Laws of Chriftianity , yet it is often juglified by the lives of Chriiftians; after this Rule they live in the World, and we think we may do as others do. 41 There is another caufe, that is, Satan, who abufeth the weaknefs of fome Teach- ers, and the ignorance of fome Hearers, to mifapply the Grace of the Gofpel , and the comforts of Juftification, tb countenance their fins. The Devil knoweth, we will not receive his Doârine in his own Name , and therefore doth what he can to ufurp the Name of Chrift, and to obtrude his Commands upon us in the Name of Chrift, and fo conveyeth poifon to you by the Perfume of the Gofpel: and if he can fet Chrift againft Chrift , his Merits and Mercy againft his Government and Spirit , his Promifes againft his Laws , Juftification againft Sanerification , he knoweth , that he obtaineth his end and purpofe , that the Gofpel , which was fet up to deftroy the works of the Devil, will be a means to cherifb his Kingdom in the World. And on the Hearers part, he abufeth them alto; carnal hearts turn all into fuel for their Tufts , and with the more pretence, if they can alledge a Difpenfation from God himfelf to ferve and pleafe the flefh , and no harm [hall come of it. A little trotting in Chrift (ball ferve the turn, though they live never fo impure lives. I afcribe all this to Satan , becaufe all Errour is from him , who is the Father of Lyes , who often obtrudeth upon the fimple cre- dulity of Chrillians his own Gofpel inflead of Chrift's, and by a partial reprefentation of Chrifts Gofpel, deftroyeth the whole. II. I come now to make good the Charge. Firfi, That this inference is very unjuft and ill grounded. The Pretence here are thole words of the Apoftle in the two laft verfes of the formerChapter. Moreover the Lam entred, that the offence might abound; but where fin abounded, grace did much more abound. That as fin hath reigned unto death , even f might grace reign through righteoafnefi unto eternal life , by yefut Chrifi our Lord. Thefe words yield no Inch confequence. To evince which, r. I (hall flare the meaning of thofe words. 2. Show the unjufinefs of this illation from them. r. For the meaning, the Apoftle fheweth the Law was given to the Ifraelites by Mo- ft, not that they might be juftified thereby; but that fin and punifhment, to which we are liable by reafon of fin , might the better be known : and fo the Grace of God in Chrift, which juffifieth us, notwithftanding the grievoufnefs of fin, might be the more efteemed , and we might the more earne[tly fly to it for Sanctuary and Refuge , and the Curfe might drive us to the Promife. Fog there are two things which the Law difcovereth : r. The multitude and hainous nature of our offences, it entred that in might abound, not in our pra &ice, but in our fenfe and feeling, as being more apparent, and awaken- ing more lively flings in our Confciences. If a rugged and obflinate People fin the more, that is not the fault of the Law, but of our corrupt Nature, which always tend - eth to that which is forbidden ; it only took occafion from the commandment , Rom. 7.R. The proper effeet of the Law was to give us more convincing and clear knowledge of Duty and Sins or to be a means to aggravate fin, to render it more exceedingly hainous, as being againft an exprefs Law of Gods own giving, with great Majefty and Terrour. 2. The other ufe of the Law is to give us an awakening fenfe of the punifhment due to fin, as it expofes us to temporal and eternal death , verf 2 t. and fo our deli- verance and life by Chrift might be more thankfully accepted , who by his Mercy bath taken away the condemning and reigning power of fin, by granting pardon of it, and power over tt: fo that as a great and mortal difeafe maketh a Phyfician famous, if he cureth it ; fo fin maketh the Grace of Chrift more confpicuousand glorious. 2. The injuflice of the Illation. r. There is a difference between caufa per fi, and caufa per accident , a Caufe and an Occafion: though the abounding of fin helpeth to advance Grace, it is not of it felf, but by accident , by Gods over-ruling Grace ; therefore it is a defperate Adventure to try Conlufions , to drink rank Poifon to experiment the goodnefs of an Antidote , or to wound our felves mortally to try the virtue of a Platter. God made advantage of the fins of the World for the honouring of his Grace in Chrift but they that prefume to fin greatly, that God may pardon greatly, run a defperate adventure, whether God will pardon them or no. 2. There is a difference between the remiffìon of fins pail, and allowance of fin fu- ture. Our fixed purpofe mull be not to fin but it we fia we have the ufe of Gods remedy :