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Vert II, 2. the fixth Chapter of the R:o m A N S. 5 remedy : i Pon, 2. r. My little children theft things I write unto you, that ye fin not; And if any man ßn, we have an Advocate with the Father , yefus Chrift the righteous. If God made advantage of fins pact to honour his Grace, we alto by tins Gaff may make an advantage for a renewed ufe of Faith in our Redeemer , and renewed deGtes and expectations of pardon by his Interce(fìon : but it is a wrong conclufiuit to think we may heap up new fins for time to come, and (fill make more work for pardoning Mer- cy, and be content to offend God again , that he may (fill be pardoning, and we never forfake fin. In (hurt, we mutt not fin , that grace may abound ; but when we have finned, we muff make ufe of abounding grace. Faith and Repentance may draw good out of fin it felt, to make the remembrance of it a means of our hatred , and mortification of fin , and of more gratitude to our Redeemer; but not to take liberty to indulge fin, antedating our pardon before the fad. 3. ft is contrary to all ingenuity, and love to God or Chrift. This is the difference between Faith and Prefumption, or a found and a blind confidence ocpardon by Chriff, namely , that Faith maketh us hate fin , and Prefumption maketh us Cecure and bold in finning, and (lightly to pats it over with little remorfe and reluctancy, when we are guilty of it. He who prefumeth, doth the work of an Age in a breath, God is merci- ful , Chrift dyed fdr finners , and all our confidence mutt be in Chrift: But the true Believer is more affected with fin, as the wept much, and loved myth, to whom mach was forgiven, Luc. 7. 47. and Eze% a6. 63. That than mayeft remember, and be confounded, and never open thy month any more becaufe of thy (Game, when I am pacified towards thee, for all that thou hall done. They exptefs their gratitude for remifiìon of fin by a care- ful keeping from k: pardoning Mercy maketh God amiable to us, and his Laws acce- ptable, our Duty fweeter, and Sin more grievous. Secondly It is abfurd and contrary to the Do &tine of Grace : true Chrifianity is of afar different make from this conceit. r. It is not confiftent with the Grace that goeth along with Pardon , for God fandi- fieth all thofe whom he juftifieth : we receive, together with the remiffron of fins, the gift of the Holy Ghost ; t Cor. e. 3o. Of him are ye in Chrift 3efus , who of God h made unto us wifdom, and rig'hteoefnefs, and fanaifiCation, and redemption. I Cor. 6.1 r. But ye are trollied, butye are juffified, but ye are fanítifed in the Name of the Lord 7efus, and by the Spirit of ens. God: there are infeparable, the application of the trlerit of Chrift, and the gift of his Spirit , which reneweth us to the image of God , and mortified' the life of fin mus; the heart broken with compunction feeketh this double benefit ; r foh: 1. 9. if roe confefi our fins, he is faithfid and jnft to forgive as our fes, and cleanfe ses from all unrighteoufnef : as a Malefactor that bath a Leprofie on him needs not only a Par- don , but a Medicine; and in a broken leg not only eafe of the pain is definable , but that the bone be fet right. Therefore we are both. jullified and fandified ; continuing in fin cannot confrff with the truth of Regeneration. 2. it is contrary to the order of Gods grace in the New Covenant, who requireth of us Faith and Repentance , if we would be partakers of Chrift : Now to continue in fin, into be under the bondage of it, without refiraint, or any change of heart and . life. r. It is againft Faith ;, take it for affent, it is a belief that he will lave all chofe that fubmit to be fandified, and ruled by him, in order to their Salvation ; Heb. g. 9. Being, made perfetl he became the Author of eternalfalvation to all them that o(,ey hint. if you hope to be faved by him, and will not be ruled by him, you do not believe Chrift, but the Devil : for if you believe Chrift , you muff believe that you cannot be raved , un- lefi you be converted q Mat. 18. 3. Except ye be converted , and become as little children, ye(hall not enter into the 4ngdom of heaven. Take Faith for acceptance of Chriff, it is an hearty content both of fubjedion to him, and dependence upon him , as the Saviour and Redeemer of the World ; the Mediator's blefng is to turn every one of you away from your iniquities, Ads 3. 26. he is a Saviour to fave his people from their fns, Mat. r, 21. tofèy nothing of receiving Chrifi the Lord,which the Scripture preffeth Col. 2, 6. 2. Ic is again(t Repentance , which implieth a furrow for fin , with a ferious purpofe to fotfike itc r. There is in it godly forrow, 2 Cor. 7. ro, this is requisite to check the fenfual inclination, or love of pleafure, which is the heart, root and life of all fin, it dyes when our affection to it dyes. In Repentance with bitterüefsof Soul we bemoanour felves for offendis}gGod -i- now if we lick up our vomit again, and go round in a track of confeffing fin, andleommitting fin , our hearts are not found with God we undo that which