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Vex% x, 2. the fzxth Chapter of the ROM A N s. 7 in this Myftery ; Chrift came into the World to fave (inners , but not td reconcile God to our fins, to make him lefs holy, or his Law lefs ftriet, or lets odious; and his free pardon is not to ipcourage us to go on in our Ctrts, byr a wield heart, like a Spider, will fuck poyfon from thole flowers from whence a Bee (flelteth hOneyÿ 2. Let us not give occafion to others to thïnk"fo :either , 1.11y entertaining Opi- nions that may countenance this abufe , as the felting up a naked dependence on Chriff without a care of Holinefs-, or Chrifts Merit, againft his Spirit; relying on his reconci- ling, and negleEting his renewing Grace; that we are juftified before we repent or be lieve 5, that all fins part , prefent or to come are pardoned at once; that we need not trouble our felves with fcruples about offending God; that the greateft confidence of our own good eftate, is the ffrongeft and belt Faith. 2. Nor by Praftices. Chriftians -mutt be ma(} averfe from fin., and all enormous Praßices, elfe you,dlftiönogr"Chrift in the World; but let the blame and Warne lye on us, and not on the Ggfpe!. 3. Let us not harbour this miftake in our own bofoms , we are marvellous apt to do fo , but hereby we forfeit the comfort and priviledge of Chriftians, and it cdncernetli God to avenge the quarrel of his Grace againft us. Now harbour it we do, if we grow more carelefs and negligent in Duties, lets circumfpeft in our Converfations, lefs hum- ble for Sins , and venture upon thorn with greater boldnefs and fecurity, if you think you need to be lets troubled for fin, lets earnelt and watchful againft it , as if Once Chrift dyed for the expiation of it, it were a fnialler spatter than before to fin againft God a you are guilty of this abufe. Vfe 2. To exhort you to three things, I. To carry your felves as thofe that are dead to fin , be fore that its Dominion anti Reign be broken , and its ltrength and power every day more weakened; you fubdue it throughly root and branch , and let your minds be more intent on this , that you may not fin , 1 ph. 3. 9. Whofo is born of God doth not commit lin , for his feed remaineth in him; and he cannot fn, betaufe he is born of God : fee how this is fulfilled in you, and what Conscience you make of your Fiaptifmal Vow every day. a. Honour Qrace; ydu (hould not only efleem it, and advance it in your minds, but let forth the glory of it in word and deed ; Eph. r. 5, 12, Having predefiinated us unto the adoption of children by jetty Cbriil to bimfelf,according to the good pleafirre of his will, that we fboidd be to the praife pf his glory. The whole ftrain of your life and converfation ihould be to the praife of Grace, that our aftions might fpeak for it , though we be filent. To 'this end confider, God bath trufted you with the honour of his Grace, therefore you .lhould be eminently much better than other men. M,t. 5. 56. Let your light fo J1üné before men, that they mayfee your good world, anti glorii e your Father which is in heaven. 1 Pet. 3. 9. and fet forth the genuine and kindly workings of it. 3. Fortifie your minds againft this abufe, which is fo natural to us. 1. Gods principal Will is, that we fhould obey his Laws , rather than need his Par- don 5 the Precept is before the Sanition, before fin came into the world ; he pardoneth, that we may return to our duty , Heb. 9. 54. Luh, e. 74. Rev. 5. q, rd. therefore to make wounds for Chrift to cure, is not the part of a good Chriltian. 2. Remember what was Chrilts main defigg, r job. 3. 5. To tarn away fn, not to take away obedience. Many think, though they fin never fo much, their pardon will be ready and eafie; Oh no ! not fo lightly, when you wilfully and prefumptuoufly run into fin. 3. Lode, carnal and carelefs Chriftians, that wallow in all filthinefs, and hope to be Caved, are rather of the Fab ion of Chriftians, than of the Religion of Chriftians, 2 Tim. 2. 19. Let every one that nametb the Name of Chrift depart from iniguity. r Pet. I. 57, 18 . Pals the time of your Jojourning here in fear, forsJmuch ar you are not redeemed with corruptible things, ens filvtr and gold, franc ypur vgin corlverfatipss, received by tradition from tone father. i but with the preciory blood of Chrefl , as of a Lamb without biemifh and without (pot. S ERM,