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8 SERMONS upon Serm. II. SERMON II. ROM. VI. 3. knowye not, that fo many of us a were baptisted into Jefus Chriff, were baptised into his death ? N the former verfe the Apoflle confuteth the prepofterous inference , which fome drew, or might draw from free Juftification, or Gods Mercy to Sinners in Chrift, by this Argument, It cannot be fo, that men fhould continue in fin, be- caufe Grace aboundeth, for all Chriftians are dead to fin ; at theirfirft entrance - upon the Profeffion of Chriftianity, they take upon themfelves a Vow or folemn Obligation to dye unto fin. Now what he had afferted there , he proveth it in this verle, that fuch is the Tenor of the Baptifmal engagement , Know ye not, that as many of us as were baptized into ChriFl lefev, were baptized into his death? In the words there is, 1. A Truth fuppofed, That thefe who are baptized, are baptized into ChrJ1. 2. A Truth inferred , That they that are baptized into Chrifl , are baptized into bir death. 3. The Notoriety of both thefe Truths, Know ye not? 1. For the firft, the Phrafe of being baptized into Chrifl is again repeated, Gal. 3. 27. Ar many of you as are baptized into Chrill, have put on Chrifi ; it noteth our Union with him, or ingrafting into his myftical Body. We are not only baptized in his Name, but baptized into him, made Members of that myftical Body, whereof he is the Head. z. For the fecond , are baptized into his death; ' he meaning is, Baptifm principally referreth to his Death, that we may have communion with it , expeá the benefit of it, exprefs the likenefs of it. 3. For the third, Know ye not? It is that which every Chriltian knoweth, if he be but a little inftruáed in the Principles of his fteligion, thofe bred in the Church nei- ther are, nor can be ignorant of this Truth : therefore the Doárine of Grace opens no way to Licentioufnefs. Doárine. Sacraments are a folemn means of our Communion with the Death ofChrifi. Where is to be (hewn, 1. What is Communion with Chrifls Death? s. That Sacraments are a folemn means thereof. r. What is Communion with Chrifts Death? It fignifieth two things. Fir ¡t, Something by way of Priviledge, a participation of the Benefits and Efficacy of Chrifis Death. Secondly, Something by way of Duty and Obligation, namely, a fpiritual Conformity and Likenefs thereunto, by a Mortification of our Luth and Palfrons. Firft, We are partakers of the Benefits of his Death , when we receive Pardon and Life, began by the Spirit, and perfeáed in Heaven. Pardon, Eph. r.7. In whom we have redemption by his blood, even the remifion of fins : The fame Death of Chrift, which is the meritorious caufe of our Juftification, is the caufe of our Sanliification alto, Tit.3. 5, 6. Eph. 5. 26. as it took away the impediment which hindred God from communi- cating his Grace to us, and opened a way for the Spirit of Grace to come at us, and teal our Adoption, Gal. 3. 13, 14. Chrift bath redeemed us from the curie of the Law, being made a curie for us for it it written , Curfed is every one that bangeth on a three : That thgábleng of Abraham might come on the Gentiles , through Nits Chrifl , that we might r e the promife of the Spirit through faith. Gal. 4. 5, 6. To redeem them that were un- clip. te Law, that we might receive the adoption of fins. And becaufe ye are font, God bath