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Verf 2, 3. the fixth Chapter of the ROMANS. bath fent forth the Spirit of his Son intoyour hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Secondly, Chrifts Death bindeth us to renounce fin, and by fubmitting to Baptifm we profefs to take the Obligation upon us to dye unto fin , and unto the world more and more , to (hew our felves to be true Difciples of the crucified Saviour , as v.e are when .we exprefs the likenefs of his Death , verf.5. And elfewhere the Apoffle telleth us, Gal. 2. 20. I ans crucified with Chr f. He is a Chriflian indeed , than not only belicvcrh that Chrift is crucified, but is crucified with him; that is, doth feel the virtue, and bear the likenefs of his Death : for Chrifts death is the pattern of our Duty. This likenef is feen in two things. Firff, In weakening and fubduing fin; fo it is laid, Gal. 5.24. They that are Ch,vfl. , have crucified the flefh with the affeífions and lufls ; they have in their Baptifm renounced thefe things, and they fulfil their Vow fincerely and faithfully : there we bind our felves to dye unto fin , and Chrift bindeth himfelf to communicate the virtue of his Death unto us , that we may fulfil our Vow , and by his Spirit mortifie the deeds of the body Rom. 8. 13. Secondly, In Coffering for Righteoufnefs fake, and obeying God at the deareff rate, as Chrifts undergoing the Death of the Crofs was the highefi aft of his Obedience to God. This is alfo called Conformity to his death , and the fellowfhip of his Aping Bring , Phil. ;. To. This is Participation of, or Communion .with his Death. Chrift intended to wean his people from the intereffs of the animal life; therefore affoon as they enter into his Family, or are lifted in his Warfare, they muff refolve to renounce all that is dear to them in the World, rather than be unfaithful to him. Chrift puts tisis Queffion to the two Brothers that would fain have an honourable place in his Kingdom , Mat. 20. 22. Are ye able to drinkof the cup that I fhall drink of? and to be baptized with the bapf fm that I am baptized with? They thought of Dignities, of being nearer to Chriff than others in Honour , and Chrift puts them in mind of fufferings that should befal them, wherein they might rejoyce that they were partakers with him ; but mark , here is a plain allufion to the two. Sacraments, which are Signs and Tokens of Grace on Gods fide , and we on ours bind our (elves to imitate Chrift in his patient and fell -denying Obedience. This is Communion with his Death. If. That the Sacranients are a folemn means of this Communion. Here are three things. I. That Union with Chrift is the ground of our Communion with him. 2. This Union and Communion is fignified and fealed by the Sacraments. 3. That both the Sacraments do chiefly refer to Chrifts Death. T. That Union with Christ is the ground of Communion with him. This is evident every where g for' it is Paid, t Cor. 1.'30. But-of him.are ye in (hrift left's,' who of Clod is made unto wo wifdom , and rigbteoufnefi, and fanllifióaiion, and redemption. We are firft ingrafted into Chrift, and then partake of his influence, and he conveyeth to us all manner of Grace, and is the cause both of our Juftification, and Sanctification, and final Deliverance : So. i Yoh. 5.12. He that bath the Son kath life , and he that bath not the Son bath not life. Chrift is the firft gift, firft God giveth Chrift to us, and with him all things, Rom. 8. 32.. Christ himfelf is the firft Caving gift, and therefore before the can have fpiritual life , we.muft have Chrift himfelf, who is offered to us in the Promifes of the Gofpel principally, and immediately to be received by us, and with him all his benefits , as thggMembers receive fettle and life and motion from the Head , and the Branches lap fróm the.Roor. We have not .what he bath purchafed, miles we have him flail : as we are not poffeflors of Adams guilt, till we are united to is perfon by carnal generation.; fo not of the grace of the Redeemer , till united to him by effeivat calling. In (bon , Chrift bath purchafed , and the Fathcr hath given all things into Chtifts own hands ; the gifts and graces of the Spirit are not intrufled with our felves; but him ; we have fo foully mifcarried already , that food will no more truth his Ho- nour in oar hands , we have nothing but what we have in and from the Son. The Spirit dwelleth in Chrift, and there it can never be loft ; he dwelleth in Chrift by way of radication, in us by way of influence and operation. We have many difpures about the inhabitation of the Spirit; the Spirit is not given to any Believer immediately, but to Chrift, and to us derivatively from Chrift. Therefore the Spirit called the Spirit of Chr, Rom. 8.9. and the Spirit of his Son, Gal. 4.6. and 'tie Chrift liveth in sus, Gal. 2. 20. and as head of the Church- he frlletb all in all, Eph. 1. 22, 23. From this great Ci- itern the Waters of Life come to us, and not immediately from the Godhead ; and it is Bbbbb our t