Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

io SERMONS upon Serm. I I. our Head , which Both communicate and fend to all his Members from Himfeff that Spirit, which mu(k operate in them, as they have need ; this Grace our Mediator diari- buteth to all his Members. 2. That this Union and Communion is fignified and fealed by the Sacraments, and fo they are fpecial means to preferve and uphold the Communion between Chria and us. Baptifm is fpoken of in the Text, and that is called a being baptized into Chrifl, and is elfewhere laid to be a putting on Chrifl, and here , v. g. mif.eyDL , a being planted toge. ¡her in the li/Zenef of his death , and s Cor. 1'2.13. By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, and are dl made to drink into one Spirit. The Union is begun by the Spirit, but leafed in Baptifm , then carried on by the fame Spirit, and further fealed in the Lords Supper. Our fira implantation is reprefented by Baptifm, which is a Solemniza- tion of the New Covenant , whereby the Party is folemnly entred a vifible Member of Chria and his Church. It is carried on by the fame Spirit , the Lords Supper is a Seal of that Communion : úx1 , vvvía.; 1 Cor. to. 16. The cup of bleffing which we blefi is W not the communion of the blood ofCbrisl ? the bread which we blefr , is it not the commu- nion of the body of Cori, fb ? There is not only a folemn Commemoration of the Death and Paffion of our Lord Jefus Chrift, but a Participation of his Benefits, it is the Com- munion of his Body and Blood. There is a difference between an Hiltorical Reprefen- tation of Chrifts Death, and a fpiritual Communion of his Blood and Body. Now the Lords Supper is an holy Rite inftituted cïe dvdh.vs m, in remembrance of him, and alto to convey to us the benefits of Chrifts Death. Well then, you fee this Union and Com- munion is fignified and Pealed by the Sacraments ; Baptifm is our firft implantation, and the Lords Supper concerneth our growth and nouri(hment ; the external and vifible in- corporation is by Baptifm, or Profeffron of the Chriflian Faith, which all vifible Chrifti- ans have, Yoh. 15. 2. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away ; and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it , that it may bring forth more fruit. The real and laving Union belongeth to the Regenerate, who really believe in Chrift, in their hearts Chrift d welleth , Eph. 3. 17. That Chrifi may dwell in your hearts by faith : and love is requifite , a 3ób.4. 16. God is love , and he that dwelleth in love , dweUeth in God , and God in him : and new obedience , e Yob. 3. 24. He that keepeth his commandments dwel- leth in him , and he in him ; and hereby know we that he abideth in us by the Spirit which he hash given us. This is the film then , Chrift maketh his firft entrance into us by his Spirit who regenerateth us; this is figured inBaptífm, continueth his Prefence by Faith , Love and New Obedience , which are exercifed and quickened by the Lords Supper. 3. The Sacraments do chiefly relate to our Communion with Chrifts Death, as ap- peareth, 1. By the interpretation of both in Scripture ; Baptifm is explained in the Text , the chief thing reprefented is his Death , and by what is Paid , e Cor. r. 13. I, Chr Jl divi- ded ? mm Paul crucified for you ? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul ? Whence I gather , that for any to have been crucified (made a Curti and a Sacrifice to God) for us, would draw an obligation upon us , to be baptized into his Name. And that one perulrar reafon of our being baptized into the Name of Chrift, was his having been fo crucified for us. The Lords Supper is explained , e Cor. 11.26. Ar often as ye eat . ibis bread, and drin/¿ this cup, ye do thew the Lords death till be come. The ufe of the Lords Supper is a folemn Commemoration and Annunciation of the Lords Death. We annunciate and Phew it forthwith refpeCt to our felves, that we may appew believe and exerciCe our Faith ; with refpea to others , that we may folemnly profits this Faith in the crucified Saviour with a kind of glorying and rejoycing ; with refpelt to God, that we may plead the Merits of the Sacrifice of his own Son with affiance, expe&ing the benefits thereof, which are Pardon and the fanftifying Spirit. Thus you fee Chritt bath inftituted two Sacraments, which reprefent him dead, not one to reprefent him glorified. This fignification may be confirmed by the Types of the old Law : the Sin- offering was not to be eaten by the people at all, and the Sacrifice of Thankfgiving was not to be eaten the third day after it was offered , Lev. 7. ¡6,17 , t 8. the eating of the Peace - offerings, wherein they rejoyced before the Lord , and gave him thanks , was a folemn Feaa like the Lords Supper; now they might eat it the fame day , in which it was offered with acceptation, but not on the third day, then it was unlawful : the eat- ing it the fame day taught them to haften, and not delay, but with fpeed while it is cal - led today to be made partakers of Chrift , to eat his flefh in Faith , and to be thankful for his Grace; the longea time was the fecond day , the third it could not be eaten, not