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Vert: 3. the fixth Chapter of the ROMANS. I it Dot only upon a natural reafon , that the Beth might be eaten while it was pure and Tweet, for by the third day it might eafily putrefie in thole hot Countries ; but upon d myffical reafon, to forefhadow the time of Chrifts Refurre &ion , whofe riling from the dead was on the third day , and the third day 1 (hall be perf Ued, Luk. 13.32. So our Feaft on the Beth and blood of Chrift reprefenteth his Death, rather than his Refurre - &ion. Well then, Chrift hath appointed two Sacraments , which reprefent him dead ; but none that reprefent hint glorified ; for Sacraments were inftituted in favour of Man; and for the benefit of man more direly and immediately ; than for the Honour of Chrift exalted. Therefore in thefe Ordinances he reprefenteth himfelf rather as he pro- cured the glory of others, than as poffeffed of his own Glory, and would have us con- fider rather his Death paft, than his prefent Glory. His Death is wholly for us, but his Glory for himfelf and us too. For underhanding this, we muff diftinguifh between what is primarily reprefented in the Sacraments , and what is fecondarily and confe- quentially. It is true , the confideration of his Humiliation excludeth not that of his Exaltation, but leadeth us to it : primarily and properly ChriftsDeath is reprefented in the Sacraments, and confequentially his Refurre &ion and Exaltation , as Mote other Ads receive their value from his Death as to our comfort and benefit, as his Refurre&ion and intercefíon: we remember his Death as the meritorious caufe of our Juftification and Sanûification ; but his Refurre &ion as the publick Evidence of the value of his Me- rit , according to that of the Apoftle , Rom. 4.21. He dyed for our offences; and rof again for our jufiification: Therefore primarily and direly we are baptized into his' death , and in the Lords Supper we fhew forth his death , by which he fatisfied Divine Juftice for us; but fecondarily and confequentially we remember his Refurre&ion, which fheweth that his Satisfa &ion is perfe &, and God, who is the Judge and Avenger of fin , could require no more of Chrift for the Atonement of the World. While the punifhment remaineth in the guilty perfon, or his Surety, the debt is not fully paid ï but the taking our Surety from Prifon and Judgment, fheweth, that provoked Juflice is contented. So in Baptifm, the immerfon or plunging in Water fignified his Death; and the coming out of the Water his Refurre &ion : and in the Lords Supper we an- nunciate his Death ; but becaufe we keep up this Ordinance till he come , we imply his Refurre&ion and Life of Glory, therefore we do but conf-quentially remember it So it is for Chrifts Interceffion ; it is but a Reprefentation of the Merit of his Sacrifice; and receiveth its value from his Death , Heb. 9. 12. By his own blood he entred into the holy place , having obtained eternal redemption for us. Our High Prieft now appearing before God , and reprefenting the value of his Sacrifice for all penitent Believers , the. foundation was in his Death. As this is true of the caufe, fo it is true of the benefits procured by that Caufe; the great benefit, which we have by ChriLt is Salvation, which confifts in thedeftru &ion of fin, and a fruition of thofe things, which by Gods appoint- ment are confequent upon the deftru &ion of fin , namely , Eternal Life and Happinefs. Now as thefe things are confequent upon the deftru &ion of fin, fo Baptifm and the Lords Supper fignifieth and fealeth them, but confequentially, its primary ufe is to.fiP nifie the deftru &ion an& abolition of fin by the Death of Chrift 5 as for inftance, YVe are baptized far the rem on of fns, A&. 2.38. and Ails 22. 16. Arife and be baptized, and walla away thy ins ; and in the Lords Supper , Mat. 26. 28, This is my blood of the New Teflament, which is flied for many for the remiffton of fins. So that you fee thefe benefits are more expretly fignified in Baptifm and the Lords Supper, the Refurre&ion of the Body and Eternal Life more remotely and confequentially. The Death of Chrift firht purchafed for us Juftification and San &ification, therefore they are firft repre- fented direly and primarily, Baptifm and the Lords Supper reprefent thefe efpecially y fo now you fee why the Apollle faith, Te are baptized into his death. 2. By the Rites ufed in both thefe Ordinances, Baptifm fignifieth the Death and Bu- rial of Chrift ; for immetfton under the water is a kind of Figure of Death and Burial, as our Apoftle explaineth it v. 4. Therefore we are buried with him bq Baptifm into death and the trine immerfion , the threefold Dipping ufed by the Ancients, is expounded by them, not only with reference to the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Gbofl , in whofe Names they were baptized, Mat. 28. 19. but the three feveral days, wherein Chrift lay buried in the grave, as Athana (isss expoundeth it, and many others interpret it as a fimilitude of Chrifts death for three days. So for the Lords Supper, Luke 22. 19, 20. He took bread, and brake it, and gave it to them, flying , This is my. body, which is given for you, this do in remembrance of me. Likewife alfa the cup after flipper, flying, This cup is the New l efiament in my Woad, which is fhed. for you," His Body is reprefented as dead ßlsbbb 2 and