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Vert: a,. the fxth Ghlpter of the ROMANS. 13 our lives. And as k is the ground of our confidence, and the price of our Bieffìngs, we may comfortably depend upon God for the gift of the (acidifying Spirit , and that he will afford all neceffary us in the ufe óf thole means which he hath appointed; that we may receive the Grace and Spirit of God by virtue of this help. 2. The Lords Supper is peeeffary to confirm and firengthen both our refolutions and dependence: for nothing if more fickle and uncertain than the heart of man. Men are of several forts and fines, three I (hall mention. Good Chrifhans, who have a clear and undoubted Right to the Priviledges of the new Covenant; yet they stand in need of the Lords Supper, that they way give Christ a new and hearty welcome in their Souls by the folemn remembrance of his Love, and alto have their Right folemnly confirmed and ratified, that their confidence and joy in the Lord may be quickned and increafed , Alts 8. 39. Or else lapfed Believers , thefe come by the folemn Remem- brance of Chrifts Death to be fet in joynt again; and reftored to Gods favour, whilft both they and God renew the promise of the deftrudion of fin, t Yoh. 2. t. Another fort are weak, wavering, doubtful Chriltians, yam. t. 8. who come because of their im. perfe& estate, that they may, be confirmed and ffrengtherted , that the t:óynfort of their Chriltianity may be more explicite arid their refolutions ayit fin fortified, that they may more glory in the Death and Crofs of Chrift , feeling the effe&s of it in their own Souls, Gal. 6. 14. and look upon Chrift, not limply propounded as dead , but as dead for them, and themfelves dead with him. Vfe. Here is dire &ion to us about the imrroimment of our Communion with Chrift , to look more to the effef and fruit of Sacraments 5 have we the Communion of his Death ? t. Of your Baptifm: Do you live as one that h washed from his fins, that is, baptized into the Death of Christ ? What vertue have you tes quell fin ? What likenefi sip you exprefs ? Baptifm is the heft preparation for the Lords Supper, if you haire the.fruit of that, you may more comfortably come to the other, 74. 13.8. If I web thee noti thou half no part with me. We are utterly unqualified and unprepared for the Lords Supper, if we be not wattled. Now though no man can fay his heart is clean , yet every good Chriltian maketh Confcience of his -Baptismal Vow , he purifieth himself as Chrift is pure , the work is a doing. If this Confcience be not in us , the whole Allion is loft to us, yea will bring a Judgment upon us: What do we come about, but thedeftru- &ion of fin ? Is it really your burden? Have you not only a with but a will to get rid of it? If fo you have been labouring in it, you delire folemnly to remember Chrifis Death, to strengthen your refolutions, and increale your dependence, that its thefe means you may meet with more incouragement 5 then come and fee what Christ will do for you. 2. As to the Lords Supper, your great bufnefs here is to commemorate Chrifts Death, who is evidently fet forth, and as it were crucified before your eyes: Now you you do not commemorate his Death as a Tragical Rory , but as a Mystery of Godlinels, and therefore you are to look to the end of it , which is the destru&ion of fin. This is what man needeth, this is that which God offereth. I. This is needed by man, we are undone forever, if fin be not deftroyed. We may take up the Churches words , Lament. 5. i t. The crown isfallen from our head , wo unto as, that we have finned ! If we had a broken hearted fence of what we have brought upon our (elves by fin , we would more prize our remedy : we come to be Paved from fm, and fo by consequencefrom Wrath.and Hell , and (hall we be cold in fuch addreffes to God,while we have to much fin in us ? 2. This is offered by God. His great intention of fending Christ into the World, was to be a propitiation for our fns 5 1 Joh. 4. to. Herein is love, not that we loved God, bat that .he loved us, and lint hi: Son to be the propitiation for our fins 5 and therefore he let him forth in the Gospel , Rom. 3. 2¢. Whom God bath fat forth to he a propitiation through faith in his blood. How is it offered ? t. it is dearly purchafed by the Death of.Chrift , that was the price paid for our Ranfom , which both commendeth his Love, Rom. 5.8. But God commendeth bis love to au , in that whole we were yet inners Chrift dyed far as , and affureth our confidence, Rom. 8.32. He that "pared not bis own Son, but delivered him up for us all , how fha/1 be not with him alfa freely give its all thing, ? 2. It is freely offered: Ifa, 55. i. Ha every une that tbirfbeth , earae ye to the watery, and be that bath no money, certe ye, buy. and eat, yea come, .. and mìl&aritloui money