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14 SERMONS upon Serm. III. money and without price. Rev. 22. 17. And the Spirit and the Bride fay , Come, and let him that heareth fay, Come, and let him that it a thirfi come 5 and whofoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Thefe blefiingscome freely to you, though they colt Chrift dear. 3. It is furely fealed and conveyed to every penitent Believer : for God by Deed and Inftrument reacheth out to every Believer the Body and Blood of our crucified Sa- viour, or the benefits of Chrifts Death. To others it is a Nullity, the whole Duty is loft to them, who regard iniquity in their hearts.. Therefore refolve without any re- fervation to devote your (elves to God, always to watch and ftrive againft fin. SERMON III. R O M. VI. 4. Therefore we are buried with him by Baptifm into death, that like as Chrif was railed up from the dead by the glory of the Fàther : even fo we a fo fhould walk in newnefs of life. TH E words are a proof, that we are baptized into Chrifts Death , the Apoftle proveth it , by explaining the Rites of Baptifm. The ancient manner of Baptifm was to dip the Parties baptized, and as it were to bury them under water for a while : and if Baptifm hath the Figure of a Bu- rial, but with an hope to rife again, then it fignifieth two things,.Chrifts Death and Refurreftion, the one direly and formally , the other by confequence 5 and our Communion with him in both. Therefore we are buried with him in Baptifm, &c. In the words the Apoftle fpeaketh, i. Of fomething direly and primarily fignified in Baptifm , We are buried with him, &e. 2. Of fomething by juft confequence and inference thence, That like as, &c. i. That which is primarily and direltly fignified in Baptifm, We are buried with him in Baptifm into his death : the like expreflion you have, Col. 2. 12. Buried with him in Baptifm , wherein alfo ye are rifn with him. The putting the baptized Perron into the Water, denoteth and proclaimeth the Burial of Chrift , and we by fubmitting to it are baptized with him, or profefs to be dead to fin 5 for none but the dead are buried. So that it fignifieth Chrifts Death for fin , and our dying unto fin. You will fay , If the Rite hath this fignification and ufe, why is it not retained ? I anfwer, Chriftianity lyeth not in Ceremonies, the principal thing in Baptifm is the waffling away of fin, Allr 22. 16. Arifi and be baptized , and wafh away thy fins 5 that may be done by pour- ing on of water as well as dipping. Other things were ufed about Baptifm then, as the firipping themfelves of their cloaths , even to ftark nakednefs 5 whence came the no- tions of putting off and putting on, fo frequently ufed Eph. 4. 22, 24. That ye put of'con- cerning the former converfeiion the old man 5 and Col. 3. 9, IC. Seeing ye have put off the old man with his deed,, and have put on the new man, &c. Gal. 3. 27. As many of you as have been baptized into ChriJ1, have put on Chrifb. Now none rigoroully urge the con- tinuance of thefe Ceremonies 5 as long as the fubftance is retained, we may not quarrel about the manner. 2. That which was fignified with juft confequence and inference, is our conforming to Chrifir refurretlion. Baptifm referreth to this alto, as a fignificant Emblem , for the go- ing