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VerC q,. the fixth Chapter of the ROMANS. ing out of the water is a kind of refurre &ion, fo it fignifieth Chrifts aefurredion and ours. Now our refurreftion is double, to the life of Grace fpoken of here, and called the firft Refurre &ion ; or to the life of Glory , Baptifm relateth to that alto, r Cor. i g: 29. elfe what (hall they do, who are baptized for the dead ? Baptifm is a putting in and taking out of the water , or a being buried with an hope to rife : The former is intended here , our riling to the life of Grace. All this abundantly proveth , that thofe which are dead to fin, cannot live any longer therein. In the latter Claufe the Pattern of Chrifts RefurreCtion is firft propounded , then ap- plied, the Protafis, the Apodofis. I. The Protafis , or the Propofal of the Pattern , like as Chrift was railed up from the dead by the glory of the Father. 2. The Conformity , or Similitude on our part , even fo we fhould wall¿ in newnefs of life. I. In the Pattern propounded you may obferve two things. Fief, Chrilis fiate after his Burial, he was ifed up from the dead. Secondly, The efficient Caufe, by the glory of the Father, that is, by his glorious Pow- er, as it is explained, 2 Cor. 13. 4. He was crucified through weaknefr, but he liveth by the power of God : and elfewhere by the glory of God is meant his power. So yob. FL 40e If thou wouldeft believe, thou fhouldefi fee the glory of God , that is , his Power in railing Lazarus to life. The agreement to this purpofe is obfervable of Eph. 3, 16. That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be ftrengthened with all might , with Col. i. i r. Strengthened with all might according to his glorious power. And this Power doth effect that great change in us, which fits us for the new life, as Eph. i. ig, 20. And what is the exceeding greatnefi of his power to no -ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. Which he wrought in Chrift, when he railed him from the dead , and fit him at his own right band in the heavenly placer. Col. 2. 12. Buried with him in Baptifm, wherein'alfo ye are rifle with him , through the faith of the operation ofGod, who hath rai- fid him from the dead. It is the mighty Operation of God that beginneth this life in us, the fame Power raifeth us firft to a new life, then to a glorious Eternity. 2. The Apodofis : wherein it is applied , evenfo we alfo fhould walk in newnefs of life: The Similitude holdeth good in thefe things. I. As the Refurreetion of Chrift followed his Death , fo doth newnefs of life our death to fin. 2. As Chrift was railed to a bleffed immortal Life by the glorious Power of the Fa- ther; fo are we renewed and quickened by the fame Power. 3. The Effea of the new Birth is mentioned, our walking in newnefs of life, rather than Regeneration or the new Birth it felf, which yet is fignified by Baptifm, and Chrifts Refurre &ion is the Pattern and Caufe of it; the Similitude holdeth good in the Powers and in the new Rate of Life, which fuppofeth fnch a Principle. Do&rine. That Baptifm firongly obligeth us to Welkin newnefs of Life. 1. Let me fpeak of the Nature of this new Life. H. How ftrongly we are obliged by Baptifm to carry it on through the Power of God. L This newnefs of Life, it may be confidered, Firfi, In its Foundation, which is the new Birth or Regeneration; for till we are made new Creatures, we cannot live a new life; ,oh. 3. g, 6. Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom ofGod. That which is born of the flefh is fdefh , and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. 2 Cor. 5. 17. If any man be in Chrift, he is a new creature : old things are paged away, behold all things are become new. i Bowl mutt be made round before it can run round : all creatures are firft made and fitted for their oie , before they can perform the operations belonging to that creature t fo a new Being and holy Nature is put into us, and we are powerfully changed, before we can live unto God. Mans nature is not in fuch a condition, as to need force repa- ration only ; but is wholly corrupt. Therefore we mutt be born again , there mutt be a change of the whole Man from a Rare of Corruption to a Rate of Holinefs , and a Principle of new Life mutt be infufed into us, whence flow new a/tions and delights. Secondly, The firft Regeneration confifts of two parts, Mortification and Vivifica- tion. Mortification doth conquer the flethly inclination to things prefent, and Vivifi- cation doth quicken as to live unto God. There is need of both. Of Mortification, that