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16 SERMONS upon Serm. III. that we may dye to the Flelh and to the World, for there is a (educing Principle with- in , and a tempting Objeft without; within there is the Flefh , without the World; we dye to both. To the Flefh, Gal. 51 24. They that are Chrtf s have crucified the flefb, with the afaions and lefts. To the World , Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that I fhould glory, Pave in the croft of our Lord jefus Chrift, by whom the world is crucified to me , and I unto the world. While the mind and heart is captivated to the flefh, we can never ceafe to fin. There is need of Vivification , that you may live to God : for the recefs from the world is not enough, unlefs there be an accefs to God ; and therefore the immediate Principles that carry us to God , are Love kindled in us by Faith in Chrift. For the new Creature , being interpreted as to Vivification , is nothing elfe but Faith working by Love. Compare Gal. 5.6. In Chrift Jefus neither circumcifon nor uncircumcifon a- vaileth any thing, but faith which worketh by love, with Gal. 6. 15. In Chrill yefus neither circemcifion nor uncircumcifon availeth any thing, bet a new creature. Thefe two, Faith and Love , are the Principles and Springs of all Chriftian ilradice and Converfation. You are never changed till the Heart beehanged ; and the Heart is never changed, till the Will and Love be changed. Well then , it is not enough to dye to fin , but we mutt walk in newnefs of life , both mutt be minded ; but we begin firft at Mortifica- tion, and then proceed to the pofitive duties of a new life. Holinefs confifts not in a weer forbearance of a fenfual life but principally in living to God : the Heart of it within is the Love of God , its inclination towards him , delight in him , defire after hint, care to pleafe him , lothnefs to offend him , and the expreffion of it without is the exercife of Grace according to the direEtion of Gods Word. Yea, thefe two bran- ches are not only feen at firft , but every (cep of the new life is a dying to fin , and a rifing to newnefs of life, a retiring from the world to God. Thirdly, As to the Rule, which is the infallible Revelation of God, delivered to the Church by the Prophets and Apoftles, comprifed in the Holy. Scriptures, and fealed by Miracles, and Operations of the Holy Ghoft, who was the Author of them. The new Creature is very inquifitive to know Gods Will , Rom. 12. 2. And be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfet7 will of God. Grace is fometimes called Light , and fometimes Life; for there is direûion in it as well as inclination. This Light we have from the Word and Spirit : In the Word our Duties are determined, and the new Crea- ture is naturally carried to the Word ; his the feed of that life it bath , 1 Pet. r. 23. Being barn again not of corruptible feed but incorruptible , by the word of God , which liveth and abideth for ever : and it is the Rule of acting and exercifing this life., Gal. 6. 16. As many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, &c. There is a Cognation between the Word and the renewed Heart, Heb.8. i o. I will put my laws in to their mind , and write them in their heart : as the (tamp and imprefs anfwereth to the Seal , or the Law within to the Law without, the Law written on the heart to the Law written on Tables, or in the Bible. Fourthly, As to the End, which is the pleating, glorifying and injoying of God, it is a living to God, Gal. 2. 19. I through the Law am dead to the Law, that I might live un- to God. r Cor. lo. 31. Whether therefore ye eat or chilli, or whatfoever ye do, detail to the glory of God. 2 Cor. 5.9. Wherefore we labour, that whether prefent or abfent, we may be accepted of him. A new life inferreth new ends and purfuits, the new Being obligeth us to be to the praife of his glorious grace, Eph. I. 12. Fifthly, The Properties of it. r. It is a godly Life, as beginning and ending in God, and carried on by thofe, who are absolutely devoted and addifted to him; 2 Pet. 3. I. What manner of perfons ought ye to be in all holy converfation and godlinefs ? It is called the life of God, Eph. 4. 18. it is from God and for God ; you live by him and to him ; in others Self is the Principle, Meafureand End. 2. It is an holy Life, meafured by the pure Word of God, Pfd. 119. 140. Thy ward is very ;tire, therefore thy fervant loveth it. Rom. 7. 12. The law is holy, and the com- mandment is holy, and juft, and good : not by our own natural inclinations, or the fa- fhions of the world , but Gods direetion : 1 Pet. I. 15. As he which bath called you , is holy , fo be ye holy in all manner of converfation. Luk. i. 75. That we fhauld ferve him in holinefs and righteoufnefs before him all the days of our lives. The inclinations are plant- ed in us by Gods firft work, Eph. 4. 24. That ye put on the new man , which after God is created in righteoufnefs and true holinefs : they are dire&ed by his Word, all Moral Du- ties being comprifed in thofe words, Holinefs or Dedication to God, Righteoufnefs, perform-