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Vert 5. the fixth Chapter of the R tim A N S. 4. Doubts will be troublefom. To obey Chrift a little, and the Flelh more, is nd true obedience, and fuch will have no rejoycing of heart : Job 2o. 12, 13, 14. Though, wicstednefi be Tweet in boo mouth, though he hide it under his tongue, though he pare it, and forfake it not, but keep it fill within his mouth; yet his meat in his bow& is turned into poifon, and becomes the gall of affres within him. Sin proveth bitter and vexing, till we leave it, and limners flit' have a fecret fling within. q. The Heart is benummed and ftupefied: Heb. 3. 13. Hardened through the deceit- feelnefo of fin, that is the (ore(( Judgment to become flupid. 2. To walk in newnefs of life. Fief It is the moll noble life the Nature of Man is capable of, it is called the life of God, Eph. 4. 18. it floweth from the gracious pretence of God dwelling in us by the Spirit, which ingageth us in the higheft defigns. Secondly, It is the moll dele &able life : Prov. 3. 17. Her ways are ways of pleafsnt- nefs, and all her paths are peace. We live upon God as reprefented to us in a Mediator; and avoid the filthinefs, delufons, vexations of the World and the Refit. Thirdly, It is the moll profitable life, it is a preparation for ,. and introdu&ion into' eternal life : Rom. 6. 22. But now being made free from fin, and become fervents to God, ye haveyour fruit unto holinefi, and the end everlaf ing life. 2I SERMON IV. ROM. VI. 5. For if we have been planted together in the likenefs of his death, we (hall be alfo in the likenefs of his refirrec`fion. H E R E the Apofile proveth, that continuance in fin cannot be fuppofed in them that are really and fincerely dedicated to Chrift in Baptifm, from the flriét Union between Chrift and them, and their Communion already thereupon with him in his Death. They are planted into Cbrf, and particularly into the likenefo of his death; therefore the Virtue and Like- nefs of his Refurrel.tion is communicated to them. For if we have been planted together in the likenef of his death, we (hall be a f in the likenefr of his refnrreilion. In the words, I. A Suppofition, and 2. An Inference. 1. The Suppolition proceedeth on two grounds. One is taken from the general Nature of Sacraments, that they lignifie and Peal our Union and Communion with Chrift. The other from their dire& and immediate Ufe, our Communion with his . Death. s. The Inference , and Confequence drawn thence , That we (hall be alfa planted into the liI enefs of his refsrreïiion. The reafon of the Confequence is, becaufe if we have indeed Communion with Chrift in one Aft, we hall have Communion with him in another ; for the one doth but make way for the other, the death of fin for the life of Holinefs. But what is this Likeiefs of his Death, and this Likenefs of his Refurre&ion? (t.) The Likenefs of his Death hath been already explained to be a dying to fin and to the world, as the fuel and bait of fin ; our old man is crucified,verf. 6. and the world is crucified to us, and we to it, Gal. 6. 14. Not that we are utterly dead to all the mo- tions of fin, but the reign ofit is broken, its poiver much weakened. (a.) What is this Likenefs of his Refurre&ion ? There is a twofold Relurreftion, a Relurreflion to the Life