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22 SERMONS upon Serm. I V. Life of Grace, and to the Life of Glory. The one may be called the Refurreaion of the Soul, the other the Refurre Lion of the Body. Both are often (poke of in Scripture. The firft is fpoken of here, our being quickened, when we were dead in trefpaJs and fins, and railed from the death of fin to newnefi of life, verf. 4. But though Regeneration or Refurreaion to the Life of Grace be principally intended ; yet Refurreaion to the Life of Glory is not altogether excluded ; for the one is the beginning of the other, and the other lurely followeth upon it by Gods Promife 5 the joys and blifs of the laft Refurre- ¿ion are the reward of chore, who have part in the firft Refurre &ion, and are railed to Holinefs of life. When the Apoflle had firft Paid , Phil. 3. to. That I may know him, and the power of his refurretlion , he prefently addeth in veil: if. If by, any means I may attain to the refurretlion of the dead. When once we are railed from the death of fin to the life of Grace , then the benefit reacheth further than to any thing within time, it accompanieth a man till death and after death , and preferveth his duff in the grave, that it may be railed into a body again , and fo in Body and Soul we are made parta- kers of the glorious RefurreQion of the Juft. So Eph. 2. 5, 6. He bath quickened us to- gether with Chrifi ; and railed ut up together with Chrift : the one expre lion fignifleth our Regeneration, the other our riling to Glory : firft he quickeneth us by his convert- ing Grace, and then glorifieth us by his rewarding Grace. All that I (hall fay concerning this double Refurre&ion, may be referred to there three Confederations. a. That both are the fruit of our Union withChrift , his railing us to a new life, and his railing us to the life of Glory : Rom. 8. t t. If the Spirit of him that railed up jefua fromthe dead dwell in you , he that railed up Chrift from the dead, (hall alfa quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. The fame Spirit that we received by Union with Chrift, doth firft fanetifie our Souls, and then raire our Bodies. 2. That the one giveth right to the other , Rom. 6.8. If we be dead with Cbrfl we believe that we (hall a f rife with him ; that is, live with him in glory , Rom. 8. 13. If ye through the Spirit mortis ié the deeds of the body, ye fhall live. 3. That when we are fully freed from fin, then we attain to the full Refurre &ion : fomewhat of the fruit of fin remaineth in our bodies till the laft Day , but then is our final deliverance ; therefore it is called the day of redemption , Eph. 4. 3o. Well then, the meaning is , If the fruits of his Death be accomplifhed in us, we fhall be Pure to par- take of all the fruits of his RefurreQion. Doarine. That Vnion with Chrifi, fealed in Baptifm, inferreth a Conformity or L ike- nefs both to his Death and Ref rretlion. This point I will lay forth to you in thefe five diftina Confederations. 1. That there is a (trier Union betweenChrift and Believers. 2. That this Union is fignified and fealed in Baptifm. 3. That this Union fealed in Baptifm inferreth a Likenefs or Conformity to Chrift. 4. That this Likenefs and Conformity to Chrift is both with refpea to his. Death and, Refurreaion. 5. If with the one, by infallible confequence it mull be with the other. r. That there is a (lrla Union between Chrill and Believers. It is reprefented in Scripture by many Metaphors, I will look no further than that of the Text. The fimi- litude is taken from a Graff, which becometh one Plant with the Tree, upon which it is engraffed, and draweth the lap of life and fruitfulnefs out of it : So we are united to Chrift as the frock , and receive the Spirit from him , as the grafi doth the lap from the root. The Apoáles word is 04.9t7tot, we are planted together , we are not fo planted together as one tree is by another , (cut arbor inter vol juxta arbores , thus a whole Or- chard is planted together : But the one is planted into another, as the branch is into the frock and root. Trees that are planted by one another , may be Paid to be planted to- gether in regard of fituation and place: but a flip planted into a Rock , is planted to- gether in regard of fuftentation and influence. Once more , this being planted toge- ther , is not in regard of time , for now tome, now others are planted into it ; but in regard of Union, all firá or laft are planted into Chrill, they do not all live together in one Age , nor are they converted at one time ; but they all live in Chrill. But be- caule fimilitudes do not every way fquare with the thing which they are brought to reprelent 5 let us fee wherein this fimilitude of a Graff is like or unlike the Myftery let forth thereby. I. Let us take notice of the difference and diffìmilitude. 1. In