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VerL 5. the fzxth Chapter of the R o M A N s. 23 1. -In ordinary ingraffingi the Rock is bate, when the Plant is noble and generous, as when the branch of a choiceApple-tree is planted into a Crab - frock. But the cafe is quite otherwife here , all the goodnefs is in the flock or root , we were branches of the wild olive -tree , Rom. r 1. 17. or the degenerate plants of a orange vine , as the Prophet fpeaketh, Jer. 2.21. Men when they ingraff feek out thechoicefa Slips or Plants, and are wont to fend far and near for fuck : but God makethanother choice of Plants wild by Nature , who can bring forth no good fruit of themfelves, and graffeth them into Chrift the Mediator , That they may be filled with the flails of righteoufnefi, which are by Chrifi jefiss to the praife and glory of God, Phil. 1. t 1. 2. Be the Slip generous or bale, Wit be dead, the ingraffing is in vain ; Though the flock be never to tufty and growing, it cannot quicken a dead Slip : But it is other - wife here, Eph. 2. 1. And you that were dead in trefpafes and fins , yet now bath he quickened. 3. The Graff bringeth forth fruit according to its own nature, and its own kind: But here the Graff is changed by the flock , and followeth the nature of the flock, We are made partakers of a Divine Nature, 2 Pet. 1. 4. and fo live to God : this fruit be- longeth to the frock, and wholly cometh from his influence: 2. Let us fee the Likeness and Refemblance. 1. As the Branch and Stock make one Tree; fo we that are cut off from our old Root, and planted into Christ, become one with him: I am the Vine , ye are the branches, Job. 15. 5. We are one with him , not by way of Adhesion , as Ivy deavetli to the Oak , and receiveth nourishment from it 5 but by way of Infìtion and Implanta- tion : there is a dofer Union between the Graff and the Stock , than there is between the Ivy and the Oak. 2. In regard of influence, as Plants receive moifrure and juyce from the Root; fo do we receive nourishment from Chrift. As the Apofhle fpeaketh of the Covenant flock, Rom. t 1. 17. Thom partake fb of the root and fatnefi of the Olive-tree ; meaning it of the priviledge of Ordinances and means of Grace, which the Gentiles did partake of by be- coming Abrahams feed by Faith. So it is true of the Mediator, or the Root and Head of the renewed Eflate; we partake of his fatnet, without which we should loon dye and wither : Job. 15.4. As the branch cannot bear fruit of it felf , except it abide in the vine , no more can ye, exceptye abide in me. The Spirit by the grace of the Redeemer is difrributed to Believers, as juyce to the branches, as long as they abide in their frock, and are not cut or broken off. It is not a bare imitation, but influence. 3. The effeers are Life, Growth and Fruitfulnefs. r. Life , r joh. 5. 12. He that bath the Son bath life, and he that .bath not the Son bath not life. We have no life, but as planted. into Chrift, who is our Root; both the life we have, and the life we hope for, cometh from him : Gal. 2. 20. 1 am crucifiedwith Chrifi. Neverthelefi I live, yet not 1, but Chrifi liveth in me 5 and the life which 1 now live in the fefh, I Ike by the faith of the Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me. 2. Growth, Col. 2. 19. Not holding the bead, from which all the body by joynts and bands having nourishment minifired, and knit together , increafeth with the increafe of God. Every member doth its part, but the influence, whereby they increafe, is from the Head. Now our growth is either in Mortification , when by degrees we get more frrength to kill fin ; or in Vivification, or our riling more and more to newnefs of life. 3. Fruitfulnefs, ph. 15. 5. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the fame bringeth forth much fruit : and the wisdom that it from above , is Paid to be full of good fruits, yam. 3. 57. that is , plentiful in ads of Holinefs , Obedience and Love ; to do a little good may be more from Chance than Nature. Well then, from the whole we fee, that the power of dying to fin, and walking in newnefs of life is derived from Jefus Chrift, and he should have the praife of all ; for he merited thefe benefits for us, and effel eth them in us by his Spirit, which we receive by virtue of Union with him. 2. That this Union is fignified and fealed in Baptism , I will not fpeak much of this, becaufe I handled it before in another verle. Only let me mind you, that there is a vifible external profeffed implantation into Chrift, and an internal and real implanta- tion : the one is by Baptifm , the other is by the Spirit : both together make complear Baptifm, 1 Cor, 12. 13. For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether we be yews or Gentiles , whether we be bond or free : and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. One alone is the Baptifm of Water , the other the Baptifm of the Spirit : The one inferreth an obligation , the other produceth an inclination to dye unto fin , and to live unto God. And therefore, 1. Let