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SERMONS upon . Serfn. I V. I. Let us fpeak of Baptifm, and 2. -Of Regeneration. I. Of Baptifm, which inferreth an obligation. All thofe that profefs Faith in Chrift, and an intereft in him, are by Baptifm taken into the number of his Difciples , and vili- bly joyned into his Church, Ali, 2.41. Then they that gladly received his word, were ha- ptized , and the fame day there were added unto them about three thoufand fouls. And therefore they are bound to rife from the death of fin to the life of Grace , and to take ufe of the virtue purchafed by Chrilis Death , and evidenced by his Refurrection , to this end and purpofe, and to ufe all good endeavours to fubduè fin : and a double wo and curfe(hall befal us , unlefs we verifie and make good this Vow and Profeffion by our confiant. practice. And therefore all the Members of the vifible Church are to be put in mind , that they are planted into the likenefs of his Death , and engaged to walk in newnefs of life : 1 ph. 2. 6. He that faith, he abideth in him, ought to walk alfa as he walked. Not only he that abideth in him, as a real Member of his myftical )3ody';. but he that faith, he abideth in him. All that profefs Communion with Chrift , their Profeffion bindeth them to a refemblance of Chrift , otherwife their Baptifm is but a mockery , and their Profeffion a diffembling and counterfeit refpe& to Chriffs Name and Memory. It may be faid to them , as Alexander fait' to one that bore his Name, but was a Coward , Either lay afide the name, or put on greater courage. So either do as Chriftians, or do not pretend to be Chriftians. 2: As to Regeneration figured by Baptifm. In Regeneration there is planted in us, or put into us a Principle deftru &ive of fin , and impulfive to Holinefs; Now the working and urging of this Principle fhould not. be reftrained or obftrut ed. r. As to the deftru &ion of fin, the checks of the new Nature ( hould be obferved : t yob. 3. 9. Whofoever is born of God Both not commit fn , for bis feed remaineth in him, and he cannot fin, becaufe he is born of God. 2. As to the perfecting of Holinefs , w here the life of Holinefs is begun , we fhould give way to its operations ; and when the new Nature would break out with opera- tions proper to it fell, we fhould obey there motions : t Yoh. 2.5. Bat whofo keepetb bis word, in him verily is the love of God perfected; that is, breaketh out into its confum- mate and perfect cie &. So 2 Pet. 1.8. For if theft things be in you and abound, they make you that you (hall be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jefus Chrifi. Grace in its vigour will put you upon fruits becoming a Chriffian; this vigour fhould not be quenched, which is our internal Baptifm. 3. This Union fealed in Baptifm inferreth a Likenefs and Conformity to Chrift. I prove it thus. Firfi, Surely we are cut off from our old flock, and planted into a new one to better our condition, that it may be otherwife with us in Chrift, than we were when we'mere- ly belonged to Adam. This improvement of our eftate and condition cometh from our being planted into a new flock, and partaking of his virtue and influence , and that inferreth a likenefs : '1 Cor. 15.49. As we have born the image of the earthly, we.ßsall alfa bear the image of the heavenly. As we grew upon our natural Root, we were like Adam; but when cut off and planted into a new Root, we are made like Chrift. How like Adam? Gen. 5. 3. Adam begat a fon in his own liltenefs; corrupt man begat a corrupt fon, mortal man begat a mortal child. So by proportion we may conceive of the image of the Heavenly,firft made holy,then happy creatures: in the fiat we had the feed and pledge of death and corruption, and in the fecond the feed and pledge of incorruption, immortality and life. Secondly, Chrift was fit to be a Pattern, to whom all the reft of the Heirs of Promife fhould be conformed , for this reafon : Becaufe he was the Head of the renewed ftate. Primum in enaquaq; genere elf menfura & regula càterorum , the flrft and belt to every kind is the meafure and rule of the reft. He is a Fountain of Grace letup in our Na- ture : Rom. 8. 29. He path predeflinated ws to be conformed to the image of his Son, that be might be repraavmse ., the Ali-born among many brethren, that principal new Man, to whom we might be conformed. In every cafe wherein one thing beareth the image and likenefs of another, there muff not only be fimilitude, but deduction, or a means of conveying that likenefs. Both are in Chrift, therefore Chrift is let up as a Pattern in our Nature, who lived among men in the fame flelh that we have, to teach us a life of Holinefs and Patience, and contempt of the World. Thirdly, The famenefs of the Spirit in Head and Members doth evidence this. For the Spirit worketh uniformly in both : Rom. 8. 9. But ye are not in the fhefb , bat in the Spirit,