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Vert. 5. the fzxth Chapter of the ROMAN s. 2 5 Spirit , if Jo be the Spirit of God dwell in you. The fap of the flock doth all 5 now if the flock be the good Vine, the fruit muff be as the fap is , the branches mutt bring forth Grapes, Chrift as the Root communicateth to us not only the fruits and effe &s of his Death and Refurredion 5 but alío the likenefs of it , in a way proper for our reception. We partake of the likenefs of the Root by Analogy and jüft propor- tion, and what was done to Chrift literally , is fpiritually done to us 5 he dyed for fin, we dye unto fin 5 he rofe to live unto God, fo do we in Our way here upon earth, as we feek his Glory and do his Will. Fourthly , That this Likenefs and Conformity to Chrift is carried on with refpe& to his Death and Refurre &ion. To clear this it is good to fee, wherein our Likenefs to Chrift conlifts. He was to be a Pattern to us in three things. 1. His Graces. 2. His States. 3. The fpecial Acts of his Mediation. 1. His Graces. There are certain Graces wherein we refemble God , ás'Wifdom9 Purity, Holinefs, Goodnefs and Truth 5 in there God himfelf is gut Pattern, Mat. 5.8; Be ye perfetl, as your Father which is in heaven is perfea. There are other Graces that help us in the duties of fubje&ion to God, as Faith, Patience, Humility, Self-denial and. Obedience 5 in thefe we cannot have the Pattern from God, for God is over all , and fubje& to none 5 therefore in thefe Chrift is a Pattern to us. As for inflame, Humility, Mat. it. 29. Learn of me, far I am meek and lowly in heart. For. Obedience, Reb. 5.8: Though he were a Son, yet learned be obedience by the things which he firffrred. For Pa= tience and Self denial, 1 Pet. 2. 2s, 23. Chrifi Mired for us, leaving us an example, that we fhonld follow hisfieps. Who when he-was reviled , reviled not again , when he fnfferedi he threatned not , but committed himfelf to him that jeidgeth righteoufly.. Thus in his Graces mutt we refemble him. 2. In his States, of Humiliation and Exaltation, wherein we mutt be content to fol- . low him who fiat fuffered , and then entred into the Glory that he fpake of. His peo- ple are ufually afi&ed, perfecuted, flandered , now they mutt fuffer all for the hopes of a better life, becaufe therein they do but follow the Captain of their Salvation , who was madeperfef# through fnferings, Heb. z. Io. And if we fallr with him , we ¡hall alfo be glorified together, Rom. 8. 17. So 2 Tim. 2. 11,12. If we be dead with him, we (hall alfa live with bits 5 if we fifer , we (hall alfo reign with him. 2. Cor.. 4. IO. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord yefws , that the life a fo óf plus might be made ma- fiferi in our mortal Alb : And in many other places, where Chrilts Pattern is urged to befpeak our Patience, and incourage our Hopes, that we may bear his Gras after him with an hope of thofe endlefs Joys, which our Redeemer now poffeffeth. He firtt en- dared the fbame, Heb. 12.2. and was mifrepretented in the World as we are, but at length was vindicated, being mightily declared to be the Son of God with power. 3. In the fpecial Alts of his Mediation, which are his Death and Refurre &ion. Thefe are of fpecial confederation 5 for thefe are not barely a Pattern propounded to our imi- tation, but have a great influence upon our dying to fin, and living to Holinefs. To clear this let me note to you , That effelts of Grace in us are afcribed to thofe Aets of Chrifls Mediation , which carry moil correfpondence with them : thus our Mortifica- tion is referred to Chritts dying, and our Vivification to his Refurre&ion unto life, our heavenly mindednefs to his Afcenfion: So that all ChrittsA &s are fpiritually verified in us, we dye to fin as Chrift dyed for fin , and rife again to newnefs of life, as Chrift riling from the dead , liveth a new kind of life to what he did before. Let us a little (late the dependence of the one upon the other: Our Alts depend on Chrift, four ways. 1. As the Effe& on the Caufe. 2. As the thing purchafed on the Price. 3. As the Copy on the Pattern. 4. As the thing promifed on the Pledge thereof. s. As the Eflelt on the Caufe. By the fame virtue by which Chrift was railed from the dead, by the fame Almighty Power are we railed to newnefs of life 5 the fame Almighty Power is engaged for working Grace, and carrying onGrace , and perfe&ing Grace in Believers which wrought in Chrift, when he was railed from the dead : Eph. s. 19, 20. According to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Chri , when he railed him from the dead. Compared with Rom. 6.4. Lile as Chr was rail d lip from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alfo fhonld walk in newnefi of life. Ddddd 2. As