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26 SERMONS .upon Sem 1V. 2. As the thing purchafed on the Price. All Chrifts Aftions have an afpeft on his Merit. The Foundation was laid in his Death. This Refurteftion evidenceth , that this Purchace holdeth good in Heaven,..and that his Merit, Ranfom and Satisfaction are perfeft : Rom. 4.25. Who was delivered far our offences , and rote again for our » O: cation. 3. As the Copy on the Pattern or Original. Chrift dying and rifing in our Nature is a Pattern , to which all the Heirs of Promife mull be conformed, as the Apoftle tel- leth us, r Cor. 15. 23. Firfl Chrifl, then they that are Chris. 4. As a thing promifed on the Pledge thereof. Chrift dying is a Pledge of our dy- ing to fin ; and his riling a Pledge of our riling to Holinefs firft, and Glory afterwards: Therefore our old man isfetid to be crucified with him , Rom. 6. 6. and we are faid to fit down with him in heavenly places, Eph. 2.6. It is already done in the Myllery , and [hall be furely done in the cffeaual application in all that belong to God. 5. if there be a likenefs to his Death, by infallible confequence there fhall be a like - nefs to his Refurreftion. Thofe that are dead with Chrift (ball allo live with him: Gal. 2. 20. 1 am crneifsed with Chriff neverthelefs I live. Where fin is mortified , there is a new life engendered , which will at length end in the life of Glory. Is mull needs be fo for thefe teafons. Fir II, Chrift is not divided ; thofe that really partake with him in one Act, partake with him in all, it is a neceffary confequence. The death of fin and the life of Holinefs are the two branches wherein we profefs our Communion with Chrift in his Death and Refurre&ion, and therefore thefe cannot be fundred , we muff reckon upon both , or elfe we have neither: Rom. 6. 1 t. Likewife reckon ye your films alfo to be dead indeed ante go, bat alive untoGod through yefus Chrift our Lord. In our dying to fin Chritts dying is eonfpicuous in us, and his Refurrection in our walking in newnefs of life : as it was with him, fo mat it be with us. Secondly, God Both not love to leave his work imperfect. Now imperfect it would be , if betides crating to do evil , we fhould not learn to do well : Amos 5. 14. Seek good, and not evil, that you may live : and again , nerf 15. Hate the evil , and love the good. Their affection to good mull be evidenced by their cordial deteftation of evil, and their hatred of evil mutt kindle their affection to good. This is perfe t Chriftia- nity : it is faid of the foolifh Builder , That be began , and etas not able to make an end, Luke t4. 30. Our Converfton is compleat, when there is a turning from fin to God. Thirdly, That the temper of our hearts may carry a meet proportion with the Divine Grace. Duty is the Correlate of Mercy : now Grace and Mercy are not only privative, but pofitive; Gen. 15. r. 1 am thy fhield and thy exceeding great reward. Pfal. a4. t r: The Lord God is a fan andfhield, the Lord will give grace and glory ; no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. So the godly man is defcribed , Pfd,, a. 1, 2. Bled is the man that walketh net in the countl of the ungodly, nor f larideth in the way of fnners , nor flue,h in the feat of the fcornfel. But his delight is in the Law of the Lard, and in that Law dotb he meditate day and night. There is not only an abftinence from grofs fins, but an earneft love to God and his ways : Rom. 8. r. Who walk not after the flefh, bas after the Spirit. Fourthly, This is the end of Mortification. God fubdueth fin to make way for the life of Grace : 1 Pet. 2. 24. 7 hat we being dead to fin, fhosld live unto righteoufnefs. Dy- ing to fin is made a Rep to the life of Righteoufnef. So Heb. 9. 14. How much more fhall the blood of Chrifl, who through the eternalSpirit offered himfelf without [pot to God, purge yowl confeiences from dead works to ferve the living God. We are hereby freed from clogs and impediments. Fifthly, Sin is the better mortified , when life is introduced ; for the Love of God doth molt ingage us to hate evil : Pfal. 97. 10. Te that love she Lord, hate evil. Life is fenfible of what is contrary to it. V/s r. information, it informeth us of divers Truths. t. Except a man be turned from fin to Holinefs, he Is not made a partaker of Chrift ; and therefore while he lives in fin, cannot be ju(lified , or have any right to pardon : He that continueth to live in his fins, (hall dye in his fins, and miferable thall his portion be for ever. Well then, be perfwaded, if we would have the comfort of Chrifts Death, we mull be changed into the likenefs of it. 2. How much it concerneth every Chriflian to be cautious and watchful. For he is to remember this within himfelf, I am to reprelent CI-gifts Riling and Dying; the death of