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Vert. 5. the fixth Chapter of'the R o M.A N S. 2 7: of fin mutt anfwer the Death of Chrift,. and the new life his Refurre&ion. Now i$ Chri(ts dying and riling feen in us ? We were never implanted into him, unlefs it be fo. Therefore unlefs we will declare to the World , that we have no Anion with Chrift, we mutt endeavour after Holinefs. What maketh fo many Atheiffs in the World, but becaufe fo few Chriftians difcover the fruit of their Baptifm , they live as if they were wholly alive to fin and the world, and dead to righteoufnefs. 3. That they have not yet attained to true Chriftianity; that content themfelves with abftaining from grofs fins; but make no confcience of loving, ferving, pleating and glo- rifying God , or preparation for the World to come. They .do no man wrong , but have no care of Communion with God. Paul could fay, áµÿ:.m Xe,<sós, To we to live is Chrifi, Phil. r. 21. meaning, that he had no dther.obje&, andemployment for his life; but Chrift and his Service. But thefe wholly live to themfelves ; a true.Cftriftian can fay , Rom. 14. 7, 8. None opts. liveth to himfelf, and no man deeth to himfelf. For whe- ther we live , we live unto the Lord ; and whether we dye , we dye unto the Lord ; whether we live therefore or dye, we are the Lords. Vfe 2. Is Exhortation to prefs you r. To dye unto fin. All that profefs themfelves Chriftians are by obligation dead; O do not keep it alive after you .haye undertaker' its Death : charge your Confciences with your Baptifmal Vow. Betiides, Chrift bath purchafed Grace enough for the fubduing and mortifying öf lin , and we have engaged our felves to improve this Grace. The Ordinances call upon us every day, to do it yet more and more , theWord and Sacraments, with the difpenfations of which there ge fome motions of the Holy Ghoft , Nehem. 9. 20. Thougaveft them alto thy good Spirit to infira and teach them : O quench not Iris motions, difobey not the fanétífying Spirit. If this Grace hath taken hold of your hearts inany fort, and you are affe&ed with the offers of it , you are bound to improve it the more ; Col. 3.3. For ye are dead , verf. 5: Mortifie therefore your members which are upon theearth , you are dead by Vow and Co= venant , dead by Grace offered, dead by Grace received : Habitual mortification ma- keth way for .a &ual. Habitual mortification is , when the heart je turned from fin , fo that it is turned againft it : A &ual mortification confiffs in the refilling and, fuppreffing its motions ; Rom. 8. 13. if ye through the Spirit mortifie the deeds of the body, ye fall live. Once more, none are in fuch a dangerous condition as thofe who have begun the work, and then give it over, a Pet. 2. 20.. Far if after they haze efcaped the polhitïons of the world, through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour JefunChrifi,they are againintangled therein and overcome, the latter end is word with them than the beginning. Thole that fill from a common work , make their condition more Uncomfortable. For real Believers the reign of fin is broken, its ftrength and power much weakened by Grace , but Rill if is working and furring. Gal. 5. 17. The flefh lufieth againft the Spirit, and the Spirit a- gainft the flefh , and thefe are contrary the one to the other, fo that ye cannot do the things that ye would do. Rom. 7. 23. I fee another law in my members warring again.' the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of fn, that is in my members., Therefore ffdl you mutt take care of this work. 'Means. 1. Be fenfible of the evil of fin. When once tie begin to make.light of fin , we lye- ready for a temptation. God doth not make little reckoning of fin, Chrifts Death fheweth it , Rom. 8. 3. What the Law could not do , in that it Was ííeak through the flefh, God fending his own Son in the liltenefloffinful Beth, and for fin condemned fin in the flefh, Infants death fheweth it , Rom. 5. 14. Neverthelefs death reigned from Adam to. Mofesi even over them that had not finned after the fimilitude of Adams tranfgretfion. The pu- nifhment of the wicked fhcweth it , Rom. 2. 9. Tribulation and anguifh upon every food of man that doth evil, of the Jew firfi' and alfo of the . Gentile. The fmart of Gods chil- dren (heweth it , Prov. 1 t. 31. Behold the righteous 'hall' be recompenfed in the earth; much more the wicked and the finner. 2. Earneftly refolve again( it in the ftrength of Chrift: t Pet: 4. 1. Forafmuch then ,vs Chrifi bath fufeereth for us in the flefh, arm your felves li(ewifi with the fame mind; for he that hath fufered in the flefh , hath ceafed from (in : The mind is hereby fortified. Chrifls dying ingageth them to it , Chrift path fuffered for it, and we are bound to fubdue the flefh, and deny the pleafures of it. 3. Serioully endeavour againft it, according to the advantages the Spirit giveth you; a confcientious Attender on the Ordinances of God bath many motions and helps. a. To walk in newnefs of life ; or to exprefs the likenefs of thrifts Refurre &ion. Ddddd 2 The