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SERMONS upon Serm. V. The fpiritual Refurre&ion is defcribed, (1.) By the Caufe of it, job. 5. 25. The hour is coming , and now is , when the dead !hall hear the voice of the Son of God , and they that hear !/tall live. In the fpiritual fenfe that Power was already executed by him , in rai- ling finners out of the grave of fin , for he faith, it now is. It is the Voice of Chrifl awakens, as, Lazarus come forth. Do not then delay, do not fay, it is too loon, lieb. 3. 15. To day if ye will hear his voice , harden not your hearts. (2.) The Nature of it, as to the 6rfl Grace , Eph. 5. 14. Awake thou that fleepefl, aril from the dead, and Chrifi ¡ball give thee light; awake as a man out of his wine : as to the progrefs of it , r Cor. 15. 3sI. Awake to rigbteoufnefs , and fin not. Route up your felves out of this drowfie con- dition of fin to a lively exercife of Grace. (3.) The tendency and end of it, Col. 3. r. If ye then be rifen with Chr , Peek the things that are above, where Cbriff fitteth at the right hand of God. SERMON V. ROM. VI. 6. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body offin might be deflroyed, that henceforth we fhould not ferve fin. N this Verfe the Apofile explaineth, how we are planted into the likenefs of Chrifls Death, Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, &c. In the words, t. A Truth reprefented, That our old man is crucified with him. 2. The manner of applying and improving this Truth. For the former Branch, t. Chrifls undertaking, Our old man is crucified with him. 2. The Fruit and End of it, That the body of fin might be deflroyed. 3. The Obligation lying upon us, That we might no longer fern fin. Or, r. What Chrifl doth, he was crucified, And our old man crucified with bim. 2. What the Spirit doth, That the body of fin might be defiroyed ; that is, the Reign of it broken, the Power of it weakened yet more and more , Ads prevented , Habits call off. 3. What we mull do, That henceforth we may not firve fin. Doctrine. That the Reign of fn would be fooner broken if we did ferioufly confider and believe the great End ofChrifls Death and undertaking on the Croft. This will appear, (1.) By explaining the feveral Branches of the Text. (2.) Giving Reafons. 1. In the Explication take notice of, Fig!, The Truth reprefented, which is expreffed in three Branches. L What Chrifl doth, or his intention and undertaking on the Crofs. Our old man is crucifiedwith him. Where obferve, s. That fin within us is called an Old man , partly becaufe it is born and bred with us, it had its rife from Adams Fall, and is ever fince conveyed from Father to Son unto all who are defcended from Adam : Rom. 5. 12. Wherefore as by one man fin entred into the world, and death by fin , and fa death paid upon all men , for that all have finned. Plal. 51.5. Behold, I was fhapen in iniquity, and in fin did my mother conceive me. Partly becaufe