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3o SERMONS upon Serm. V. That the body of fin might be deftroyed. Here , 1. What is meant by the body of fin. 2. In what fenfe it is Paid to be deflroyed. t. What is meant by the body of fin ?Anfw. By the body of fin is meant the whole flock and mats of corruption, which is called a body of fin. 1. Becaufe it is compofed of many finful paffions and diforders, as the body is of di- vers members, Col. 2. t t. In putting offthe body of the fins of the flefb. And again, Col. 3. 5. Mortifie our members upon the earth : It is not meant of the natural , but linful body ; for it follows, Fornication, uncleanneff, inordinate affection, evil toncupifcence and covetoofneff, which is idolatry. 2. Becaufe they are executed by the body, Rom. 6..12. Let not fin reign in your mor- tal bodies. And Rom. 8. 13. If ye through the Spirit mortifie the deeds of the body, ye fhall live. Sin is gotten within us by the Soul, but it hath taken poffeflion of the body ; the gate of the fenfes let it in , and other powers of the body are as ready to let it out. 2. In what fenfe it is faid to be deftroyed ? The Duty is ours, but the Grace is from God ; it is done on Gods part by the Spirit, but it is our duty : Rom. 8. 13. If ye through the Spirit mortifie the deeds of the %ody, ye fhall live. Both Agents carry it on to fuch a degree in this life, as it may not reign in us. On Gods part there needeth no more Merit to get fin deftroyed, but that of Chrift , nor a greater power than that of the Spirit to fubdue it : and by degrees the work is accomplithed , its reiging power is taken away by converting Grace , its very Being is abolifhed by his final perfeûing Grace. The fame Spirit that begun it at firft, ceafeth not to work till it be wholly abo- lifhed in us. On our part , we mutt yield up our felvesto be renewed by him , and obey his fanecifying motions, till our cure be perfeetly wrought. Obferve here, 1. It is the whole body of fin mull be quitted and put off, not aftions only, but lobs: I Pet. z. I t. Dearly beloved , I befiech you as flrangers and pilgrims , abflsiot from flefhly lofts which war againfi the foul. Not fome parts only and branches , but all fin. As the body compaffeth about , and inclofeth the Soul ; fo doth the body of fin inclofe us. The corrupt mats is made up of many fins, it is an impure body that bath many mem- bers : now all thefe mull be mortified. 2. It mutt be carried on to fuch a degree , that fin may lye a dying. We mutt not ceafe to oppofe fin till it be deftroyed, not only fcratch the face of it, but leek to root it out. Chriftians are faid to deftroy fin four ways. 1. Propofto, in the fetled purpofe of their hearts, as Chrift ceafed not till he had done his work: fo a Cbriftian, t Pet.4.1. Forafmuch os Chrifl bath fuffered for us in the flefh , arm your fives likewife with the fame mend ; for he that hath feffered in the flefh bath ceafed from fin. Now a work is fpoken of as done, when it is throughly purpofed to be done. As a fire is Paid to have taken an hou le,'when it path only taken a little corner of the honk ; becaule if it be not quenched, it will in time confume all. There is a fixed purpofe to get rid of it. 2. Voto, in delire, in their confiant Prayer accompanied with hearty groans, Rom. 7. 24. 0 wretched man that I am , whò fhait deliver me from the body of this death .' Pfal. 119.13 3. Ord r my fleps in thy word , and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. Nothing lets will content them than a total extirpation of fin. 3. Cenata, they have begun it with a mind to finifh it, and are always thwarting and curbing the delires of corrupt Nature : t Cor. 9. 27. I keep under my body , and bring it into fubjection, left after I have preached to others, I my fell fhould be a calf -away. 4. Eventee, the work is not only really begun, but they have tome fuccefs in it; and while it is a doing , they have the comfort of it. The reign of fin is broken, Rom. 6. 14. Sin (hallnot have dominion over you; for you are not under the law , but under grace. They are fomewhat enabled to prevail over it, fo far that there is a manifeft difference between them and the carnal, whilft others cherifb their tufts , and make provifton for them, they crucifie them, and are freed from that bale fervitude. Ill. What Min mutt do , or the Obligation lying upon us , That henceforth we fhould not ferve fin. Here obferve, I. The word Henceforth. We did before ferve fin ; before Regeneration we Were all (laves : Tit. 3. 3. Serving divers Tufts and pleafierei. There is a double notion of fervitude intimated in Scripture, and confirmed by the practice of all Nations. One is of thofe that yield up themfelves by their own content and willing fubjeflion in bon- dage to another, of which that Text fpeaketh, Rom. 6. 16. l(new ye not, that to whom ye yield your felves fe'rvants to obey, his fervents ye are whom ye obey. There are fervants by