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VerC 6. the fixtb Chapter of the ROMANS. 31 by confent that yield up their time, and ftrength, and life to de difpofed of by another, to whom they have fold themfelves. The other is of that flavery , which is introduced by Conque(t 5 as thofe that were taken in War , were at the difpofe of him that took them : that is fpoken of, 2 Pet. a. 19. While they promife them liberty , they themfelves are the fervants of corruption : for ofgwhom a man is overcome, of the fame is he brought in bondage. The firft deliver up themfelves as fervantt and (laves by their own content; the other by Conqueft : for by the Law of Nature Vifkory giveth Dominion , and though men had a mind to do otherwife, they cannot help themfelves. Both notions exprefs the reign of fin , and our fervitude under it , which is both voluntary and un- avoidable; at firft it is voluntary; afterwards unavoidable; they firft yielded up them- felves, and then are overcome by their bale and brutilh tufts ; and fo lofe all liberty and (trength of will to help themfelves ; firft willingly and by our own default we run into it and afterwards we are captivated, and though we are convinced of better , we (ball do that which is worfe, being overcome by our lofts: though they fee their duty, they are not able to perform it, they have Come kind of remorfe and trouble , but they cannot help or free themfelves. 2. Obferve , that the Gofpel looketh forward to the time to come. it refpe&eth not what Believers have been before Converfion, and turning to God; but thencefor- ward they mutt forfake their finful lufts, and turn to God. So t Pet.4. 2. That he no more fbould live the refs of his time, in the flefh , to the lofts of men , but to the will of God. Time is (bort, work is great , finte it is not enough for a Chriftian to cut off one member , but the whole body of fin muft be deftroyed , and they have been too long difhonouring God, and deftroying their own Souls, and cherifhing divers lofts in them. (elves. Therefore now they ihould more earneftly let about the mortifying of fin. Now as this is an encouragement to chore that have long been retiring their bale lugs and vile affefkions, and been eminent in wickednefs; fo it is an ingagement to them to double their diligence for the future to ferve God , by virtue of their deliverance by Chrift Heb. 9. r 4. How much more (ball the blood of Chrifi , who through the eternal Spirit offered himfelf without ff et to God, purge your confciences from dead works to ferve the living God ? Luke r. 74, 75. That we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies , might ferve him without fear, in holinef and rsghteoufnefs before him all the days of ear life. if the Gofpel Both not look backward, furely it looketh forward, it obliged' us to be more of iduous and ferions in the{tudy of Ifolinefs after Converfion, that if it be poffible they may re- f-tore the Lord to his honour, reclaim thofe whom they have hardened in fin, and get their own hearts more loofened from ir, fnce cuftom bath deeply rooted it in them. 3. Obferve the Apoftle faith, That we fiould not ferve fin. It is one thing to fin, another thing to ferve fin. Though fin doth remain in the.godly , it doth not reign in them : to ferve fin is to yield willing obedience to it. This may be done two ways. Firft, When men flavifhly lye down in any habit and courfe of fin. There is i, é Kgxiá, 4lá7eeßn, a way of finning, as David, Pfal. 139.24. See if there be any way ofwic- kednefs in me. David would not be corrupt in any of his ways. And again, Pfal. 119, 29. Remove from one the way of lying. Some are given to one fin , tome tes another; forne.covetous, others fenfual 5 force proud, others brutifh ; there is force iniquity they regard in their hearts and make much of, and indulge in themfelves, and fo grow flavea to that imperious luff. Now whatever good properties we have otherwife, we muli take heed of any one perverfe habit, or evil frame offpirit, left it hamper us, and make fools of us, and make us liable to be caught again after Come thew of efcape. A beaft efcaped with an halter is eafily caught again : fo this tuft indulged will bring us into out old bondage. Secondly, When we willingly indulge any prefumptuous ads. For Yoh. 8. 34. He that committeth fin , is the fervant of fin. if we. allow our (elves to commit any one grofs fin, we ferve it. Other fins Real into the Soul by degrees, but thefe at once: therefore we muff take heed that we run not wilfully into there inordinacies, and yet hope to efcape the danger. Secondly, How all this mutt be improved by us: 'n y1eoi osfiTes , knowing this. The word lignifies, a. Knowledge, 2. Confideration, 3. Allène. 1. Knowledge, underhand this. This is of ufe here; for ignorance of Chrift and his Gofpel is a great cattle of fin, whereas a found knowledge produceth mortification. Ignorance caufeth men to become brutifh : r Pet. r. 14. Not fafbioning your felves ac- cording to the former Iufts iu your ignorance. r Cor. 15, 34. Some have not the knowledge of God; 14eak this to your fbarne. On the other fide , knowledge is an help tomortifi- cation,