Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

34 SERMONS upon Serm. V. that came to redeem them from their vain converfations at fo high a rate , as his own precious Blood : They never were called folemnly to vow integrity of life and conver- fation, as a fervice due to that Redeemer , as is done by Chriftians in Baptifm. All this we believe , and this force have done , and yet difobeyed our Matters will. Hea- thens had no expe&ation of any gracious immortal reward , feared no dreadful Doom nor Sentence after death. We are hedged in within the compafs of our duty both on the right hand and the left : on the right hand with the hopes of a moft bleffed ever- lafting eftate 5 on the left with the fears of an endlefs and never dying death : all which are included in our Baptifm , and fo if all be not mockery , our old man is crucified with Chrift. 6. A Chriftians living in fin is a greater injury to Chrift, than the Perfecution of the Jews that crucified him ; becaufe we daily and hourly do that which is more againft his holy Will. The rule for meafuring the greatnefs of our perfonal injury and wrong, is the oppofition , which the a& includeth to the will and liking of the Party who is dif- pleafed and wronged. Well then , which is moft difpleafrng to Chrift , his dying for fin , or our living in fin ? Surely his dying for fin , as an a& of obedience to his Father, or love to us , was very pleafing to Chrift : Pfal. 40. 8. 1 delight to do thy will , O my God, yea thy law is within my heart. He is more willing to fuffer Death for us, than to fuffer us to live and dye in our fins. You will fay, that is not the cafe we fpeak of, not the fubmiffion of Chrift , but the Jews a &. But this will not leffen the Argument , if we compare the Jews a& with our difobedience 5 that was againft his Humane Life, this is againft his Office : Now as Chrift preferred his Office above his humane and natural Life ; fo thofe that negle& his Office , or contradi& his Office, are more offenfive to him, than thole who did wrong to his natural Life. Therefore chofe that profefs Chri- ftianity , and yet live in their fins, do more Wrong to him than judos, or Annas and Caiapbas, or any that had an hand in his Death meerly as fuch. They did wrong to Chrift indeed , as Cain did to Abel , when he took away the life of his innocent Brother ; and thefe perfonal wrongs are more unpleafing to his holy Will , as the Son of God , than unto the affe&ions of his humane Nature as the Son of David, as fins againft God, more than as injuries againft a man. But for us who pretend to adore and worfhip him , our crime is the more horrid , becaufe we build thofe things again , which he came to de- ftroy, and fo evacuate the fruit of his Sufferings, and make his Office of no effe &; and thereby take part with the Devil, the World and the Flefh againft him. 2. As it is a great incouragement, as Chrifts Death was the Merit and Price, by which Grace fufficient was purchafed to mortifie and fubdue our Old man. The work of Mor- tification is carried on in the hearts of Gods people by the Spirit, and the Spirit is alto purchafed by the Death of Chrift : Tit. 3. 5, 6. According to his mercy he wed us by the wafhing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Gboft, which be fbed on us abundantly through yefus Chrift our Saviour. Gal. 3. 14. That the bleng of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through 7efus Chrift , that we might receive the promife of :he Spirit through faith. The Spirit worketh as Chrifts Spirit, that he might be glorified by the full extent of his Merit, and in the ufe of means we may comfortably sups& the virtue of Chrift crucified. We are not obliged only, but inabled , and are convinced of faulty lazinefs and defpondency 5 if we do not refill fin , it is a fign we affe& oúr flavery. It is not want of power, but of will. Zlfe 1. It informeth us , that Chrifl:ianity is the only true Do &rine , that teacheth us the right way of mortifying fin. Haman refrained himfelf, Heft. 5.1o. Moral in(hn- &ions cannot reach the root of this woful difeafe. So dark are our minds , fo bad our hearts, fo ftrong our lufts, fo many are our temptations; but the Do &rine , Example, Merit and Spirit of the Lord Jefus will do the work. Vfe a. DireCtion. Let us often and ferioufly confider the Death of Chrift , and the great condefcenfion of the Son of God , who came and fuffered in our Nature an ac- curled Death to finifh tranfgreffton , and make an end of fm. As the Leper was clean - fed by the blood of the (lain Sparrow dropped into running water, Ley. r4. 5, 6. This lgnifies the cleanfing of us (inners by Chrift, who as the Bird that was killed, was put to death in the flefh ; but as the living Bird, was quickened by the Spirit, r Pet. 3. 18: And 2 Cor. 53. 4. He was crucified through weaknef , yet he lived by the power of God. The dropping the blood of the (lain Sparrow into running water, reprefenteth Chrift, who came by water and by blood, r Job. 5.6. Blood noteth Chri(tsSatisfaûion, running Wa- ter