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VerC 7. the fixth Chapter of the ROMANS. 3 5 ter the Spirit, job. 4. 14. The water that I fhall give him, fliall be in him a well of water' fpringiog up into everlafling life. Joh. 7. 38. He that believeth on me, out of his bellyfhall flow rivers of living water. The living Bird was to be dipped in the blood and water, and then to be let go in the open field up to Heaven, Levit. 14. 8. The leaping of the Bird noteth the Refutre &ion of Chrilt ; his flying in the open field with bloody wings in the face of Heaven, his Interceffìon, or Reprefentation of his Merit to God, and herein is all our confidence. Vfe 3. Caution. Let us not ferve fin. r. See you be difpaffeled of every evil Habit and Frame. Many profefs obedience to God,, but 11íI1 retain the yoke of fin ; as Ifrael delivered out of the houle of Bon- dage, returned in their hearts, wifhing themfelves there again, Ails 7.39. The league between them and their lutes is not fully diflolved ; fo that though they forfake many fins, yet not all their fins; they keep force beloved fin, Pfal. 18, 23. 1 was alfo upright before bin', and I kept my Pt' from mine iniquity. Herod would not part with his He... radiai ; fo they return like the dog to his vomir. 2. See you refill a &ual Temptations. God calleth to you, 3er. 44. 4. 0 do not this abominable thing that I hate. Confcience calleth to you, as David, heart fmote him , it is time to flop then : Is this becoming your folemn Vow ? Will it confilt with the Love of God? We 4. It puts us upon Self-refle&ion. Do I know , that my Old man is crucified with Chrifl ? There is a knowledge of Faith, and a knowledge of fpiritual Senfe. t. Have you experimentally felt the power of his Death ? Phil. 3. 1o. That 1 may -know him, and the power of his refurreíiion, and the fellowfhip of his fuferings, being made conformable unto his death. Is the body of fin deftroyed , or at leali confiderably weakened ? 2. Whom do you ferve , God or Sin ? Have you changed Mailers ? Are you as free from fin as before from righteoufnefs ? And do you as much for God as before for fin ? Rom. 6. 19, 20. As ye have yielded your members fervants to uncleannefr , and to iniquiep unto iniquity: even fo now yield your members fervants to righteosefnefs unto holinefs. For when ye were the fervants of fin, ye were free from righteoufnefi. SERMON VI. ROM. VI. 7. For he that is dead, is freed from fin. irH E words are a Reafon to prove what was afferted in the former Verfe, Two things were there alerted. (1.) That their old man is crucified with Chrifi. (2.) That therefore we midi not ferve fin. This the Apoftle pro- veth. This Reafon is taken from the Analogy between Death natural and fpiritual. He that is dead naturally is freed from the Authority of thofe who formerly had power over him ; humane Lavery endeth with death, in the grave the fervant is free from his mailer, Job 3. 19. Death levelleth the ranks of per. fons, and the imperious Lord and Mailer hath no more priviledge , than his vileli lave and fervant. So he that is dead to fin, is delivered from the power of fin ailing formerly in him For he that is dead, is freed fromfin. In the words, a. A Subje&. 2. A Predicate, E e e e e 2 1. A