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36 SERMONS upon Senn. VI. I. A Subjeâ, He that is dead. A man may be laid to be dead properly and natural- ly ; or improperly and metaphorically. Fiefl, Properly and naturally , when,the Body is deprived of the Soul , Jam. 2.26. The body without the ßirit it dead. Second y, Improperly and metaphorically,for Death fpiritual; and this either with re- fpel to Unbelievers,who are raid to be dead in fin, Eph. 2. I. Tau bath he quickened, who were dead in tree affs and fins. And verf. g. Even when we were dead in fins , bath he quickened or together with Cbrifl. And therefore when we come out of that eflate, we are Paid to pafs from death to life , I Joh. 3. 14. Or with tefpel to Believer's who are dead to fin, Co!. 3. 3. Por ye are dead. Real Believers are dead, not in fm, but to fin, the Dominion and Reign of it being broken , though it be not totally fubdued. This is here intended. 2. The Predicate, h freedfrom fin. The word d;idtKalaily, the Vulgar hash, juftifsca- tns eft à peccato Beta, with many of the Ancients, liberator ell. Our Translation path both , in the Text , freed; in the Margine , juflifïed. Whether you take one or the other word, it importeth deliverance from the yoke and dominion of fin , fo as not to obey its motions and commands. For the Apof le doth not fpeak here of the Forgive- nets of fin, but the Abolition of its power and dominion; for it is brought as a Reafon, why thofe whole Old man is crucified with Chrift , fhould not ferve fin; and the word jufüfed is the rather ufed, becas fe one juftified and abfolved by his Judge, is alto relea- fed and fee free from his bonds, fo are we. Marine. Thai freedom from fin is the èonfigxent of our dying with Chri . I (hall handle, E The Nature of this Freedom from Sin. 2. The Degree to which we attain in this Life. 3. The value of this Benefit. 4. How it is the Confequent of our dying with Chri(t. I. The Nature.of this Freedom from Sin. I told you before, it is an exemption from the Dominion and Reign of Sin. 1. We quit the evil difpofition and temper of our Souls, we are difpoffeffed of every, evil habit. Our firft work is to put off the habit , and then the aft ceafeth. The Apo - f1Ie ïelleth Pét, 2. it, 12. Dearly, beloved , abflain from ftefhlylofts that war'againfi the foul Having your converfation honefi among the Gentiles, &c. In vain do we lop off the branches, till the root be firer deadned. The life and reign of fin lyeth in the pre - valency of our lull; within ; all outward fins are but ads of obedience to the reigning loft, 2. We renounce our former courfe of living, after the Habits we are free from the Alks, we do not, and durit not to live in fin, the former converfation is calf off as Will as the former tufts: Eph. 4. 22. That ye put of concerning the former converfation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lofts. Sin mull not break out in our converfations ; for it is but a deceit to think we have quelled the tuft, when the alts ap- pear as frequently and eafily as they did before. A change of heart will be made ma- nifeft by a change of converfation. So a Pet. I. 14. As obedient children, not fafhion- ing your felves accordingto the former lulls in your ignorance. They mutt not (hape and mould their alions and endeavours according to the finful. motions of their corrupt Nature. So 1 Pet. 2. 12. Having your converfation honeft. If fin be weakened in the heart, the fruit of it will appear in the converfation. Now this Freedom is expreffed by a word that fignifieth Juflification, and fitly, Becaufe of the Nature of Juftification, in which there are two Branches; liberatio à prrnb , and acceptario ad vitam. The punifhment incurred by the Fall is pens damn and permfensbs, the lots and the pain : Both may be confidered as in this life , or the life to come. To begin with the higheft and moll dreadful part of the punifhment, the ISfsof Gods eternal and bleffed Pretence, or the Fruition of him in Glory : Mat. 25. 4r. Deport ye curled. The pains are thofe eternal Torments which are appointed for the wicked, when they (hall fall immediately into the hands of an angry and offended God : Heb. 1e. 31. It is a fearful thing to fall into the bands of the living God. But in this life we mull alto confider the lofs and pain. The pains are all thofe mifertes and afllitlive evils which came into the World by reafon of fin. The lofs is lot of Gods Image: that