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Ve'rC 7- the fixth CtEa4lpter of th,e o rvk A N s. 37 that Threaining, Thou Jbait *elk death, Gen. 2. F7. fpittitual death as well at temporal' and eternal, Now weate juftifted when we are freed from punifhment, and among other pnnifbments front tilt punibhnlent f,lvfwllep,God,giyeth us the bleffing,, which in had deprived us of : As for: ittftance, whet: hegiveah its; the fanEtifying Spia rit , this is called a receiving thalkanemant, Rom. 5. rt. 4Ye,hael forfeited it by fin, and God being pacified in Chri &., loth reftoreit_ to us. Man brought upon.himfelf fpirirual death by fan, and the gift of the GuRifyting Spirit is the great and firft Act of Gods pardoning Mercy, and a meaíls;to.qualifre sia or other parts o( Pardon. Though the thing be plain of it felt, yet to slake it more clear to us, 2. Let us dittinguifh of the kinds:of:Juftifreatiou. There is a twofold Juftifcation, it is either conflitutive, or executil'e. . Firfi, Conftitative Juftificatioa is by the new Coveoat4, Whgu,tl>RJe whofubmit to the Terms are coeftituted.or made righteous : Joh. 5. 24. He chord:, and believed) in him that firm me, bath everlaffing life, and f17aItwat aft 4 tg condemnation - bat is paled from death to life. There is Gods Grant , and wftgftetter can take good his Claim , bath a right to Gods own Grant 5 a 49ftlbig tó, the Law of Grace, he is one freed from fin. Secondly, Executive, when God accordingly takethçif all penalties and evils, and giveth us all the good which belongeth to the Righteous or Jnftified : as in the cafe in hand , when God giveth us the Spirit to break the power and reign of fin: And there- fore to often in Scripture is God laid to fançtifie us ay. a God of Peace, or as God pa- cified and reconciled to us in Jefes Chrift; bleb, t3. 20,2,s. Na w she God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Loud jefttr, that great Shepherd óf the Cheep, through the blood of the everlafiing mental, mait¿e yew pafe,di, in, every &lord mt'4 to do his will, ;narking in you that which is well- pleafng in his fight. Thelt 5 231.414 4 the very God of peace fanllifie ye wbolly, &e. s Coe. 5. 18. lìryd .all things are of (iocl., who bath re- conciled us to bivafelf by Jofus Chriß. This God doth as a Judge, acing according to the Rules of Government conftituted in the new Covenant , upon the account of the Merit of Chrift, and our a &ual interefbin him. IL As to the Degree, how far we are freed from fin. L All the juttified and converted to. God are freed from the ikvign of it. The flefh, though it remaineth , is made fubje& to. the Spirit, Which by degrees doth deftroy the reliques of fin : For it is Paid of the juflified , Rom. 8. r. "1 here is no condemnation to then that are in Chrifi feftes, who Walk natafier the lh, but after the Spirit. s. The more obedient we are to the Motions of abe.fanaifying Spirit, the more pow. er we have againfl fin : Gal. 5. 18. If ye he led by the .spot , ye are not under the Law, under the irritating Power and Curie of it. Many Gn¢ arc in a great meafure left un- cured as a part oftiur punifhment. We fltould have more of his Spirit, and fo more of his Grace to mortifie fin , if we did mind more the Covenant we have made with God as our Saritieer : but degrees of Grace may be forfeited by our unworthy dealing with the Spirit, Eph. 4. 30. Griehe not the Spirit of God, whereby ye arc fi4 cd.t° the day of re- demption. He feeketh by degrees to fit us for our eyeclafling eflate,- and final delive- rance from all Im, and the confequence.of fin : z Cpr. 5. 5. New lç,.thex,fa4th wrought us for the fclf fame thing is God, who al bathgiven to to the earnefl of his Spirit. Arid therefore be mutt not be obfiru&ed in his work, while be is preparing the Heirs of Pro - mile afore -hand untoGlory, left we lofe not only the comfort of our future Hopes, but alto be bet back in the fpiritual Life , and fo grieve both our Sanftifaer and our Com- forter. _g. If we fall into hainous wilful fm, God manifefteth his ,difpleafure againft the party finning, by withdrawing his Spirit. This was the evil that David was fo much afraid of, Pfal. 51. io, ri, ti. Create in the a clean heart , and re teo, a right #irit within me. Cafi me not away from thy prefence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. Refiore unto me the joy. of thy falvation, and uphold me by thy free Spirit. in which exprefhons be defìreth, that God would not withdraw his Grace , and the influence of his holy Spirit , which by that hainous fin he had fo juftly forfeited. This is the Corcit Judgment on this fide Hell, to be deprived of Communion with God in point of Grace. Though it may be not a total feparation from his Pretence and Grace; yet it is a degree of it,,ohen God is ftrangeto its, and fufpeudeth all the AEts of .his eomplaceptial Love, leaving us dull and fenflefs, that we have no heart or life to any thing that is fpiritually good. Yea, if after Mob Icandalous falls, we repent not the bower, God may deliver us up ;el brutifh luths