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Vert 7. the fzxth Chapter of the ROMANS. 39 he feaketh a lye , he fpeaketh of his aura; far he is a lyar and the father of it. The pro- perties of the Devil like us much better than the Excellencies of God. Now is it not a great mercy to be freed from this difpofitiòn and temper of heart , efpecially fence image, favour and fellowfhip go together. 3. It difableth us for Gods fervice. While we live in fin, we are not only weak, but dead. Let us take the fofteft notion, Rom. S. 6. When we were yet without flrevgth, &c. that is, unable to perform any obedience to God , fick and weak , yea in a dangerous eftate : an heart under the power of fin is feeble and impotent : zek. r6.3o. Hopi weak is thine heart, feeing thou daft theft things, the work of an imperious whorifh woman z The ftrength of the difeafe is the weaknefs of the perfon that fuffereth it ; fo the ftrength of fm is the weaknefs of the Soul, that cannot break the force of their own paffions and affeitions , but are eafily led away by temptations , have no ftrength left to do the will of their Creator , to overcome temptations to fin, to govern their own paffions and affeetions, but are at the beck of every foolifh and hurtful luff, pride, fen- fuality, wordlinefs, carnal fear, forrow, &c. 4. It not only difableth us for our duty ; but fetteth our hearts againft it, Rom. 8.7. The carnal mind is enmity againfi Gad, for it is not fubjeU to the Law of God, neither in- eked can be. It difliketh his Government , rifeth up in defiance of his ftrid Laws , fo that Man is a perfeft Rebel to God : if this Law be inforced by external Meffengers, Rof. 4.4. Let no man firive nor reprove another, for this people are as they that flrive with the Priefi. It is to no purpofe to Peek to reclaim them , for they would admit of no admonition; for they oppofed their Teachers , urging not their own private fugge- ftions , but the Sentence of the Law of God ; flight all thole that would oppofe their growth and continuance in fin ; are enemies to them that tell them the truth. So in the checks of their own Confciences , Rom. 7. 23. I fee another law in my members war- ring againfi the law of my mind, and leading me captive to the law of fin and death, that is in my members. Sin fets up a commanding power in direct oppofition to the di &aces of Confcience. So for the Spirit, Gal. q. 17. The flefh lufleth againfi the Spirit, and the Spirit againfi the flefh , and theft are contrary the one to the other, fo that ye cannot do the thing,' that ye would. Now to be freed from this enmity and oppofition to God , and averfe- nefs from all that is good is certainly a great mercy, and this we have by a due improve- ment of the Death of Chrift. S. It is not a diftant evil, but in our bowels, always prefent with us , hindering that which is good , Rom.7. 21. When I would do good, evil is pref ssi with me : urging us to that which is evil , therefore called , Heb. 12. I. Sin that Both fa eafily befit us. This inbred corruption is ever with us , lying down and riling up, at home and abroad ; it is ready to open the door to all temptations, jam. I. 14. Every man is tempted, when be is drawn away of his own lulls and enticed. It poyfons all our comforts and mercies, and ftrengthens it felf againft God by his own benefits , while it ufeth them as an oeca- fon to the flefh, Gal. q. r3. It corrupts all our duties, diftra Ling us with vain thoughts in Prayer, Mat. I S. 8. This people draweth nigh to me with their mouth , and hononretb me with their lips ; but their heart is far from me. It choaketh the good feed, Lu4e 8. r4. That which fell among thorns are they , which when they have heard the word go forth, and are choaked with cares and riches and pleafures of this life , and bring forth no fruit to perfection. it makes our abode in the World dangerous, 2 Pet. I. q., (laving efcaped the corruption that is in world through lull. It maketh us lazy and negligent in our cal- lings. It turnetb our table into a fnare, while we glut our felves with carnal delights, and opprefs our bodies, when we ihould refiella them; and maketh us inordinate in all that we enjoy and do. Therefore to get rid of fuch an enemy finely is a great mercy. 6. Till you get rid of fin, there is a thorn in your foot , fo that you will have no eafe nor comforr,till you let your felves to deftroy every fin of heart and life,and make it your principal care and daily bufrnefs. For if you live in wilful fin and negligence, you are unwitting to be delivered, and fo lofe all comfort of Jultiftcation , and Hope by Chrift. While you cherifh fenfual lulls, which you should mortifie , all the Promifes in Gods Book will not yield you one dram of comfort , nor help you to affurance: you may complain long enough before you have eafe, for this bill lyeth againfi you, Tau regard inivtity in your hearts, Pfal. 66. 18. Confcience mutt be better ufed before it will fpeak peace to you. They only that have caft off the yoke of fin , are freed from the guilt of it ; they that give way to fin are not juftified. Jufification is oppofed both to the condemnation of a Sinner, and to the condemnation of an Hypocrite. A Sinner is juftilied from his fin by Faith in Chrift only, if his Faith be fincere; if he bill indulge fi r