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Verf. 7. the fixtb Chapter of thé R o M A Iv s. 41 the difference; fine fin remaineth in both ? The one ferveth fin, and the other ferveth God. Though we cannot do all that we would. and ought, yet fomèthing mutt be done to diftingui(h you from the carnal World : wherein do you differ ? Certainly if there be no difference, the godly would be ungodly , and as bad as others. But the difference is manifeff , and what is that difference, I ph. 3. to. In this the children of God are manifrfl, and the children of the devils whofoever doth not righteoufnefi , it not of God. He that doth fin is of the Devil, and he that is born of God finneth nett, that is, not cuftömatily, frequently, eafily , as the carnal and ungodly do , who are carried away with every return of the Temptation. In (port, they conquer grofs fin, and are always ftriving againft infirmities , and that with tome effect and fuccefs. An holy life is the proper and genuine product of this difcriminating Grace. 2. It is his Priviledge, being crucified with Chrift , he hath a right, and not a right only , but his Juftification is executed and applied to him by the gift of the fan&ifying Spirit , which is the fureft token of Gods love , and the true effect of his approbation; adopting us into his Family, Gal. 4. 6. Becaufe ye are Eons, God bath fens forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. The Miffion or fending down of the Holy Ghoft was the vifible pledge of Chrifts making the Atonement , and the fending him into otir hearts, of our receiving the Atonement. The work being begun by converting Grace , there is the lets for confirming Grace to do, and God that hath begun a good work, will perform it to the day ofChr, Phil. I.6; He will not fail the ferious and fincere Chriftian , that doth (till continue to make ufe of his Grace. In fhort , they are dead , as they entred into a folemn Covenant with God to dye unto fin, which they make Confcience of; they are dead, as they have a contrary Principle of Life within them, which they negle& not , but improve; they are dead, as they often and folemnly meditate on Chrifts Death, as the price of their Bleffings, and pattern of their Obedience ; they are dead , as they ferioufly attend up- on the Ordinances of God, and all holy means , which he bath appointed to communi- cate to them the fruits of Chrifts Death : and therefore the Lord vouchfafeth further Grace, whereby they may be more and more freed from fin. Let a man be but ferious in his Chriflianity, efpecially in this matter , that is, daily renew his repentance for his old fins , thankfulnefs for the pardon of them , witchfulnefs againft the like for the fu- ture, and it will be no nicecafe to determine his condition, he will loon appear to be one freed from the reign of fin. Vf a. To inform us of the intimate connexion between all the parts and branches of the grace of the Gofpel. We are abfolved and difcharged from the power of fin as well as from the guilt of it. All will grant that Jutlification refpeers the guilt of fin 5 but the Apofile telleth us here, that Juftification refpe &s the power of fin allo. The penalty was the lofs of Gods Image as well as of his Favour : fo that pardon is executed and applied when our Natures are fan&ified and healed. The privation of the Spirit being the great punifbment , the gift of the Spirit is a great branch of our Abfolution, and fo Chrifts reconciling and renewing Grace fairly accord and agree. Vf 2. Dire &ion. What we fhould do to be freed from fin. Meditate upon and improve the Death of Chrift , that we may be planted into the likenefs of it 5 for he that is dead, is freed fromfin. When we commemorate his Death, we do it not only to increale our confidence of deliverance from the flames of Hell 5 but to encourage and engage our felves to the mortifying of fin, and to make it more hateful to us. What can (land before the all- conquering Spirit of Chrift ? Certainly Chrift came to renew the World, as well as to redeem it from the Curfe, Tit. 3. 5, 6. He faced ass by the wafh- ing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, which he 'bed on us abundantly through Jells Chrifl our Saviour. Vf 3. Exhortation. a. To be dead with Chrift. All that are baptized into Chrift, have undertaken to accompany him in his Death , fo far as to dye unto fin and the world. To dye unto fin is under our confideration. Once let it receive its deaths wound. The priviledge is great, freedom from the guilt and dominion of fin, from the Curf of the Law , the wrath of God and eternal Death. Let the remembrance of Chrifts Death breed confi- dence in us 5 thence I expect all my ftrength. O let us be dead to fin, let us never more have a favourable thought of fin , or flight thoughts of Gods Juftice , or be fond and tender of the flelh, (as if it were fo great a matter to gratifie it) or defpair of mor- tifying fin more. 2. Let us demonllrate our (elves really to 'be freed from the power of fin , and never F f f f f more