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Verf. 8. the fixth Chapter of the R o m A N s. 43 newnefs of Life , the other is to everlalting Blefs and Happinefs. Regeneration is the Spirits begetting us to the Image and Nature of God our heavenly Fathers and Refur- re&ion is for the perfe&ing of that Likenefs , which is , 'sis true , perfe& in part here in the Soul , 2 Cor. 3. r 8. We all with open face beholding as in a glaft the glory of the Lord, are changed into the fame image from glory to glory, . even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Hereafter both in Body and Soul, Phil. 3.2 r. Who (hall change our vile body, that it may, be fafhioned like unto his own glorious body according to the wonderful working, whereby he is able to fubdue all things to himf if : As to degrees, t Yoh. 3. 2. When he (hall appear we 'ball be like him , for we fhaa fee him as he is : A5 to kinds , both in Holinefs and liappinef; r Cor. 15.49. At we have born the image of the earthy , we (hall alfo bear the image of the heavenly. Now we are conformed to his Image in a(ñi &ions, Rom. 8. 29. He bath pre_ deflinated us to be conformed to the image of his Son , we look like him in the form of.a Servant, then we (hall be like him as the Lord from Heaven, heavenly. Therefore the life of Glory in Heaven muff not be excluded. 3. The Certainty of the Inference, oncw'o4i. It is not a matter of Opinion and Con- je&ure , b ut of Faith , we are certainly perfwaded ,of the truth of it. We mutt diftin- guifb of this Truths for it may be confidered two ways. Firfi , As a general Maxim or Propofition, fo it is abfolutely true , Thofe that are dead with Chrift , lhall live with him. This is an Article of Faith to be believed fide divinâ. Secondly, As it is applied to us, or as it is a ground of our particular Confidence : it is true Hypothetically ,. or upon Suppoftion, and our Confidence can be no greater than the evidence of -our Qualification, If we be indeed dead withChrifl,.we in particular 'hall alfa live with him. It is but a rational Conclufion from two- Premiffes s one of which is of Divine Revelation , the other of inward Experience , namely, that I ani dead with Chrifi, therefore I believe that I (hall live with hint. It is an a& both of Faith and Reafon, an a& of Faith by participation, as it buildeth on a Principle of Faith. Do &tine. Thofe that are dead with Chrift , have no reafon to doubt , but that they fhall alfo live with him. L I (hall (peak of the Condition, If we be dead with Chrifi. H. Of the Benefit, They fhall live fpiritually and everlaftingly. III. Of our certain Apprehenfion, We believe. I. Of the pre(uppofed Condition, If we be dead with Chrift. a. Who are dead with Chrift. 2. How neceffary this Order is. The one will thew us that it is not an over -aria, but a comfortable Conditions the other, that it is a Condition abfolutely neceffary to fubfequent Grace. r. Who are dead with Chrift. a. Such as owne the Obligation, which their Baptifm and Profeffion puts upon them, That reckon themfelves dead indeed unto fin, Rom. 6. r r. that make account they are under a Vow and Bond, wherewith they have bound their Souls. The carelefs mind it not s but the fincere Chriftians acknowledge that the debt lyeth upon them, they being folemnly ingaged to Chrift to do it. The Apoftle faith , Rom. 8. t2. We are debtor,, not to the flefh, to live after the flefh.: as the yew by Circumcifion is bound to obferve all the Rituals of Moles, Gal. 6.3. fo Chriftians by Baptifm are bound to crucifie the fie(h, and obey the Spirit. What fay you ? Are you at liberty to do what you lift , or un- der a ftriit Bond and Obligation to dye unto fin ? Let your lives anfwer for you. 2. They make Confcience of it, and ferioufly addrefs themfelves to perform it : GaL 5.24.¡ he that areChriffs, have crucified theflefh with theafetlions and Infix, they have begun to do it, and frill go on to do it more and mores for this is a continued a &ion, not the work of a day , but of our whole lives. They have not only retrenched the delires of the flefh, but leek to mortifie and fubdue them, and perform their Promife fo folemnly made to God. 3. They obtain the effe& in fuch a degree , that the reign of fin is broken , though fin it felf be not utterly extin& in us. They dono longer live in their old flavery and bondage, as thofe do who obey every foolith and hurtful tuft that bubleth up in their hearts. A mans condition is determined by what is in the Throne habitually , and go- verneth our lives and a &ions. There are two warring Principles in us full of enmity and repugnancy to each other, the Flefh and rq,e Spirit; but one reigneth, which confte -, F f f f f 2 tuteth