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44 SERMONS upon Serm. VII. tuteth the difference between the carnal and the renewed: in the carnal, Flefb reign - eth 5 but in the regenerate the Spirit hath the =fiery, and is fupétiour and moll pow- erful : fo that a Chriftian fheweth himfelf to be Spirit rather than Fleth ; otherwife it could not be faid, That which k born of the Spirit it Spirit , Joh. 3.6. The aets of in are difowned ans, and he may fay with Paul, It is not I, but fn that dwelleth in me. Sin is againft the bent and habit of our wills. 4. They fubftraft the fuel of their lufts, as they wean themfelves from earthly things, and thew fuch contempt of the World, that the good things which they enjoy by Gods allowance , are not a fnare to them. For the Apoftle faith of thofe that let their affe- &ions on things above , and not on things on earth , Te are dead , and your life is bid with Cheifi, Col. 3. 2, 3. It is the Divine and heavenly life which they Peek to live. Well then , here is a brief and plain defcription of thofe who are dead with Chrift in four things. (r.) They make Confcience of their folemn Vow in Saptifm , wherein they promifed to put off their former lugs of their ignorance , and the corrupt conver- fation that flowed from them. (2.) They are bufiiy at work in it, and it is their daily endeavour. (3.) They prevail fo far , that fin is a dying , and Grace groweth in ftrength and power. (4 ) They continue faithful in that purpofe , and their favour of earthly things is deadned, and their hearts are Itill working towardsGod and Heaven. 2. It is a Condition abfolutely neceffary to obtain fubfequent Grace. Fór, r. The Graces of the Spirit cannot thrive in an unmortified Soul ; therefore then we let about our duty in the right order , when we begin with Mortification in the firft place, and thence proceed to the pofitive duties of the new Life. Faith will not thrive in a proud, unhumbled, impenitent heart, ph. 5 44. How can ye believe , which receive honour one of another , and f el¿ not the honour that cometh from Gbd only 2 Nor will the love of God ever bear fway where fenfual and worldly love is in filch ftrength and pre- valency , i Job. 2. 15. If any man love the world , the love of the Father is not in him. Vain pleafures divert us from our great Hopes, or the Pleafures that are at Gods right hand for evermore, t Pet. 1.13. Be fiber, and hope to the end. Sobriety is an holy mo- deration or fparing ufe of worldly delights, they behave themfelves as in their journey. Well then, we mull dye beforewe can live in purity and holinef, and leek that Glory which Chrif now enjoyeth with God in Heaven. We mutt put off our old rags before we can put on the garments of Righteoufnefs. 2. The longer corruption is fpared , it groweth the worfe 5 for the more it venteth it (elf by inordinate and finful defires , the more it acquireth ftrength , and fecures its intereft more firmly in the Soul. Every All ftrengtheneth the Habit, and then it grow - eth into an inveterate Cuftom : Jer. 9. 3. They bend their tongues for lyes, but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth ; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, faith the Lord. Therefore the Apoftle, i Pet. 4.2, 3. That he fbould no longer live the ref of his time in the fiefh to the loft s of men, but to the will of God. For the time pall of our life may fuffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in li- centioufnef, hefts, excel of wine, reveiings, banquettings, and abominable idolatries. Alas ! fin is too deeply rooted and ingrained in our Natures already , and that hindreth the coming on of the Divine Life; either we never receive the Grace of Regeneration , be- ing fo ftiffned and hardned in our fins; or elfe it path more corruption to grapple with, fo that all our days there is more to do to keep it alive in our Souls. 3. Till fin be mortified, the good we pretend to is but a covering and hiding of our loathfom lulls: Jam. 4. 8. Cleanfe your hands, ye inners, and purifie your hearts, ye dou- ble minded. Many being taxed for their evil and inordinate life will fay, they hope their hearts are good; if the heart were good , the life would be better, the finner mutt cleanfe his hands. Others are plaufible in their carriage, but their fleshly and worldly tufts were never roundly mortified, therefore Hypocrites mutt cleanfe their hearts. Here the operation of the Spirit beginneth. Our Lord faith, Mot. 23. 25, 26. Ceeanfe firth that which is within the cup and the platter, that the outfde may be clean alfo. Many ex- ternal Alls may be counterfeited, or over -ruled and influenced by bye ends, the pu- rity of the outftde is loathfom to God without the purity of the heart. Pharifees are compared to whited fepulchres , which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead mens bones , and all uncleannefi : fn ye outwardly appear righteous unto men , but within are full of hypocrifte and iniquity, Mat. 23. 27, 28. So Luke r I. 44. Te are /s graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them : not as a grave when new, but a grave when over -grown with grafts. The Jews buried out of the City in the fields, they thought themfelves defiled by coming too near the dead. Men' may