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VerC 8. the fzxth Chapter of thé ROMAN S. 4 Gods Juttice , and acquire unto us thole things which Love and Mercy had prepared for us, and among other things that bleffed and glorions eftate, which is to be enjoy= ed upon the Refurre &ion. This is made Pure to the Heirs of Promife by the Death of Chrift, which is of everlafting Merit, called therefore, v.-12. Everlafting redemption. 3. The Almighty Power of the fan&ifying Spirit both to change the Soul , and mile the Body. To change the Soul , which is made an A& of Omnipotency , 2 Pet. 1. 3^ According as his divine power bath given unto us all things that pertain unto life andgodlineff, through the knowledge of him that bath called us to glory and vertue. Therefore it is often compared to Creation, which is a making things out of nothing : To raife the Body, as he did Chrifts, Rom. 1. 4. And declared to be the Son of God with power , according to the Spirit of holinefs, by the refurretlion from the dead, and will raite the bodies of the Faithful, in whom he once dwelled, Roen. 8. it. He that 'railed up Chrifl from the dead, fhall alfo quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Phil. 3. 2 r. Who fhall alfo change our vile body, that it may be fafhioned like unto his glórious body, according to the wonderfrel working, whereby he is able even to fubdue all things to himfelf. 4. The immutable Covenant or Promifes of the Gofpel, which always ftand firm and (table, 2 Cor. 1.20. For all the prtmifes of God in him are yea, and in him Amen. Heb. 6. 18. That by two immutable things , in which it was impoJJrble for God to lye , we might have ftrong confolation, who havefled for refuge to lay hold on the hope that is let before us : Hope is put for the thing hoped for, that is, the glorious eltate which is referved in Hea- ven to be injoyed there : this hope islet before us in the Promifes as the Prize which we muff Peek after, and the Bleffednels we mutt aim at g We lay hold upon it, when we con- lent to Gods offer g and we fly for refuge to take hold of this Hope; for it is our San - &uary and fafety , as the City of Refuge was to him that was purfued by the Avenger of blood ; this is ground of ftrong confolation in all fears, troubles and forrows , in the midft attic infelicities of this life; this conlolatíon is fecured by two immutable things, Gods Promife and Oath , which are as unchangeable as his Nature , thefe cannot fail or fruftrate our hopes , thefe give us fecurity of injoying what we hope, or receiving the reward promifed to us. 5. The unqueftionable right of the mortified , or thofe that are dead with Chrift There is nothing wanting but the clearingup of our right and title. Now the Chriftian Faith propofeth and fheweth much good to them as real Members of Chrifts myfticat Body , Rom. 8.13. If ye through the Spirit mortje the deeds of the body, ye (hall live : and till this be done , the whole defign of Grace is at a ftand , we cannot upon other terms expeik everlatting Bleffednefs from Chrift. 3. The profit of Believing. r. It ftrengthens our Keaton , and helps it to maintain its authority and government againit Senfe and Appetite. Reafon is a middle Faculty that ftandeth between things above and things below, and it may be either debafed by Senfe, or elevated by Faith. The one is eafie, becaufe corrupt Nature carrieth us to things pleating to Senfe, which are near at hand, and carry a great fuitablenefs, to pur Fancies and Appetites. The other is difficult , becaufe it 'depended' on fupernatural Grace, for the Spirits illumi- nation is neceffary to Faith , 1 Cor. 2. 52. Now we have received, not the Spirit which is of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that tv may know the things that arefreely given to to of God. Therefore here lyeth the benefit we have by Faith, to take us off from the life of.fenfe, and to mortifie the deliires of the flefh , which the nearnefs of things fenfible is apt to'irritate and fin up in us. 2. The more we believe , the ltronger and greater is our Confolation. As for in- (lance, our comfort under croffes is more abounding, 2 Cor. 4. 14. Meowing that he which railed rap the Lord7efiu, fhá!!rifeup us alfo by, fe ics. 2 Cor. 4. 18. While we look not to the things which are feen , but to the things which are not feen i for the things which are feen are- temporal , but the things which are not feen are eternal. Our courage againit death is more prong, 1 Theft. 4. 18. We (hall Over be with the Lord. Our dili- gence in duties is more unwearied, rCor. 15. 58. Wherefore my bilj t ed brethren, be ye ftedfaft, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forar%auih as yore know that your labour fhall not be in vain in the Lord. 'Vfe. Let us now improve thefe things that we have been delivering to you. r. Let us make great Confcience of the firft part of our Duty , If we be dead unto fin. See that the work of Regeneration be once begun. The firft virtue we receive from - Chrift is the likeneff of his Death, that will make way for other things. Chrift is dead, let us be dead with him , that to us he may not dye in vain. And when it is once be- gun