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48 SERMONS upon Serin. VIII. gun, let it be carried on to a further increafe, adhere Rill to Chrifts dying , and per - fevere both in your diligence and your dependence. Diligence, do not give over your endeavours of mortifying fin till it be quite gone. Dependence, that you wait for the power of his Spirit, which his Death merited for us. 2. As to Life, let us incourage our felves with the hope of it , the fame Grace that bath begun, will alto finilh the work , when we are prepared by living the life fpiri- tual in the midst of confli is and temptations. Therefore while you are ftudying to pleafe God wait for it, 1. With Patience. Chrift after his Refurreltion was not prefently glorified, there mutt be a time to wean us from worldly happinefs, To make us meet to be partaker: of the inheritance of the Saints in light , Col. t. 12. Vels of mercy which he had afore pre- pared unto glory , Rom. 9.33. In time you (hall be delivered , fee that you have the beginning and firft- fruits, and that you daily grow in grace. 2. With ear!ieft Longing, Rom. 7. 23. 0 wretched man that I am, who frail deliver me from this body of death ! 2 Cor. 5. 2. In this we groan earneflly, defiring to be cloath- ed upon with our house which is from heaven. 3. As to Faith. a. Fix it and be at a greater certainty againft all doubts and fears, not only as to your intereft, but the truth of the promife of eternal Life. Thefe doubts may stand with a sincere Faith , but not a confirmed Faith , we have much of the Unbeliever in our bofoms, venture all your happinefs temporal and fpiritual upon this fecurity. 2. Improve it, it is the work of Faith to overcome the World and the Fleth, r Yoh. 5. 4, 5. This is the viilory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is be that over - cometh the world, but be that believetb that Jefus is the Son of God, to over -rule our fenfe and appetite, and to teach us to make nothing of all that would diffwade us againft our heavenly intereft, Alle 20.24. But none of thefe thing: move me,neither count I my life dear unto my fib'', fo that I might fini]?: my court with joy, and the miniflry which 1 have received of the Lord Jefus, to teflifiè the Gospel of the grace of God. This is the true Mor- tification. SERMON VIII. R OM. VI. 9,io. Knowing that Chrift being railed from the dead, dyeth no more, death bath no more dominion over him. For in that he dyed, he dyed unto fin once; but in that he li- vetb, he liveth unto Cjod. T HAT I may the better explain the drift of thefe words, let us take the Apoftles Method along with us. His intent is to prevent an abufe of the Doârine of the Gofpel,which publilheth the freeGrace ofGod to Sinners, Wherein abounded, grace did much more abound. From hence fome did infer,','hat therefore under the Gofpel they might take liberty to fin 5 the more their fins were, and the greater they were , the more they fhould occafion God to manifest the abundance of his Grace upon them. The Apostle anfwereth this, r. By way of Detestation , Shall we continue in fn , that grace may abound ? God forbid ! 2. By way of Confutation, the Argument by which he confuteth it, is our Baptifmal Vow and Engagement , Flow frail the, that are dead to fin, live any longer therein ? To clear