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Vert 9, io. the fixth Chapter of the ROMANS. 49 dear this, he explaineth our Baptifmal Vow in the two branches of it, dying to fin, and living to righteoufnefs, the one dire&, and the other consequential : dire &ly, we are baptized into the death of Chrifi , verf. 2. but fo as that we alfa rife again to newnefs of life, verf. 4, 5. for we are united to Christ as dying and riling , and we are by virtue of the Union to exprefs a conformity to both , verf. g. For ifwe have been planted together in the likenefi of his death , we fball be alfa in the li(enefs of his refirrreaion. He proveth the former part, verf 6, 7. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with hen,, that the body of fin might be destroyed, that henceforth we fbould not ferve fn, for he that it dead is freed from fin. The latter he begins to prove , verf. 8. If we be dead with Chrifl, we believe that we Pall alfa live with him. How live with him ? As our fpiritual death was an- fwerable to the Death of Chrift, fo our fpiritual Life mull be anfwerable to his Refur- redion from the Dead ., as we have a Copy and Pattern for the mortifying fin in his Death, fo we have alto a Copy and Pattern for newnefs of life in his Refurre &ion ; and therefore we do not in vain believe, that we thall live fpiritually and eternally with him, Knowing that Chriff being raifed from the dead, dyeth no more, death hat' no more dominion over him 5 for in that he dyed , he dyed unto fn once, but in that .;e live: h , he li- veth unto God. The better to ftate the Analogy and proportion between Chrifls Refurre&ion , and our riling to the Life of Grace firft, and then of Glory afterward. The Life of Chrift after his Refurre &ion is fet forth by two things. t. The Perpetuity or Immortality of it. 2. The Perfe&ion and Bleffednefs of it. I. The Perpetuity and Immortality of it is delivered in three expretl-ions. Firff, Alual dying again is denied, Chrifi being raifed from the dead, dyeth no more. Chrifts Refurre&ion was not a return to a tingle A& of Life, or Life for a while , to thew himfelf to the World, and no more : but to an immortal endlei ettate. Secondly, His further liablenefs or fubje&ion to death is denied : Death bath no more dominion over him. That is thus expreffed for two reafons. t. Death had once dominion over Chrift , when he gave up himfelf to dye for us, he for a while permitted , yea fubje&ed himfelf to the power of it i but Christ over- came death , and put an end to its power by his Refurre&ion , AÎís 2.24. Whom God raifed up, having loofed the pains of death, becanf it was impable that he should be holden of it. 2. To thew that Chritt dyed not only to expiate fin, but to take away the dominion and power of it in Believers g therefore it is laid, Death bath no more dominion over him, he took away fin , by which death reigneth , he did enough both as to the fatisfying Gods Justice and our Deliverance. Thirdly, Any further need of his dying again is denied , In that he dyed , he dyed unto fin once; that is, he hash done his work, his Death needeth not to be repeated, he dyed to tin once, not in regard of himfelf, for in him was no fin ; but as charged with the fins of his people, he sufficiently took away fin, both as to guilt and power. 2. The Perfedion and Bleffednefs of his Life¡sintimated , In that he liveth, he liveth unto God. This expreffton may imply, eithet the Holiness of his Life in Heaven, or the Bleffednefs of it. First, The Holinefs, when Christ was raifed from death to life again, he liveth,to God wholly, feeketh to promote his Glory in the World, he liveth with God and to God ; with God, as he is fat down at the right hand of Majetly , and adminiftreth the Mediatorial Kingdom for his Glory , as indeed God hath a great deal of Honour from Chrift as Mediator, Phil. 2. t t. That every tongue fbould confefr, that Jefus Chrifl i.e Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 2. The Bleffednefs of it. Chrift always lived to God , even before his Death , 8.29. And be that first me is with me , the Father bath not left me alone , bat I do always thole things that pleat bim. Why then is he Paid after his Refurre&ion to live to God ? Anfw. As freed from our infirmities, he liveth a glorious life, Luke 20. 28. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; for all live to him: though they do not live to the World, they live to God, thofe that are departed out of this World, have another Life, the Souls of the Just are already in the hands of God , and their Bodies are lure to be railed up at the laft Day. So Christ liveth to God. G g g g t; Da&rine,