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50 ST ,R MONS upon Serm. Do &rive. That the due confederation o Chrifir being raifed from the Dead , loth migh- tily promote the ffirìtual Life in ttJ. This will be evident , if we confider what advantage we have by Chrifts Refurre- &ion. 1. It evidenceth the Verity of Chriftian Religion, and that Chrift was no Deceiver, for his Refurre &ion is a fufficient atteftation to the Dignity of his Perlon and Offices, Rom. t. 4. Declared tb be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holinef.; by hW refurrellion from the dead. A&s 17.3 r. He bath appointeda day , in which he will judge the world in righteoufnefi by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he bath given ajerance unto all men , in that he bath raifed him from the dead. This is a ftrong and undeniable Argument , that Chrift is the Son of God , the Saviour and Judge of the World. Where lyeth the force of the Argument ? Chrift dyed in the judgment and repute of the World as a Malefa &or ; but God juftified him, when he Would not leave him under the power of Death, but raifed him up , and affumed him up unto Glory, thereby vifibly declaring unto the World , that the World was miftaken in him , that he was indeed what he gave out himfelf to be , the Son of God and the Judge of the World , to whom is given power over all flefh, either to Cave or'dettroy them, accord- ing to his Covenant. This Argument fuppofeth, r. That there is a God fufficiently reprefented to us by other means. 2. That whatfoever exceedeth the power of Nature , or courfe of fecond Caucs , is done by this God. 3. Among all the Miracles , this of railing a dead man to life is the greateft , the cure of a difeafe is not fo much. 4. That if this be don& to a perron unjuftly aecufed and condemned in the World, it is a Juftification of his Caufe before all the World , and a Cure mark of Divine Tefti- mony. 5. The Caufe between Jdus Chrift and thofe that condemned him , was , That he made himfelf to be the Son of God , and Saviour and Judge of the World this he evidenceth himfelf, and this was preached by his Difciples. Surely the Supreme and Juft Governor of the World would not juftifie a Cheat and Impofture , and fo far per- mit the Devil to deceive in his Name as to change the courfe and order of Nature, and fo far direly to work againft it, as to taife a man from the 'dead. Now it is a mighty advantage to the advancement of the 1piritual Life , to be lure of the Religion that requireth it at our hands, much of it being againft the inclination of corrupt Na- ture ; for then there is no tergiverfation or excufe, as if our Rule were uncertain, or that we did trouble our felves more than needeth us of abfolute necef ity. a. It (heweth us the Perfe &ion of his Satisfaetion, there needeth no other Sacrifice to abolifh fin; for it is Paid in the Text, In that he dyed, he dyed unto fin once, and elfewhere the unity of the Mediator and the Sacrifice is pleaded to (hew the perfe&ion of it. The Unity of the Mediator, t1 r'm. 2. 5. There is one Mediator between God and man, the Man Chrifl Yej?m : And'Heb. ro. 14. By one offering he path perfeeled for ever them that are fanlfified : And Heb. 9. 28. Chrift was once ofred to bear the fins of many. The ground of this Argument ftandeth thus. That Chrift came to take away fin , the benefit which the World needeth ; either he hath done it fufficiently, or not done it; if fufficiently , we have what we'defire; if not , it mull be either becaufe other Media- tors were neceffary to fupply his del-efts ; but where are they ? Who can challenge this Honour as authorized by God, and recommended to the World as Chrift was? Or what can they do beyond what he bath done ? No , there is but one Mediator : or elfe be- caufe another Sacrifice or Offering was neceffary , becaufe this could not attain its end, then Chrift needed again to undergo Death ; for the tingle Sacrifice did not the work, which was the taking away of fin. But this was enough to ranfom all Souls, no other propitiatory Sacrifice was neceffarf. Why, how doth it appear? By the Refur- re &ion ; for when Chtitt was railed from the. dead , our Surety and Mediator (which were the Qualities he took upon himfelf) was let out of prifon , and difmiffed , as ha- ving done what he undertook : 1)â. 53. 8. He fball be taken from prif n, and from judg- ment. The Debtor may have confidence the debt is cancelled , when the Surety is let out of prifon , and walketh freely abroad : when Chrift is rifen from the dead , and ad- vaned to a glorious condition, Cutely his Merit is full enough, and be hath a pert& releafe and dilcharge, as having done his work,. and needeth no more to come under the