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54 S.E R MONS upon Serm. IX. things : he is filled with the Spirit to communicate it to his Members, he is not weak when we are weak, but able to do above what we can ask or think. 3. As concerning the Life of Glory, we have it by Chrift alfo : a Joh. 5. it. This is the record that God bath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. The door which is Phut againit us by our fins , is opened by Chrift. Let us follow his Precepts and Example, and depend upon his Grace, and you cannot mifcarry. Chrift bath brought Life and Immortality to light, affured us of an endlefs Happinefs after Death. Heathens had but a doubtful conjeh ure of another Life 5 we have an undoubted affu- rance, and that is force great flay to us. 4. Concerning the troubles and affliftions that we meet withal. As to the troubles of the Church of God , he is alive and upon the Throne, he can never ceafe to live and reign : Pfal. t to. 1. The Lord faid unto my Lord , Sit thou on my right hand ,. until I make they foes thy footflool. The enemies of his Kingdom mutt bend or break firft or fall. 5. Againfl Death. Chrift bath broken the power of it, as it bath no dominion over him , fo it cannot totally felze upon his Members, in their better part they ftill live to God afloon as they dye, and as to their Bodies , The body is dead becaufe of fin, but the Spirit is life becaufe of righteoirfnsefo, Rom. 8. to. 15. i Cor. 15. 55, 56, 57. 0 death, where is thy fling ? O grave , where is thy vi&'ory ? The fling of death is fin , and the flrength of fin it tie Law. But thanks be to God who bath given us the viliory through our Lord Jeftis Chrifl. Job 19.25. I know that my Redeemer liveth , and that he (hall fand the lafl day upon the earth, &c. But what is this to us? As it bath no dominion over him , fo not over us, the power is broken , the fling is gone. If our flefh mutt rot in the grave, our Nature is in Heaven. Chrift once dyed, and then rofe again from the dead. Now this doth mightily fecure and fupport us againft the power and fears of death , that we have a Saviour in poffeffion of Glory , to whom we may commend our departing Souls at the time ofdeath, and who will receive them to himfelf, one that bath himfelf been upon Earth in flefh , then dyed- and role again , and is now in poffeffron of endlefs Bleflednefs. He is Lord of that World we are going into. All Creatures there do him Homage, and we ere long are to be adjoyned to that dutiful happy Affembly, and partake in the fame work and felicity. SERMON IX. ROM. VI. 11i. Likemife recl£on ye a fo your felves to be dead indeed unto `fiii, but alive unto God through Jefus thrift our Lord. T ' HE Protafs or Foundation of the Similitude was laid down verf. 9, ro. the Apodofis or Application of it to the cafe in hand in this Verfe. The Foundation is Chrilts Example and Pattern, dying and riling 5 now after ° this double Example of Chrilis Death and Refurreaion, we mutt account our felves obliged both to dye unto fin, and rife again to newnefs of life. Likewife reckon ye alto your (elves, &c. In which words, a. Our Duty, which is Conformity or Likenefs to Chrift dying and living. a. Grace to perform this Duty, h, nff Xe.sç i'Jnow 17f f Kue ,I9 ) ii ppj:I, through or in Jefus Chrifl, by virtue of our Union with him we are both to refemble his Death and ReCur- reetion. 3. The means of inforcing this Duty, d. o h ifo, reckon 5 Vulgar , exiffìmate 5 Erafmus out ofTertaian, reputate, confider,with your felves. Others, colligate -& fiatuite. Do&rïne.