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Verf. i i. the fxtb Chapter of tbe Rom a ù s. 5< Doarine. That all who are bapti¢,ed and profefi Faith in Chri1 dying and riling frovi ihe'dead, are under etflown& abligatidn of dying to fin and living to God through the Grace of the Redeemer. Here.' . I. I (hall confiderthe Nature of the Duties of being-dead to Sin, and alive to God. H. The Correfpondency, how they do anfwer the two States ofChar, as Chrift dy- eth to fin for the Expiation of it , and after Death retiveth and liveth to God ; fo we. III. The Order , firft Death, then the Refttrrettion from thedead; fo firft dying to fin, then being alive to 'God. IV. The certain Connexion of thefe things, if we dye we (hall live , and we cannot live to God, unlefs we be'dead to fin 5: neither can we dye to fin, ualés we live to God. V. In the two Branches the Apoftle oppofetb God to Sin. t, The Nature of the Work. It confifts of two Branches, dying to Sin, and`lit ing to God. Mortification and Vivification. T. Mortification is the purifying and cleanfing of the Soul , or the freeing it from the flavery of the Beth , which detaineth it from God , and difableth it for all the duties of the holy and heavenly life. The reign of fin was the punifhment of the firft Tranf greflion, and is taken away by the gift of the Spirit upon account of the Merit of Chrift 5 however it is our work to fee that fin dye : it dyeth as our love to it dyeth 5 and our love to fin is not for its own fake, but becaufe of fome pleafure , contentment, and fatisfa &ion that we hope to find in it 5 for no man would commit fin or tranfgrefs meetly for his minds fake : meer evil apprehended as evil , cannot be the objeee of our choice. Now then our love to fin dyeth , when our efteem of the advantages of the carnal life is abated, when we have no other value of the pleafures, honours and profits of the world , than is fully confiftent with our duty to God , and may further us in ir. Therefore we are dead to fin, when we endeavour more to pleafe God , than to pleafe the Beth, and mind more our eternal than our temporal interefis: Rom. 8. S. They that are after the jgl fli do mind the things of the fleflo ; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. What we mind and value mole, fheweth the Reign of either Prin- ciple, the Flefh or the Spirit. 2. Vivification , or living to God is the changing of the Heart by Grace, and the acting of thofe Grates we save received by the Spirit of Regeneration. All that have received the gift of the fpiritual Life are bound to exercife it, and put it in aet by lo- ving, leering, and obeying God : 2 Pet. r. 3, 4, 5. According as his divine power bath given unto we all things that pertain unto life and god/info , through the knowledge of him that bath called so to glory and vertue. Whereby are given unto ua exceeding great and precious promif s, that by thefe you might be partakers of the divine nature , having efcaped the corruption that is in the world through lull. And befides this, giving all diligence, add to your pith vertue , and to vertue knowledge, &c. They 'that have received Grace, are not to fit down idle and fatisfied, but to be more attive.and diligent in the exercife of Grace, and whatever rcmaineth of their lives mutt be devoted to God. To live to God implieth two things. Firft, To fulfil his Commands with a ready mind, and fo they are Paid to live to God, who fhew themfelves ready to obey him in all things: Pfal. 112. I. Bleffed is the man that feareth (Jod, that delighted greatly in bis commandments .5 not who is greedy to catch all opportunities of pleafure and profit and worldly. preferment in the world, and careth not how he cometh by them: but is molt obfervant of Gods will, and careful to follow it, he that delighteth to know, believe, and obey Gods Word. Secondly , To glorifie his Name; for as we receive power from the Spirit of Chiift to. live as in the fight of God, fo all() to the glory of God. Sin till it be killed and mor- tified in us, as it difpofeth us to a wrong way, fo to a perverfe end, to leek happinefs inthefatisfa &ion of our lufts; but grace wrought by God inclineth us to God: Phil. a. It. Filled with the fruits of reghteoufnef;, which are by Chrift Jefus to the praife and glory of God. As they do good, fo to a good end, not for any .bye- refpeft, but to pleafe and honour God. Il. The Cortelpendency, it is fueh a dying Jand living, as -doth anfwer Chrifts dying and living. We mutt fo-dye and forfake fin, as that we need not to dye any more : we