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56 SERMONS upon Serm.IX. we may never return to our fins again , fo as that they may have any dominion over us, and that is done, when fin hath its deaths wound given it by a fincere Converfion to God, then we put of the body of the JE i of the fefh, Col. 2. r 1. though the final death be not by and by , yet as a man is laid to be killed , when he hath received his deaths wound; fo he that never reverts to his old flavery, is Paid indeed to be dead unto fin. On the other fide, for our new Chriftian life we are to take care , that it may be eternal, carried on in fuch an uninterrupted courfe of Holinefs, as may at length end in everlafting Life. When we are firft converted , we fee that man was made for other things than he bath hitherto minded ; therefore we refolve to leek af- ter them, and fo mutt perfevere in living to God , till we come to live with him. God or none, Heaven or nothing mutt ferve our turn : Pfd. 73.25. Whom have I in heaven but thee, and there is none on earth 1 deftre befdes thee: nothing elfe will fatisfie and content the Soul. When we live from an everlafting Principle to an everlafting end, then we live to God as Chrift did. III. The Order is to be regarded alto. We firft dye to fin , and then live to God 5 for till we dye to fin , we are difabled from the duties , and uncapable of the comforts of the new Life. r. We are difabled from the Duties of it ; for without Mortification the Duties will be unpleafant and unacceptable to you, as being againft your carnal inclination and defign : Rom. 8. 7. Becaxfe the carnal mind is enmity againf1 God ; for it is not fiebjell to the Law ofGod, neither indeed can be. We may affect the repute of Religion, but can- not endure the work of Religion. And betides , fin allowed and indulged begets a trouble in t he Confcience , and then no wonder if we be loth feriou(ly to exercife our felves unto godlinefs 5 for when the bone is out of joynt, and the wound unhealed , a man certainly hath no mind to his work. The Apoftle telleth us , Reb. 12.13. That which is lame is foon turned out of the way , but let it rather be healed. A worldly carnal Byafs upon the heart will make us warp, and decline from our duty. There can be no fpiritual ftrength , and vigour of heavenly motion , whilft fin remaineth unmortified; for the love of cafe and worldly enjoyme nts will loon pervert us. Well then, fin mutt be mortified before we can live unto God. On the other fide , grace cureth fin , as fire refrelbeth us againft the cold , and health taketh away ficknefs ; fo far as God is admitted , Satan is (hut out , Eph. 4. 25. Wherefore putting away lying, feak every man truth with his neighbour ; and as Chrift is valued , worldly things are negleeted and be- come lefs in our eyes, Phil. 3. 8. Tea doubtlefi , and I count all things but loft, for the excellency of the knoràledge of Chrift jefur my Lord, for whom I have faired the loft of all things, and I do count them but dung, that I may win Chrift : as heavenly things are pri- zed , the world is undervalued. When grace bath recovered the heart to God , the world , that firft (tole it from God , is defpifed ; but the firft work of grace is to call out the Ufurper, and then let up God : darknefs goeth out of the room when light comes in ; fo doth the love of the world depart , as the love of God prevaileth in the Soul. 2. While fin prevaileth and reigneth in the Soul, we are uncapable of the comforts of the Spirit , and are full of bondage and guilty fears ; afraid of God, that fhould be our joy and delight, deprived of any Tweet fenfe of his love; for the Spirit of Ado- ption is given to thofe that obey him , Rom. 8. 13, 14,155 16. If ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body, ye fhall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the fans of God. For ye have not received the f/irit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the fpirit of adoption , whereby ye cry Abba, Father. The Spirit it felt alf beareth witnefs with our fpirits , that we are the children of God. Others are tormented between their Corruptions and Convi&ions; and can have no boldnefs in their accefs to God, nor freedom in their commerce with him. IV. The certain Connexion of thefe things, this dying to fin, and this living to God mutt be both evident in us , for they are intimately conjoyned. A man cannot remain in his fins , and be a Chriftian, or a Believer, or accounted one that is in Cbritl, and bath right to the Priviledges of the new Covenant, thefe have but a name to live, and are dead, Rev. 3. 1. Again on the other fide , Come never break out into thameful dif- orders , but yet love not God , nor do they make it their bufinefs to obey him ; they never felt the power of the heavenly Mind, or make confcience of living godly in Chrift Jefus : as the Pharifees Religion ran upon Negatives , Lake 18. 11. God, I thank thee, that