Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

58 SERMONS upon Semi. IX. 2. The Ufe of it here. t. It is Alms Mentis cogitantis, it is an ad of the mindconfrdering or meditating up- on this matter , and the effect here metltioned doth much depend upon meditation as the means. The weightiefl things work not, if they be not thought of ; therefore we muff not (lightly pats over this Myflery of Chrifts dying and rifing , but confider how they concern us, and what we were before Regeneration, and what we are now to be, who profefs to follow our Redeemer unto Glory. 2. It is Ailus Rationis concludentis , an ad of reafon concluding from due Premifes, and inferring , that this is our Duty. Becaufe the heart is averfe from God , we need pofitively to determine upon rational deductions, that it is our unqueflionable Duty ; for we mutt certainly know a thing to be our Duty before we will aeldrefs our felves to perform it , and herein Reafon is a good Handmaid to Faith , for fanctified Reafon ever concludeth for God : whilfi it improveth Principles difcovered by Faith , it is our Light to difcover many things evident by natural Light; it is our Inflrument to improve other things, which it cannot difcover, but depend on Gods Revelation. We ponder and weigh things in our minds , then determine what is our Duty. So that Reckon is by Reafon coiled , as ofien in Scripture , i Cor. to. 15. I fpeal¿ as to wife men, ye have reafon, Judge ye what 1 fay. 3. It is Ac1us Fidel afntientis, it is the Syllogifm of Faith. It is not the bare know- ledge , nor the bare difcourfe of thefe things doth make them operative and effectual i but as Faith is mingled with them, Heb. 4. 2. The word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. This is not matter of conjecture or opi- nion only, but of Faith, to owne the obligation, which dependeth on the Authority of Chrift, which is a fupernatural Truth ; (2) to believe the Power, which doth affift us, which is alto a matter of pure Faith, and feemingly contradicted byfenfe. For though Mortification and Vivification be begun in us ; yet becaufe of the troublefom relicts of corruption's : to reckon our felves with any degree of confidence and truft to be dead unto fin , and alive unto God , is an Ad of Faith 5 the thing is not liable to external fenfe, and internal fenfe contradicts it, we being oppreffed with fo many remaining cor- ruptiöns. 4. It is Mini Fidel applicantis. We mull not only know and difcourfe of thefe things, but apply them to our felves. The belt and the molt profitable knowledge is in applying general Truths to a mans own cafe : Likewife reckon ye your felves alfo to be dead unto fin, &c. This is a Truth which concerneth us in Mortification, I profefs Faith in Chrift , am baptized with Chrifl , I muff die unto fin. Omnis operatio ell per conta- ¿1am, the clofer the truth, the more effectual the operation, Rom,8.43 1. What (hall we fay to theft things? 5. It is Alb is Judith decernentis, we do determine, this we mull do, or be undone, 2 Cor. 5. 14, 15. We thus judge, that if one dyed for all, then were all dead; and that he dyed for all that they which live fhouid not henceforth live unto themfelves, but unto him which dyed for them, and raft again. 6. It is Also Voluntatis confentientis , this Death and Life is much promoted by the firm purpofe and refolution of our minds : r Pet. 4. 1. Forafmuch then as Chr yl bath fuffered for as in the flefh , arm your f lines likewife with the fame mind ; for he that bath fufered in the flefb, hash ceafed from fin. The fumm of the whole is, a. That we fhould think of it ferioufly, and here many are defective, who little think of dying to fin , or living to God; all their thoughts are how they may pleafe the Refit, Rom. 13. 14. To make previfien for the fleas, to fulfil the lulls thereof; or thrive in the world, Luke. 12. 17, t8. e blxnoy*ze, and he thought within himf, lf laying, What 'hall l do, becaufe I have no room, where to belle* my fruits? And be faid, This will l do, 1 millpull -down my barns, and build greater , and there will 1 bellow all my fruits and my goods. Or as thofe, gam. 4. 13. Today or to morrow we will go into leech a city , and continue there a year , and bay and fill and get gain : and fo their great work lyeth neg- lected. 2.. That by Reafon we fhould fo evidence it to our (elves to be our Duty, that we fhould make confciehce of it. A fluggilh heart -needs to be awakened by plain and evi- dent Conduisons; for wherefore was Reafon given us? to lye afleep? No , we mull argue and conclude for God, that We may bring it to this iffue , that either we are flat Rebels, or mull do thofe things he hath given us in charge. 3. Me muff afient to thofe Principles of Faith, from whence this Conclufion is de duced-by neceffary confequence,, as namely, s. That