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Veil i 1. the fixtb Chapter of the ROMANS.. 59 T. That Chrift is fet up as a Pattern, to whom all the Heirs of Prothife mutt bé conformed. 2. That our Conformity is mainly Peen in tefembling his two Mates ,'his dying to Sin, and living to God. 3. That our Baptifm obligeth us both by way of Dependence and Obedience. By way of Dependence waiting for bis Grace, whereby this Conformity and Likenefs may be accomplished. By way of Obedience , using all thofe holy means and endeavours, that conduce to this end and purpofe, Faith affenteth, Reafon concludeth. 4. We muft refolve upon it as an unqueftionable Duty , that we may ndt play fall and loofe with'God. Forthe Judgment determintaing , and the Will confenting, make up the strength of Refolution, which in this cafe is very neceffary, becaufe we are likely to be affaulted with many enemies; and feeing we are too often fecure , and forgetful ofour work and welfare, therefore we mull ftand fall in the purpose ofour own hearts fill! to purfue this work till it be finished. Thofe who are regenerated by the Spirit, furely will have filch reafonings in themselves, and are not only in profeftìon, but in.; deed (as the word is in the Text) dying to fin and living to God. And it is ordinary in Scripture to exhortby affirming, that is, to fpeak of the Duty of Believers as already done by them , thereby to allure them it (hall be done , and to oblige them the more ftrongly to the endeavour of it. Vfi. To preis us to two things. 1. To regard your Duty. 2. Toowne the Grace of Christ. t. To regard your Duty of dying to Sin and living to God. . The Arguthents td preft it are thefe. i. From the Work it self, which is fo noble and excellent , that if there were no be- nefit to ensue , it were enough to ingage us. It confins in their four Branches and Parts. Firfl, To have the fenfitive Appetite fubjc& to Reafon, which is nothing elfe but to have the order of Nature preferved5 or that Man should carry himfelf rather like a Man, than a Beast; nor ferve divers luns and pleafures, but be governed by his Reafon and Co fence. Now it should not be a hard Precept to us to perfwade us to walk upon our et rather than our heads; let the head guide the body, and the feet obey its di- reftion, put Reafon in the Throne. Secondly , To have Reafon illuminated and re&ified by Faith , which difcovereth things to us out of the ken and view of Reafon : Heb. r t. 1. Now faith is the fibflance of things'hoped for, and the evidence of things no fien. The Heathens had the higher opinion of thofe, who were admitted into fecrecy with their Gods, and had things re- vealed to them, which other Mortals could never have known. This Honour have all his Saints, They fhall be all taught of God, Joh. 6.45. higher Myfteries than Nature could discover. Thirdly, That this Faith should make us alive to God, or enable and incline us to perfevere in our Duty to him. Faith is our life as begun , Gal. 2.20. The life that I live in the fiefb , 1 live by the faith of the Son of God , who loved me , and gave himfel f for me. As consummated, Heb. lo. 38. Now the jufl fhall live by faith ; the Spirit working in us a pra&ical fiducial affent to the faxing Truths of the Gospel , or affiance on God according to the Promises, doth beget life in us, or a refolution to obey God , what= ever it con us. Fourthly, That this Faith working by Love, doth incline and enable us to live ac- The property of Faith is to work by love, Gal. 5.6. Now fee what these two Graces do. The property of Love is to. incline us to God , it is the bent and biais of the Soul; and the property of Faith is to enable us by presenting greater encourage- ments to the holy and heavenly Life, than the World and the Flelh can produce to the contrary. Now'is this a toilfom and tedious life to have Appetite governed by Reafon, Reafon elevated by Faith to the light of God and the other World , and Faith atting by Love and Hope , which incline ús to God and Heaven , and fortifie and nrengthen us againn all the delights and terrors of fenfe. This is nothing but dying to fin , and li- ving to God. 2. From the confequent Benefits, which are, r. Pardon of all their fins, these have an'j{p{ntereft in Chrift , a Pardon fealed by his Blood. They that die to Sin , and live to Righteoufnefs, have paffed from death to life, not only as death to fin implieth Corruption, but Condemnation, orr the righteous. Hhhhh a Sentence