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6o S-ER MONS upole Strrn. X. Sentence of the Law dooming it to Death , Rom. 8. r. There ár therefore pore no condem- nation to them that are w Chrift Yefsts, mho mall¿, not after the flefh, there is dying to fin; but after the Spirit, there is living to God. 2. Thefe are adopted into Gods Family, and have the Priviledges and Right of Chil- dren. For Adoption followeth Regeneration , job. t. 12, t 3. Bat as many as received him, to them gdve he power to become the fans of God , even to them that believe on his Name. Which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the fiefs, nor of the will of man, bat of God. - 3. Thefe have Communion with the Father by the Son , through the Spirit : t Yoh. 1.7. Bo: if we walk in the light , as he is in the light , we bave fellowfhip one with another. For Gods Children have the Spirit of Adoption,. Gal. 4.6. Becaafe ye are fans, God bath font forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba Father. 4. That Spirit dwelling in us worketh us to further Holinefs and Joy; for he is both a San &ifier and a Comforter : as a San &ifier he doth further enable us to die to fin, and Mortifie the deeds of the body , Rom. 8. 13. and to live to God , Gal. 5. 25. If we live in the Spirit , let to alto walk in the Spirit : and fo the Duty is a reward in it fell. As a Comforter he doth affirm us of our intereft in Gods Love, Rom. 8. 16. 7 be Spirit it felt beareth witnef with our fßirit , that we are the children of God : and it caufeth us to live in the forehght of everlalling happinefs, 2 Cor. 5. g. Now he that bath wrought us for the felf fame thing is God, who age hath given Onto no the earnefi of the Spirit. $. Entrance and actual admiffion into Glory : Soh. 3.3. Except a man be born again, he cannot fee the kingdom ofGod, compared with verf g. Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Mat. q. 8. Bled are the pore in heart ; for they ¡hall fee God. Heb. i 2. 12. Without holinefs no man 'ball fee God. 2. Owne the Grace of Chrift, without whom we can do nothing acceptable to God. Lapfed man is unable not only to redeem himfelf, but unable to live unto God without the Grace of the Redeemer ; he doth fan&ifie us by his Spirit, and change our hearts, and is a Saviour to us, not only by Merit, but Efficacy. To be a San &ifier is his Office, which he hath undertaken , and it is his Glory to perform it, we only work under him. Which teacheth us, 1. Humility, whatever good things Believers have, which concern fpiritual and hea- venly Life, they are beholden only to Chrift for it, we can never die to Sin, nor live to God, but only through Chrift, and Chrift not only inlightning, but fan &ifying. A fpe- culative Errour vanilbeth affoon as Truth appeareth ; but Luft is a brutifh inclination, bare Reafon cannot mailer ir. 2. Thankfulnefs and Love to Chrift, by whom we have all our Grace, and look for all our Glory. 3. Dependence, he is ready to give us Grace , Phil. 4. 19. But my God fball Apply all oar need, according to his riches in glory, by Chrifi yefus. SERMON X. ROM. VI. 12. Let not fin therefore reign in your mortal body , that ye fbould obey it in the lulls thereof TEl E Apofile having undeniably proved, that the juflified are dead to fin, he now beginneth his Exhortation, that we fhould not obey fin by indulging bodily lulls. The Exhortation is fhort, but of great weight, Let not fin there- fore reign, &c. In